GD Lounge # Reforged

Booboo woohoo clock strikes noon

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To keep foxy feet warm, or I guess horns.

Yea for things like this itā€™s a little stressful.

Thank you. /Huuuuuuggggggggssss
Truth be told, Iā€™m not sure what the traditional meal is. Probably something like herring. Iā€™m having meatballs.

Seemed a lot later because I fell asleep so early. No I was up a lot last night just kind of being awake and bored.
How was the Flash?

And how do I keep a hazelnut warm?

Definitely, good thing it wasnā€™t a problem then.

Oh, what kind of meatballs?

I see, I shouldā€™ve probably replied to you anyway then. I promise Iā€™ll do so next time.
A little better than meh, Arrow was like that too, the only highlight as usual was LoT. At the end of the legends episode they messed up with the time line in a way that will have many repercussionsā€¦like one of them being a cat now.

Cinnamon buns. Probably socks too, I mean as much as my mom likes to knit them they must be popular with spiders.

Yea so no matter what my travel plans end up, that is one thing that will not be on my mind.

Just pork meatballs and red sauce. Nothing overly fancy.

Itā€™s ok, Iā€™m not totally awake in those instances so itā€™s not like you are going to hurt my feelings.
Sorry to hear it was meh. A cat you say? Is this a talking cat that might cameo over in the Sabrina series?

Oh you. /Spoils EvƩ with cinnamon buns

Sounds like a nice meal. So will you make christmas cookies this year?

Maybe, but I canā€™t leave you alone and bored, can I?
We donā€™t know if she can talk yet, doesnā€™t seem she can, sheā€™s just a kitty cat. Thatā€™s the only thing that they showed so the rest will probably be crazier, canā€™t wait.
Also since Iā€™m using a VPN now, I can watch the series on the network site without having to download them.

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Hello my lovely marshmallow!

They make things smell so nice.

If Iā€™m here. If Iā€™m on the Pacific Northwest then I will let someone else do it.

You are bot solely responsible for my entertainment sillywaggle. I mean really the best thing someone could say is ā€œGo back to Sleepā€
Just a cat? Hmm thatā€™s a very strange time paradox. Well from what you have said, I donā€™t think they are going to skimp out on any crazy.

That sounds good, so you donā€™t have to wait as long to see them?

Iā€™m not a marshmallow.

Very cozy smell?

That seems fair.

Still, I shouldnā€™t leave my EvĆ© alone.
I know right? love how that series has just embraces absurdity to all its levels. They also have a killing puppet now trying to murder them on the timeship, so who knows what happens to him.

I actually have to wait more heh, because it takes a little longer for the network to put them on their site than it would for me to download them. But I donā€™t have to keep them in my computer/external disk now.

Cinnamon buns.

Speaking of Eve I found this old game picture.
Guess Iā€™m a little monocromatic, but the knee socks and big bow on my backside are cute.

Absurdity should be embraced, it makes things more bearable. This puppet, strings, or is there a transdimension hand up inside directing it?

Ok I guess that makes sense. At least it freed up some space.

Ohh thatā€™s very gothy, I think you look cute there, I like the hair. What game is it?

It Has an evil spirit inside. And a knife.

Yeah, also donā€™t have to other with the download slowing my internet for a bit.

Champions Online. One of the places people went when City of Heroes went away. I had played a class called Night Widow. My boss and npc crush was a character named Ghost Widow.
So when I was left to my own devices in the new game I retained the aesthetic. I have a slightly more Zatanna style outfit, but I think I never got around to unlocking fishnet stockings so itā€™s less stage magician, and more lack of pants.

Sounds like that old horror series Puppet Master.

Seems like a good deal.

Yes you are to my eyes my juicy blueberry elf.

How can I be both a marshmallow and a blueberry?

She sounds like a spooky Black Widow heh, she looks great!
Your character looks awesome, Mmm fishnets , they wouldā€™ve looked good with some thigh boots. Do you ever play that game still?

Killer puppets are a classic. Also one of them grew a killer mustache because his girlfriend, who is in prison for being last season villain, said she liked them, but because of the puppet, he now only has half of it. Truly the saddest loss.

Yeah, speaking of my series though,m the other day the saddest news came when Netflix cancelled Daredevil because they are evil, sadly Jessica Jones and the Punisher are most likely next.

Because you are a blueberry marshmallow.

Have to see if a Ghost Widow type character shows up in the group of City like games that are set to be released.

Well there are archtypes that fit various characters, but Eve is a ā€œFree formā€ character so I just kind of mix and match powers as I progress. I mean itā€™s not like I can take everything, but when it comes to choosing a new power ever 5 or so levels I get a lot of choice in the one I take. Generally freeform characters are for people with Subscriptions, but one Christmas they let everyone have a free form character for free.
What sorts of powers would you give a super hero or villain?

Being a cat isnā€™t terrible. Though if you were previously a person there is that nudity issue.

CW? Is that a different streaming service?
Yea as bright a spot as this has been, Hollywood is pretty out of ideas so there is going to be a weird decline in the quality of movies with the same characters. Kind of like new starwars movies.

Booberry marshmallow? I need to taste those!

CANDY CANES for everyone!
Because I have a lot and I donā€™t want to eat them all. Save me.

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Oh that would be sweet, so what were her abilities? why was she ghost widow?

Thatā€™s a very sweet Christmas gift. So what powers do you have?
Thatā€™s a very big question for me given Iā€™ve created over a hundred heroes and villains heh. I like those who can control elements, also different mystical sources for power. Psychic powers, spirit/soul based powers, tech is also funā€¦etc.

Well, it is a bit of an issue when you turn into a cat in the middle of piloting a time ship.

Itā€™s a TV network, itā€™s the network that has the arrowverse (Arrow, Flash, LoT and supergirl) among other shows. They are probably gonna release batwoman next.
Beyond the ideas, it seems that their next step is to go full ā€œwokeā€, they already announced they will make a movie about an obscure asian guy from the 80s so asian people can have a hero like with Black Panther and if it follows the current path of the comics it will all be about checking boxes for diversity rather than telling stories because they want to, which , same as the comics will probably make for a very bad product.

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Itā€™s more descriptive than anything. She was a ghost, and had been a Night Widow. She had a lot of life drain and darkness manipulation powers.

Life drain and darkness manipulationā€¦ Void rifts, summoned shadow horrors, summoned void horrors, yes they are different.
The shadow horrors are short.
I have three builds to play with so I might make a more heavily necromancy style build at some point.
It was more a question if you had a favorite one. Seems like you would have a few alts in a super hero game.

Yea that might cause some issues. Good thing cats donā€™t feel guilt.

Batwoman, not batgirl? Reads upā€¦Not sure her point. I mean Itā€™s like not quite batman with no murdered parents. Poison Ivy should have her own series.
Thatā€™s always an issue. One of the reasons I left guild wars was that the characters were terrible. Iā€™m sure the devs were giving themselves pats on the back and high fives for bringing a homosexual romance to front and center. They should have thought twice for how they did it though. Those characters had nothing past their sexuality. They were the most clichĆ© comicbook supermodel lesbian couple that has ever been. It wasnā€™t inclusive, it was exploitative. Too bad things were too toxic for anyone to point that out. Any sort of criticism was met with fanaticism.
I was not surprised when they had that issue recently with some of their studio. The writing was already on the wall.