GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 2)

I want a winged beautiful unicorn I can dragon ride next expansion please Blizzard.

Make it a beautiful rainbow armored sparkly unicorn that trails a long rainbow behind as it flies and leave rainbow hoof prints as it walks.

I’ll give you money if you put it in shop.


we’re melting.

36 today, same tomorrow.

i had to go pick up kitty pills today, and just as i was about to leave, my brain kicked in and i asked if the medication would travel OK in the heat… the receptionist unboxed some stuff which had just been delivered, and gave me an icepack and some thermal silver bubble-wrap stuff which had been keeping their medications cool :smiley:

it’s about a 40 minute drive, and i didn’t even think of it before i left.
i have a tiny esky (ice box) which i’ll put in the car from now on


“By the way… Thank you.”



yeah i forgot. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
i sent it at stupid o’clock… and then fell into bed.


I’m expecting more snow just when I was just seeing some grass.


speaking of grass, mine is still growing… not thick and lush, but it’s there.
once the big heat has passed, i’ll throw some more seed around.

i got another 2 bags of topsoil delivered tonight, so i can start filling the big holes where i pulled out the massive weeds.

my lawn should be perfect just in time for winter so it can die from frostbite :grin:

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i just saw this.

dunno if you’ll be able to view it without a VPN, but i’ll drop the link anyway, i know there are people here with local friends


man i feel bad
ill i mean
oh well
hope i feel better soon
hope everyone’s doing well
i’ve got nothing interesting to say sorry

what a day.

from boiling hot, to thunderstorms.
power out.
all the traffic lights went out (during peak hour, of course)
my power is still freaking out, lights keep dimming.
i have my torches charged and ready, just in case.
started the day worried about fires, ended the day with fire services flat out responding to storm damage.

the exterior lights at the bar across the road aren’t working… probably a breaker kicked in and will need to be switched on manually.
it’s creepy dark outside without the extra lighting.

at least it’s cooled down.

time to hype myself up for todays rocket runs. :expressionless:


the storm was really bad.
just got a text from the power company saying to expect lengthy outages.

…so that’s probably it for this years rocket runs. :frowning:


/comforting hug


power is back on… (for now)
hopefully the queues are fast!


Umineko When They Cry Episode 1 Legend of the Golden Witch:

Umineko When They Cry Episode 2 Turn of the Golden Witch:

Umineko When They Cry Episode 3 Banquet of the Golden Witch:

Umineko When They Cry Episode 4 Alliance of the Golden Witch:

Umineko When They Cry Episode 5 End of the Golden Witch:

Umineko When They Cry Episode 6 Dawn of the Golden Witch:

Umineko When They Cry Episode 7 Requiem of the Golden Witch:

Umineko When They Cry Episode 8 Twilight of the Golden Witch:

Umineko When They Cry Episode 9 Last Note of the Golden Witch:

Looked at the Wordplay of every character in Umineko When They Cry and have the answer:

Goda Toshiro(means God a 2), Eva(the Japanese Kanji means Picture Feather I.E. Fake Hanyuu), Kumasawa(Ku/9+Ma/0+Sa/3+Wa/0=12=3=Mi=Me) Chiyo(Chi/600+Yo/4=604=6+4=10=1=One=Oni), Shannon(Sayo I.E. 34), Kanon(Yoshiya I.E. 16/1 Ri), Kinzo, Kiri(K1 Ri) and Ange are all Furuderika Bernkastel while Battler, Maria, Hideyoshi(Hide Yo Shi/Hide 44/Hide 4+4/Hide 8/Hide Ha/Hide Hanyuu) and Nanjo are Furude Hanyuu while Natsuhi, George, Rosa and Jessica are Furude Rika.

Banquet of the Golden Witch explains Bernkastel’s predicament: She is unhappy over stealing Hanyuu’s life from her and wants her released. Requiem of the Golden Witch explains why she steals Hanyuu’s life: She is afraid of being flat-chested like Rika.

Banquet of the Golden Witch also explains that she wants to attain the title of God from Takano Miyo yet shows that she failed thus ensuring that Godha Toshiro/God a 2, Shannon/34, Genji(Japanese name that means Source) and Kumasawa Chiyo/Me One died alongside Kanon.

She attacks Rika in Gou/Sotsu/Meguri(expecting her to cut away the pain and send it to Bernkastel) to punish herself for taking Hanyuu away yet it affects her metaphors in those games(K1, Rena, Mi One, Shi One, Teppei, Oishi Kurato, Satoshi, Iri and Gou Satoko) too to her own regret thus her Ange personified as Eua chains her up and forces her to watch the Metaphors terrorize Rika while getting stabbed by the Eua persona’s staff and forced to vomit blood…

Normal Satoko’s metaphor is Hanyuu by the way unlike Gou Satoko who represents Bernkastel playing Fake Hanyuu I.E. Satoshi.

She herself knows what she is doing isn’t sane yet her shame over her true form overwhelms her and prevents her from removing Hanyuu from Rika until someone forces the matter. Higurashi When They Cry Mei indicates that Hanyuu is expelling her own pain who is represented by her own metaphor of Miyabi Saionji who has yet to fully manifest and may end up exposing Bernkastel’s actions and provide a solution to her problem.

Mei may be the result of Umineko’s Magic Ending while Rei(wa) may be the Trick Ending(as there is no way a K2 year old Witch would be born unless Bernkastel the K1 Year Old Witch was cutting away her own Bernkastel) both of which will strike the Golden Witch’s ego in various ways: Rei(wa) may force Bernkastel into the form of Inori Mikasuki(Oni no Ri 2 K1) if Rika is forcefully looped into that Game Piece even as Mei exposes Bernkastel to the embodiment of Hanyuu’s cut off pain who has to find a solution to Bernkastel’s problem.

I strongly suspect Last Note of the Golden Witch takes place after both Mei and Rei(wa) showing that Bernkastel accepts that Eua must go in favor of Battler/Maria and the new Ange who can actually live with each other. Piece Witch of the Piece is the death knell of the Dream of Tomorrow that poisons Bernkastel, Rika and Hanyuu’s lives.

awww someone complimented my banker on her mog :smiling_face:

she’s looking quite fancy


That’s a great name for a gnome, even if it isn’t ironic. :smiley:


i missed it if you posted, but you get anything good?

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even leveled another 2 toons to 60 for extra attempts.

i don’t expect anything but the usual disappointment :slight_smile:


thanks :smiling_face:

back in the olden days when we a bug allowed us to change our water elementals name, Titanica was walking around with a water elemental named “Iceberg”… and I THOUGHT I WAS SO FUNNY!! :grin:


It snowed last night, it seems I will never get to touch grass until winter decides to leave.