GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 2)

Time to defend the craftworld:

Always was a huge fan of the Eldar, just never had enough money to make it work as a viable army. Necron’s are a close second. Always wanted a Nightbringer


I want a Doom Ark but i’ll have that eventually but for now i have taught my friend to fear my Canoptek Doomstalker (just make sure you have something acting as a body guard for it).

Hopefully one of these days i’ll get to use my Doom Scythe. It looks cool.


The Kriegers are one of the “nomal” human armies of the astra militarum. They are known for their desire to die fighting for the emperor and charging space marines with trench shovels. One of the memes is that instead of commissars shooting Krieg soldiers for holding back, the Kriegers will execute a commissar for ordering a retreat. LOL.


That is so damn cool. I really like their monoliths too


yeah, there’s a Monolith i want as well. I just don’t remember what it’s exact name is right now.


The doomsday ones are pretty neat:


I don’t think those are in the 10th edition Necron codex. I’ll have to look and see later.


I agree with this pic.

Kul’Tiran sized Vupera, and Kul’Tiran sized all races.


This one is for you friend, I know you love Panda stuff ^^



Based on her viewing angle, I’d say some dust bunnies are in for a really bad moment. :smiley:

Seriously, this is some of the best Pandaren based artwork I’ve seen. It’s nice to have a bit of a break from the cheesecake stuff.

[edited out broken link]


ChrisNP/Gotnov, reporting in.
sorry to bother you all.
i am a loser.

The End and the Death Vol. 3 the Warhammer 40K Horus Heresy Novel’s Spoilers are appearing early and they are interesting:


Tzeentch, Khorne and Nurgle were born from the Change, War and Decay wrought by the final battle against Horus with the statement that all Daemons are created by tragedies such as this including Samus who was created when Loken was backstabbed which implies that Abaddon’s Sword is not a Daemon embodying Murder but a Daemon embodying Being Murdered starting with the first Murder Victim(either some Caveman, Cave Xenos or Able).

The Chaos Gods pretended that they were to welcome the new God born from the Imperium when in fact they were the Gods born from the Imperium.

Also Horus was able to give up the Chaos power given to them suggesting it is possible though for Daemons the rule “There is no such thing as a free lunch” means they better have created Daemons to replace their power with beforehand.

Mortarion has the benefit of having a Daemon Prince named Kadex created by him so he has something he can use to replace Nurgle’s power and since Kadex once sterilized a Hospital environment containing the Plagues to the Quarantine Asteroid that means that Mortarion upon gaining his freedom will have the power to sterilize Plagues.

Kadex has a backup in case Mortarion takes back his gifts in the form of the Soul of an Inquisitor so he will survive.

Mortarion’s freedom and purging his enemies of Plagues will be heard of by Ultramar and the Tau first. The Tau have problems with Rotigus while his worshippers only worshipped him to gain Rain so Mortarion’s sterilizing power combined with Rotigus’s Rain would be seen as the solution to the drought problem as well as the negative effects of Rotigus’s Rain.

Ahriman and Magnus will hear of Mortarion’s escape from Nurgle and figure out the process gaining their freedom from Tzeentch becoming the embodiment of Stable Magics which will become the base of the New Kingdom.

Angron will be too enraged by the Butcher’s Nails to be able to gain his freedom while for Fulgrim he will be draining Slaanesh not the other way round as the Aeldari reclaim the last Cronesword regaining the Soul of the Aeldari Empire summoning it’s personification Ynnead who rips the Aeldari Souls from Slaanesh weakening him to the point where it allows Fulgrim to drain him to the point where Slaanesh cuts the link and flees to the Warhammer Fantasy Universe for End Times.

Warhammer Fantasy End Times is the event that ascends the Great Horned Rat to Chaos God status as he embodies the Warhammer Fantasy World’s Encroaching Ruin.

So we have the Imperium’s War, Change and Decay along with the Aeldari Empire’s Perfect Ecstasy and Soul, the Tau Empire’s Greater Good and the Warhammer Fantasy Universe’s Encroaching Ruin.


Wanted something with flair (and not 37 pieces, kudos if you get that one)


I should buy and read some more 40k books. The only two i have read is Eisenhorn (which i really liked) and one about plain old space marines (which i found kind of boring tbh).


I see your Computer Love, and raise you a funkier, Computer Love:


The Space Cathedral Cities are beautiful in my opinion: Even the underground ones are nice.

The Underhives below the Underground Cathedral Cities are ugly though…

I would like to see Chaos Corrupted Cathedral Cities outside of the usual Nurgle Corruption.

Cathedral Cities where it rains Blood, Cathedral Cities filled with Crystals and liquid Magic and Cathedral Cities where there are Seas & Rivers(extending underground) of Wine & Pink Perfume and Rivers of Pink Paint as well as food everywhere while the walls are made of Gold…

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youtube suggested this for me.

it’s not for me, but i know someone here will dig it.

i clicked play, but her voice was a nope. :joy:
i zoomed to the end to see the finish, and it has super-awesome bunny knobs!!



I got this cute little otter from the Big Dig.


decided to try and clear up my quest log a bit.

it’s not working.

i should have started chipping away at this ages ago. :tired_face: