GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 2)

:balloon: :panda_face: :birthday:


Happy Birthday!!!


Rare to find someone older than I around these parts.


waves to you from the year 70


Happy thankgiving all and Happy Birthday CyndiLou.

A guildmember on another server is over 80.


I’m dedicating this one, because I LOVE SHRIMPY SO MUCH! :joy:



i disagree snow is evil and foul. :smiley: summer forever! ALSO omg its surfgirl again.

Happy Birthday.
Did you have fun?

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“Dinner at Mom’s. That is about it. I got no rl friends, so I never get a party.”

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(Lady Cyndi Lou strolls in singing


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Switching mains for the new expansion. Just wanted to drop in and say hello so I don’t lose this thread.


I wonder how long it will take to get TR3 back! :thinking:


Starts calculating their age

They were about 75 when i started in 2012 so they would be around 85 right now and they still play.

Edit: I also saw a youtube video a few years back of a a 70+ year old lady in the UK (i think) that played PvP games and would win the vast majority of their matches against people not even half her age.

When you hit 60 leveling in Shadowlands you can skip the rest of it.

Talk to Roh - Tahl, should be the speech bubble in Orbis outer circle.

And pet battling gives generous xp with WoW anniversary bonus.


^Your first mount? :stuck_out_tongue:


I was adorable! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:




Always cute to see the elders play video games.
Edit: I let out the biggest “aww” at those panda pics. Super cute.


i hope there is a day where our panda overlords rise up to rule us.
on that day
 we will be the bamboo.

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We are at war with the Dracthyr, they are trying to do what we worked hard for and us Pandas and our Dreadlord leader Nomi will not allow it

The world is ours for the taking not the dragons, our overlord Nomi will meet us at the Dragon Isles and we shall exterminate the threat.

I saw Dracthyr eating roasted pandas for Thanksgiving, so it’s war!

It was Nomi who manipulated the Cataclysm and Deathwing.

It was Nomi who manipulated Garrosh.

It was Nomi who manipulated The Legion.

It was Nomi who manipulated Garrosh and Guldan

It was Nomi who manipulated Battle for Azeroth, Sylvanas and The Old Gods.

It was Nomi who manipulated The Jailer.

All of them were his little puppets to play with, all he had to do is pull the strings.

The final boss in WoW is Nomi.

Nomi is a WoW dev.

:crossed_swords: :panda_face: :fire:

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praise be upon him.

aye just a general question.
whats the most delicious muffin? im partial to lemon popi seed