GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 2)


Donā€™t you take that from me!






if im being naughty without a doubt cheat day muffin is double chocolate.
dude if i have that in the morning on my way to work im sleeping behind the wheel xD

ooo. do you like the chunky style with the whole berry or do you mash em before mixing?

iā€™ve never cooked themā€¦ i just buy them.
the ones i get have the whole berry, but iā€™m not sure if theyā€™re ā€œrealā€ berries orā€¦ just globs of purple stuff.

either way, theyā€™re more succulent and juicy than chocolate muffins.
i find chocolate a bit stodgy.

I really like chocolate chip! Although poppy seed is pretty amazing as well.


If a mods read the lounge, please consider battle tags while updating forums.

People having conversations with themselves, liking own post, sockpuppeting and attacking a person with a disagreement and flagging with alt army with 69 retail characters plus an extra 50 with classic characters.

I think it would make better feedback for devs and sort out the trolling and sockpuppeting.

Itā€™s time for WoW the only Blizzard forum without battle tags to have battlags.

Thank you for your time reading here is a panda gif.

And panda stickers.

:panda_face: :panda_face: :panda_face:


Iā€™m just testing to see if I retained TR3 ā€¦

Edit: I did!!



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those were good times :slight_smile:

They seemed to have losened up things a little. I know when it first came out I was losing it for not being as active as theyā€™d like, but that dont seem to happen anymore

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Looks like a tasty treat

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Dracthyr think Iā€™m a tasty treat!

Donā€™t trust them!

Dragon Isles is a trap, and we are all going to be eaten!


I donā€™t know how the Twitch drop thing works tomorrow besides connect my account to Twitch.

Do I need a specific streamer and if so, how do I find them?


i feel lonely
cannot sleep
hope all of you are well as much as i can with this bad mind and soul and body of mine


thereā€™s a ā€œDrops Enabledā€ message near the stream categories


Bit late to the convoā€¦
Thatā€™s a good one. Iā€™m rather fond of banana walnut.

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im alergic to the standard banana but i tell you what i still take a few bennies and chow one down.
face tingles wont stop my muffin time.

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The Dragon Isles!

Itā€™s a trap!

Itā€™s a trap!

Itā€™s a trap!

Donā€™t trust any dragon they want to eat us all and luring us all there to be endless supply of meat variety!

There already been casualties to see who would taste the best!

Iā€™m wearing all this metal to keep myself safe, just my tail stub and toes arenā€™t covered. This is the best protection I could find.

Please listen we are not dragons friendsā€™

We are their food!

They particular favor, panda, tauren, high mountain tauren, zandarla troll, orc, dwrarf, male draenei, gnomes, humans and Kulā€™Tiran.

:dracthyr_a1: :cut_of_meat:

:exclamation: :panda_face: :exclamation:


i discovered the thing with reagents stacking to 1000 about 15 minutes before shutdown.

now i want to do a mega bank clean across all my characters!!


Iā€™ve been too busy to clean my hunters bank.

I donā€™t know if I want to play her anymore because of all the nerfing bats she got hit with in Shadowlands and now Dragon Isles.

I made many hunters, I deleted my void elf hunter, because it was very difficult to pull off a void theme with pets and customizations.

Cleaning is good, donā€™t forget your feldrak!

I missed the kite, because I didnā€™t do it right the first time, but it was no big deal I would never use it anyways just like my other kites.


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