GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 2)


Which character are you?

The Nightborn?

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Yeah…i closed out the forums earlier. It was nice seeing you in game. Have a great night. I might end up going to bed early tonight since i’ve been feeling pretty run down the last few days.


Have a good night.

Hope to see you next week.


broken down ChrisNP posts a lonely post

i know i don’t belong in WoW or the real world either
i dunno what to do or what to try to do
just want to try to be a good person and make other people happy


“The fact that you keep trying, makes me happy.”


i don’t try very hard anymore. I pretty much embraced the reaper to some extent. It is nice to see you though ma’m.


A Chrisp PLUSHIE!!!



You do well at it

It’s not a hard thing either :slight_smile:


Daw I missed out on the party :frowning:


There is always next week, you don’t need to be max level.

There was a very good attendance.

RP once a week is good enough for me, because I have alts that are working on getting mounts. At least I’m getting gold and trans mog out of it. I hope it doesn’t take years like invincible did.

The only reason I’m making alts so my drop rates increase and move on to my next mount run.

I have a.lot of old world stuff I didn’t do. It’s just MoP and below runs.


i level alts for no good reason lol I don’t roleplay them or mount run or transmog run with them other than the mogs i get while leveling which are fun to get sometimes


By the time I showed up there was like five people left. lol

I missed gathering. Hopefully I can be on time next week. I even blew the dust off of my oldest WRA character for the show.


i have 2 toons on wyrmrest… maybe i can bother you all a little sometime


Is it just like a social gathering?

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I remember WRA used to have story time in Mulgore, I was wondering if that’s what this was. I showed up too late to find out though.

Everyone used to gather where those benches are in Thunderbluff and tell stories.

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At the very least, I can post a GIF, as if I were at the party :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


If you were in Chromi time, the event is outside of Chromie Time You can ask Chromie to leave her time .

Like just messing around and having fun. :grinning:


Feel free to hit me up. It wouldn’t be a bother.

I didn’t stay very long after shalil left because i had a few previous days of feeling really tired. I imagine they must of thought why did this person even show up.


This thread needs to be bumped up. How about some Morticia love :heart:


Thinking of Hercule Poirot’s Christmas:

The Murderer Cop could have still had an Alibi if instead of a Dying Pig Balloon uncorked via a rope tied around a pile of furniture pulled out the window he had a literal Pig whose throat was slit via said rope being pulled out the window.

It would look like the Murderer was careful enough to not leave fingerprints but capable of viciously butchering a Pig knocking over furniture in the fight regardless of when he killed Simeon Lee.

It would add intrigue as there would be the question of why Simeon Lee requested the Cop to retrieve a Pig from an unknown spot and if it had any part in the motive for the Murder and whether or not the Murderer was betting against the Pig in some contest.

Hercule Poirot would find out about where the Cop had bought the Pig with the Cop claiming Simeon Lee requested it be brought to give an excuse to come over without revealing the Stolen Diamonds to everyone else and that the Murderer clearly killed it to provide an alternate motive to the Murder which he the Cop suspects was committed for the Diamonds.

Poirot would have still figured out the Cop’s ancestry the same as before but without a piece of Balloon or Cork both being replaced with a Knife(expected to be there) he would not be able to figure out how the Cop could have killed the Pig or Simeon Lee being defeated.

Because the Cop did not want to go through the hassle of getting an actual Pig for the Alibi and instead getting a Corked Balloon that gives off a death squeal when uncorked he got caught!

A Balloon being in a violent Murder with lots of knocked over furniture with a Cork gives off alarm bells as it suggests piled furniture kept in place by a rope attached to a Corked Balloon that can be undone by pulling the cork & rope out the Window.

A Pig & Knife being in there in place of a Balloon & Cork merely looks like someone violently fought with the Pig knocking over Furniture the very impression the Murderer needed for his Alibi. The idea of a rope being involved would not enter the Witnesses or Poirot’s mind.


And today is Wednesday.

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