GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 2)




I donā€™t know why Blizzard is not capable of making mounts that fit the holiday theme.

Instead of a carpet perhaps a bunny instead.


Hippies. :laughing:



(the one on the right. yes, i know heā€™s probably old enough to be my father) :laughing:


Nah, I wear glasses and Iā€™m pretty sure that will hurt my eyes or most likely my head and neck.

I wouldnā€™t advise getting in the car with them on.


Depends on what you need your glasses for.

If youā€™re near sighted, ie have trouble with objects at a distance, you might be fine with the screen that close to your face. Far sighted, ie have trouble with objects close up, well that might be a problem.


iā€™m very proud of myself, iā€™ve done something weird and made multiple plans to do stuff and things.

(now i watch everything fall apart in slow motion, and remember why iā€™ve always refused to plan stuff in advance!!) :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

iā€™ll start by going to bed, where i wonā€™t get any sleep. :smile:


a friend gave my kitty a long cockatoo featherā€¦ he loves it!

itā€™s so funny watching him attack his ā€œfake birdā€ :grin:


Iā€™m going to try to not log into this character for a full year so I can keep my bunny ears.


been playing palia, saw the recent layoffs and thinking damn that sucks. game has potential but im like ehhhh. thats not a good sign at all lol. but i guess ill just play on and off bc its casual enough. hope they pull thru.


Poor Zen :panda_face: not getting any playtime for a year, but also bunny ears :rabbit:ā€¦ :balance_scale: itā€™s a tough choice. I wish we could have some year round bunny ears. Of course, you canā€™t even see mine on the forums here because they have dwarf characters scrolled way up to the top in the forum avatars, so my bunny ears are off the screen. :dracthyr_shrug:


War Within is my last expansion no matter what sad puppy dog eyes my friend gives me next time.

I was thinking of trying Old Republic since they have the faction thing still going on, and player housing. Not sure if they have the dye system.

It was a easy choice, Iā€™m out of gold for transmog and been neglecting my characters on this server. I dislike the warrior mogs on female warrior, it looks awful.

I wouldnā€™t post on my main, I donā€™t want any unwanted fan mail coming from the forums.

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I have noticed something about Umineko When They Cry:

Rosa dies on the 1st Twilight every time since Turn of the Golden Witch.

Furthermore after Turn of the Golden Witch is Banquet of the Golden Witch where Rosa mentions meeting Beatrice who dies upon being brought to the Sea.

Ro is Japanese for 6 just as Ri is. Sa is Japanese for 3 just as Mi is.

In otherwords Rosa means Ri-Me.

LambdaDelta means 34 which in Japanese is Mi-Yu or Me-You. Bernkastel shortens LambdaDeltaā€™s name to Lambda thus calling her Me.

Bernkastel called another Rika over in an attempt to figure out what was going on in Umineko only for Beatrice to turn out to be Furniture when Bernkastel attempted to make her move and thus Rika found it easier to pretend to be Bernkastel in order to smooth everything over.

Of course Beatrice failed in her goal and thus she shut down.

Her goal ties to Batora/Battler. Ba is Japanese for 8 as is Ha and Ra like Ri and Ro is Japanese for 6.

Ha to Riā€¦ The fact that Maria dies in the First Twilight each game after that except Alliance of the Golden Witch only making Maria dead upon Beatrice getting confirmation that Battler is Kiriā€™s Battler not Asumuā€™s suggests that Beatrice was looking for a confession by the Rikas to being Hanyuu for each Rika.

Case in point: Batoraā€™s Kanji is Ikusanin which translates to One-9-Mi-Two-N or Oni-K9-To-End.

Maebara Keiichi translates to May-Ha-Ri Kiichi. One of the writers of Higurashi is Kiichi Kanou. Kanouā€¦ Kanonā€¦

The writer wants the Players to realize that the Hanyuus are Rikas yet they canā€™t figure it out and the Hanyuus and Rikas refuse to confess killing off the Rosa persona taking on the Bernkastel and Lambdadelta personas for the sake of convenience thus becoming Kiri.



chrisnp gotnov here. annoyed cuz blizzard and onlyfans donā€™t take vanilla gift cards from me anymore. whoops just admitted iā€™m a perv. well i guess i have admitted that before in less obvious terms.

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Can you add another beach chair umbrella in the trading post please Blizz, Horde colors, Alliance colors or just a plain red and white. I would put in my opinion nicely and be an adult about it, but I would be flagged into oblivion and vacationed for it if I did. Adding one or two more chairs shouldnā€™t be a problem.

All the stuff looks great! I donā€™t like a belt on a bikini, and it looks silly, but it would suffice.


Personally, pride heart Iā€™m pansexual heart super excited that thereā€™s going to be a pride-themed umbrella and beach chair. But, yeah, I wouldnā€™t mind some faction-themed ones also.


ā€œI am just glad they are putting a Rainbow SOMETHING in the game. I so LOVE Rainbows.ā€