GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 2)

Hello hows everyones week going? Im about to go for a hike in a bit and been feeling pretty good tbh


The hot spell is over, wonderful time to enjoy nature.



I wouldn’t be surprised if someone tried as the air in GD is getting worse.

Most likely to be in discord once my sub is up.



I’m wondering what would happen if a serious detective were at Rokkenjima when Umineko When They Cry happened.

A Detective would consider it possible that someone from the group is a Cultist and deliberately trying to summon Beatrice.

Furthermore said Detective would believe that Maria’s claim that the 6 Sacrificed would result in protection from God to only apply if the 6 were actual Animals as Human Sacrifice is forbidden by God.

In otherwords Beatrice didn’t need the 6 to be sacrificed to be summoned or resurrected and the 6 are merely protection for the summoner.

The Key of the Witch’s Epitaph would thus be no different from the Lesser Key of Solomon. In otherwords a Spellbook.

The Detective would ask Maria where she got her Diary and if the location happened to match where the Epitaph says the Key is found he would immediately try to find out what Animals were to be sacrificed to see if there is any resemblance to them and the 6 initial Victims.

He would also attempt to figure out who the Killer is while assuming said Killer to either be a Fraud seeking to eliminate rivals to the inheritance or a Cultist seeking to gain the Gold by reviving Beatrice(because believe it or not Cultists do infact exist).

He would not overlook the fact that a Chain Lock was easy to hack in two when it shouldn’t be. He would also note the significance of the smashed face as a way to fake a death.

On to matters concerning the Story itself.

Incidentally Legend of the Golden Witch seems dependent on the possibility that Maria acted normal until the killings actually happened. End result: Rosa is sacrificed, Krauss is sacrificed, Rudolf is sacrificed, Kyrie is sacrificed, Gouda is sacrificed and Shannon is sacrificed.

Natsuhi gets to the end and has one final duel with Beatrice.

Turn of the Golden Witch on the other hand seems dependent on the possibility that Maria acted like an obvious Witch Fanatic at all times. As a result: Eva is sacrificed, Hideyoshi is sacrificed, Krauss is sacrificed, Natsuhi is sacrificed, Rudolf is sacrificed and Kyrie is sacrificed.

Rosa gets to the end and is made to eat the obnoxious blabbermouth as a reward for beating her regularly.

Land of the Golden Witch was scrapped but may have had an interesting possibility: Maria outright defies Beatrice and tries to warn everyone that a Murderer is trying to kill everyone. End result: Maria is sacrificed, Rosa is sacrificed, Eva is sacrificed, Hideyoshi is sacrificed, George is sacrificed and Kanon is sacrificed.

Krauss’s incompetence would make sure that he and Natsuhi would be alone and be killed by the culprit as part of the 2nd Twilight.

Kyrie and Rudolf would become accomplices to Beatrice with everyone except Battler and them killed by the Twilights.

The fact that Maria asks the reader of Legend of the Golden Witch and Turn of the Golden Witch to find out the truth pretty much means that the unreleased Land of the Golden Witch would have been the right one since it is theoretically the only one that would account for Maria not going along with Beatrice with the other 2 only accounting for whether or not she is stupid enough to keep her mouth shut or not.

Of course the fact that both the 1st and 2nd Message Bottles note that Ange is not coming to Rokkenjima due to being sick with the flue suggests that the writer knows this therefore Ange is Maria which means that Rosa either was an imposter or was hired to accompany a disguised Ange while Rudolf and Kyrie made their move making them the Culprit.

In that case the unreleased Land of the Golden Witch’s message at the bottom of the Bottle Message would claim to be written by Ange begging for someone to find out the truth with the statement that she is already dead likely without a corpse.

The story would have Maria be the one sick since the culprit no longer can count on Ange playing the role. The story of Bernkastel and Lambdadelta would change as well.

Banquet of the Golden Witch and all later Episodes changes the plot heavily in order to make you see the story the way the author wants you to.

Because of that we don’t get to see the Plot Twist intended for Land of the Golden Witch but a different one.

The story even changed Beatrice from the embodiment of the rules of the Rokkenjima Gameboard to a Human that Lambdadelta turned into a Witch.

Shannon and Kanon being furniture logistically would still have a plot twist: of course in this case it would be that they are dolls given by Ange to George and Jessica and thus literally furniture as would be Genji.

Edit: I’m also certain Bernkastel in Land of the Golden Witch would pull out the reveal that the Rokkenjima Gameboard is a metaphor and that Lambdadelta is Ange, Maria(Hanyuu) and Eva(the most obvious culprit I.E. Une) and since she is refusing to go along with Bernkastel and Frederica Bernkastel/Beatrice(Bernkastel is stated to be a Witch’s Piece that gained autonomy from beating Lambdadelta and Witch Satoko did beat a Good Satoko)'s Massacre she must die.


“I wonder how long it will take for us to cap this one?”


Updating to tell people I have a Twitch channel now.


Rage knitting is pretty much what that one thing is where you basically jab something with a very sharp needle A LOT in order to make fun little shapes with it. Ugh I’m blanking on the name.


Interesting theory.

Speaking of Pokemon.

My partner in crime:

Please evolve on all fours.

Can’t wait!

LOL! :rofl:



Happy Wednesday folks!!!

Had to do this gif at the begining part of the thread! I hope everyone has a wonderful middle of the week day!!


That is a very informed gif. Good show.


You know turtles like to take pictures of themselves. They take lots of shellfies.




A Turtle made it to the water…eventually :rofl:



I don’t know…

May not make it to the water at all and become :turtle: :bowl_with_spoon:.




I now have a theory on Higurashi Rei Manga:

There are 2 Viruses: The Hinamizawa Syndrome discovered by Takano’s Grandfather which causes clawing at the neck and the Lambdadelta Syndrome discovered by Takano which causes hair pulling. Both induce Paranoia under Stress.

I also suspect that Hanyuu was infected and ended up pulling both of her horns out along with her hair. Her horns became Eua and Featherine who spawned their own Hanyuu Copies to accompany their own Rikas.

Hanyuu now bald had to come up with fake identities in order to hang around Hinamizawa Society.

I suspect she took on the Inori and Sakiko identities in order to figure out who the Culprit of the Rei Manga is.

She also gave Rika fake beads to hide her wounds from Rika but with the third loop coming up she is going to come clean with her identity and everything else out of desperation.

In the end she will have to come up with an identity that combines the traits of both so that she can efficiently communicate with Keitarou & Rika: Ironically Sakiko’s Hair and Inori’s Gold Eyes makes Hanyuu resemble the original discoverer of the Lambdadelta Virus: Miyo Takano.

Hanyuu would notice that and run with it while grabbing some outfit to reference both Sakiko and Inori. She will become the Lambdadelta of Umineko.

Furthermore the Lambdadelta Virus is the reason Satoko and everyone in Hinamizawa are cured of the Hinamizawa Syndrome. Of course since the Lambdadelta Syndrome reacts the same way to stress as normal that means that Witch Satoko’s actions in Higurashi Gou/Sotsu/Meguri are due to Lambdadelta Syndrome.

Yellow-Eyed Satoko and Yellow-Eyed Rika from Higurashi Mei are the infectees from a set of Loops that having won decided to just leave Satoko and Rika’s bodies leaving behind a remnant of which was born Red-Eyes Rika and the malevolent Red-Eyes Satoko.

Bernkastel is the result of Featherine using the Red Truth Lambdadelta Virus to force a powerful Queen Carrier Rika to face Hanyuu’s own Red Truth Lambdadelta Virus only for the Queen Carrier Virus to straight up overpower both Viruses and manifest her own body.

Bernkastel is the Hinamizawa Syndrome itself and has full control over the Virus. Takano’s Lambdadelta Virus is a modified offshoot that Hanyuu somehow got infected with becoming the Virus-spreader Lambdadelta.

Considering Satoko was called Vier when infected with the Lambdadelta I’m sure all the Viruses were given a number. Une means One so Une must be Hanyuu changing her Hair again.

Her goal is not to wipe out existence but counter the Hinamizawa Syndrome and spread the cure to the Multiverse.

Now if Rika in Gou had been told about the Lambdadelta Virus I’m sure things would have become much easier for her and Satoko. The 1st Infection was Golden while the 2nd was Red so up next is Blue.

Sotsu’s Sequel will have a Rika & Satoko with Glowing Blue Eyes. Blue Truth is not as filled with Certainty as Red Truth(which is more rational than Gold Truth) so Blue Eyes Rika and Satoko will probably be Paranoid but also not be as untrusting of each other nor as unwavering.

I’m sure that Blue Eyes Rika will start wondering why she was so determined to go to St. Lucia and end up returning to Hinamizawa to figure out the answers even questioning the disappearance of the Hinamizawa Syndrome.

Her demanding answers plus the random appearance of Glowing Blue Eyes will probably tip Dr. Irie off to something going wrong resulting in him discovering that the Hinamizawa Syndrome was cured by a new Virus that mutated within Rika & Satoko to create the Blue Truth Virus. The Blue Truth and Red Truth Viruses would draw the interest of the Scientists of the Government.

Red Truth Virus would be the Virus of Absolute Certainty while the Blue Truth Virus would be the Virus bossed around by those serving the Red Truth Virus.

Blue Truth Rika and Blue Truth Satoko would upon acquiring knowledge of the Blue Truth Virus and Red Truth Virus start experimenting with it to find out Truths from their surrounding area forgetting how dangerous the Red Truth Virus actually is.

Satoko and Rika would soon start infecting the people of St. Lucia Academy just to find out what everyone’s secrets are. Satoko was curious enough to find out how Mion reacted to the Hinamizawa Syndrome/Purple Truth Virus so she would definitely would want to come with Rika to find out how everyone in St. Lucia Academy ticks.

St. Lucia Academy will be the setting for the next Anime and both Satoko and Rika will be the point of view characters for the Question Arcs.

Edit: Just realize a Subplot of Higurashi Mei:

Golden Truth Satoko is having a panic attack at Golden Truth Rika going missing.

Furthermore it is stated that the Ushiromiya Family’s appearances in the Visual Novel aren’t representative of what they really look like with their Hair Colors representing their Personalities so I would expect they both represent the various Truths:

Eva(who has Gold Hair) is Golden Truth Satoko.

Beatrice(who also has Gold Hair) is Golden Truth Rika. George Ushiromiya is Golden Truth Rika’s Body.

Battler is Red Truth Satoko. Remember Bernkastel’s game says the culprits in said game were all murderers.

Ange is Red Truth Rika. Ange Beatrice is Red Truth Rika(Ange) sharing a body with Golden Truth Satoko(Eva). Tohya Hachijo is Gold Truth Rika(Beatrice) sharing a body with Red Truth Satoko(Battler).

This will likely happen in the next Umineko Crossover Event which will drop all subtlety about the connections between Higurashi and Umineko.

Kyrie is Bernkastel. Ange & Battler being her and Rudolf’s child is because Featherine/Rudolf dumped the Red Truths that failed to lodge themselves in Bernkastel into Rika and Satoko.

Asumu who was aware of the switch between Eva and Battler cannot be Eua so Asumu must be someone else. She also only became aware of Ange when she became the Witch of the Piece.

Of course if she was born as the Witch of the Piece then she would be Blue Truth Rika created by Featherine when she takes Eua’s possessions for herself, find out about the Golden Truth Virus from Featherine, go back in time and implant it into Satoko and Rika while teaching both of them how to become Golden Witches.

Yes Golden Truth Satoko will be the one who broke Featherine’s Horn which will lead to her first shrinking then taking on the name Kazuho Kimiyoshi then be killed and restored to her original state just in time for Umineko which gives her an idea of how to approach Golden Truth Satoko and Red Truth Rika allowing them to reunite with Red Truth Satoko and Golden Truth Rika.

i hate to be the one to… oh never mind.

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Just realized what sort of Plot would work with Blue Truth Rika and Blue Truth Satoko.

Featherine injects Blue Truth into both Rika and Satoko who still have Looping Powers.

Then Bernkastel injects Purple Truth AKA the Hinamizawa Syndrome into St. Lucia Academy while Lambdadelta injects Red Truth into Hinamizawa.

The plan? To rip Hinamizawa & St. Lucia’s guts out!

Bernkastel used Purple Truth to rip part of Hinamizawa’s Guts and someone is spreading Golden Truth in Higurashi Mei to rip out more of it’s Guts leaving only the Red and Blue Truths to be used on Hinamizawa’s Guts.

The villagers will be laid bare!

i really think they mist some golden opportunities to bring back some of the silly stuff of the bc era like Night Elf Mohawks


More Umineko parallels: i just figured out whom Natsuhi and Krauss are: Natsuhi is Dream Tsukuyami Rika(explaining how Beatrice could possibly be having tea with her despite there being only one Human in the room) while Krauss is Real Tsukuyami Rika.

EVA-Satoko kills Dream Tsukuyami Rika while Kazuho Kimiyoshi kills Real Tsukuyami Rika.

Kazuho therefore must be Hideyoshi which makes her killer Midori Kawata into Kyrie Ushiromiya I.E. Bernkastel the wielder of Red & Blue Truths which makes Aya Saionji into Rosa Ushiromiya.

The fact that Bernkastel would call Aya Saionji’s sister by the name Shinigami-San indicates that they are bearers of various Truth-Viruses. Miyabi Saionji “Shinigami-San” and her sister wield the Golden Truth.

Miyabi being the sister to the one bearing the Rosa role must be Maria Ushiromiya.

In the end Bernkastel will kill Miyabi and expose herself once all the victims including Jessica are disposed of.

The final Umineko Event will combine Miyabi/MARIA & Aya/ROSA implanting them into Kazuho/Hideyoshi the Demon Hanyuu Body, force ANGE-Rika & EVA-Satoko into the Demon-Rika Body Erika and BEATRICE-Rika & BATTLER-Satoko into the Body of the Demon Satoko Kinzo.

I didn’t know that threads could fill up, but it’s interesting!