GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 2)

Thinking I might have them all later today. If the systems dont crash, I’m figuring on a wonderful gift for the upcoming 3 day weekend - all the bosses will check out early today

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“Does this mean we may have a chance to play?”

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oh Elune I hope so.

Thrilled with what I did this week - will give our Florida customers a break, but I needs time smashing things :smiley:

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“Tamsus hit 61, while getting her sandworm meat, so feel free to catch up.”

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So something good actually does come out of Silithus :rofl: Cool :smiley:

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“I still need more, to level my cooking, so feel free to go gather some for me.”

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that works :slight_smile:

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Saw another cute Kitty pic in the other lounge. Y’all are gonna get me to go for a kitty that’s all mine if ya keep it up :smiley:


“One Of Us!”
“One Of Us!”
“One Of Us!”
“One Of Us!”


Too much adorables
“Resistance if Futile” :rofl:

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“Okay, People!!! BRING ON THE KITTIES!!! We almost have ourselves another for The Glaring!!!”


They moved the other kitty thread to off topic?

The mute button has become my friend in that regaurd.
Been just muting alot of negative threads. I just have too many negative peeps to deal with in real life, so I try to limit the negative whenever possible


U stumbling across a few necro’d threads too Cyn - or am I just being lucky this morning :rofl:


“I don’t go there. I occasionally read one or two I get connected to, but rarely post.”

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Yeah looking to see if there is anything interesting out there this morning m’self

that giddy moment when u only see one meeting on your schedule for the day

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/fingers crossed

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Some long term hope to.
We picked up to high skilled folks on the team, they also have alot of time on their hands.

Boss agreed with the proposal to turn over 2 of our worst codes to them for a clean up effort.

After I show them all that can go wrong (and usually does go wrong) it could free up 20% of my day at work :rainbow:

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“As Styx, our cat, would say, ‘Good Hooman.’.”

“She is a real diva.”

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