GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 3)

i like you (as a friend).

Never know until you try.

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Anyone think people who gulp down Sugar Substitutes must also gulp down Probiotics to replenish the Gut Bacteria the Sugar Substitutes purge from the intestines?

What do you think about Allulose ?

It’s not available in Canada despite aiding the Good Gut Bacteria.

That leaves me with the other Sugar Substitutes:

Aspartame lowers Dopamine which weakens one’s defense against Migraines, Stevia is related to Ragweed though thankfully I am not allergic to it and thus won’t get Migraines from it, Sucralose is… neutral…

All 3 purge Gut Bacteria(causing Migraines) necessitating Probiotics like Yogurt, Cheese and such.

There are the sugar alcohols, like erythritol and xylitol, and erythritol is supposedly more gut friendly.
I think iHerb has Allulose and should ship to Canada.

The final final raid boss of this expansion is going to be Xal’atah’s feet.

Plot twist. It’s Master Chief from the Halo series. :wink:


lol, title still says ‘Shadowlands’.

Q: Will they ever fix this?
A: Nope


Hi everyone!

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Given the new thread was automatically generated when the old one maxed out, not sure how it would be changed other than someone at Blizzard.


Now that I am back…

Trying to figure out what to do with these warbands. I have to admit it looks nice to have the characters sitting around a campfire. But I keep trying to find out more about it. It there an article somewhere that explains how it works? Google was useless in me finding anything out. I had hoped that Blizzard made some official post about it that I just can’t find.

Remember how you’d get items, achievements and so on that were account bound? Well, now it is warband bound. The characters I put in my warband were the ones with my favorite mogs. LOL. There is no importance on which characters are in that first grouping other than some old Diablo nostalgia.

Some things like reputation are now warband (account) wide.

Seriously, it is mostly cosmetic. For those who kept strict server-based groupings it is painful but otherwise the impact on game play is minimal.

Happy to see you back. :smiley:

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It’s timewalking week good time to level characters.

While in que do quests.

Brewfest is tomorrow! :beers:

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