Ahh, a sacrifice for the raid boss.
In hopes of great loots will drop, the RNG gods will be pleased.
Ahh, a sacrifice for the raid boss.
In hopes of great loots will drop, the RNG gods will be pleased.
What about cross faction only lol? Or night elves and trolls only?
I forgot that one, pretty sure those will list the specific races that will be allowed in group. Mythic dungeons and mythic raiding will judge you like meat more than ever now.
I think it is a good thing as people will always do that on the high-end play. But the back and forth between the factions has been a problem and this will make sure that you are not punished for being on the minority faction for whatever expansion the game is currently in, and Alliance have been in that swing for a while.
I always noticed a diffrence between ally and horde ques when I used to play, even before I can to the fourms. There is a reason why on Ally I would try to avoid quing for some things on the weekend lol.
Ques are going to be longer for pvp on both sides now. I used merc mode when I sat in que for an hour and 45 minutes or longer to play pvp Horde. Swapping to my Alliance hunter for faster ques sometimes for mog hunter sets.
Faction pride is no longer a thing and dissolved, I’m staying til the expansion ends since one of my criteria’s to quit has been met. I don’t mind the dungeon and raid cross faction, but pvp there is no point anymore, might as well eliminate World pvp while Blizzard is at it, no point if we’re holding hands and singing songs.
Awaiting insults for unpopular opinion.
“I can see it now… ‘Looking For Members! All are welcome, except Forsaken. Keep those Rotten Corpses away from us.’ …The Forsaken Hate will be highlighted, and we will suffer.”
/sad sigh
im only going to play with horde from now on alliance are lazy
Exactly, not to mention other races who have crappy racials, will be excluded from activities.
it’s true, I am lazy. lol
but i’m lazy on my horde toons too. less lazy though maybe
Cyndi I’d let you group with me on whatever race. Forsaken is alright with me I guess I outgrew that hatred I used to carry.
Not everyone excludes people solely on race. Besides the people who do this do you really want to play with them?
If someone turned me away because I am a night elf I would be better off for it.
naa only all the others lol
i have played to many battle grounds to not know the truth
In other news I had people like my blueberry factory story. Even had a lot of people asking questions on it.
People discriminate on progression for M+ and raiding it’s a common practice which players do for progression to down as many bosses as possible and some guilds consider this to be a race to be top guild. Mainly mythic guilds pick and choose class and race to balance the raid to get things done. Some of these Mythic guilds require you to play an alt to change things a bit if needed.
I only do random BG’s never the group kind and I don’t do arena’s I think those groups discriminate too. I haven’t played Shadowlands pvp, because I would just melt due to lack of conduits.
I have been with plenty of casual guilds, retail and classic that don’t do that. Just becaue the high end players do it to get peak performance dosn’t mean the rest of the playerbase follows suit.
Blizzard keeps inserting 3 different systems or more for a character to function, they can careless about casuals. I didn’t really see myself in 10.0 before the faction announcement anyways, because I just got tired of all these systems I can’t keep up with.
I want to see what happens to Sylvanas her story isn’t over yet. Before faction cross play or should I say faction merge, my thoughts of my days of WoW have been coming to an end. WoW is more high end focused, and e-sports. WoW use to be fun without the extra criterias to raid, it’s just work now.
“It won’t be because of Racials. It will be because of what BLIZZ did to SYLVANAS. Now most of the players hate Forsaken.”
I don’t really have much of a comment on that. I just was trying to comment on stuff I could control in the past.
Blizzard made Forsaken an endangered species race, at least night elves can reproduce.
In what way? We Horde all burned the tree; my druid fainted after seeing that.
Sorry to miss interpret, but yes play what you like should be a thing. It was before mythic raiding became a thing.
Well that is why I don’t mythic raid. I like to play what I want lol.