GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 2)

I know exactly what you’re talking about actually

It upset me to great lengths because I wanted to roll there because that is the exact kind of server I wanted to try classic on.

I just didn’t understand why someone who knew what they were doing would do anything like that…and being someone who actually enjoys RP (especially reading other peoples because its fascinating to see the interactions), it hurt my soul to see that.

It was like an Indiana Jones movie where they finally found that one rare artifact they’d been searching for for years, and then all of a sudden 90s teenagers turned up and started blaring music ruining the scene. Thats how I equate it. (ps. I was born in the 80s…so yeah xD)

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The teenagers are now in their 30’s and 40’s are playing classic and going back in time acting like 10 - 15 year olds thinking it’s funny to have inappropriate names.

I had no problem ignoring this streamer and his crazy followers on that server and looked away on his mistakes in the past.

This recent stunt is hard to ignore, because Blizzard gave him a pass on the games CoC and afraid people who are in Kel’Thuzad might get in game discrimination and not get invited to any groups. Not everyone on that server is there because he’s there.

I’ve never been a fan girl follower, and I will never understand the fan following and worshipping people do.



I never understood the fan following of ANY streamer. it’s not like any of them are movie stars or professional singers.


This includes bands, movie stars and so on fan worshipping and following.


Hi. I made a Popola outfit in FF14. Now I need someone to make a Devola outfit so I can do something as this is a sisters outfit. (Will do this with Surfy eventually but she isn’t in ShB yet.)


check mail

(i didn’t mail the cat, just thought it was time for another pic) :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


“Check reply.”


oh cool, i haven’t logged in yet today

will check soon

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the adventures in lala-Lone Wolf-land continue on as this Human Priest runs the heck away from every Undead, Troll, and Tauren he see’s

panics again, looks left, looks right…crosses road


you on the Lone Wolf server too? and yeah them guys cheat always coming at you in groups and raids not me im a real Lone Wolf lol


Yeah I am ^^ on a Human Priest called Rainye.

I’m easy to spot. I’ve been running around solo for 90% of it, I occasionally help other groups but I do most of my questing and exploring on my own

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I hear you. Pen levels as a holy priest and it is not a fast process but occasionally getting to help someone really feels good.


^ This is the exact reason I do what I do, I’m also a tailor. I give out bags and buffs to random people. Plus the healing aspect. I did find it hilarious the other day I got a tell from someone saying “that is the first time i’ve been healed since I started playing, it was like seeing god for the first time”.

Doesn’t think it’s that dramatic…but even so

But…it was good to see it helped someone else.


Btw, out of curiousity. For a Priest in classic, what are the primary stats?

  1. I’ve never heard of Spirit until now…2. Half the stats do completely different things than what I’m use to.

It’s a little bit confusing on that end, I have no idea how to gear this character xD

:fox_face: :innocent:

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you generally want Spirit. int. stamina and anything with healing or shadow power taking priority depending on if your healer or dps


Awesome! Thanks man ^^ Yeah, I was curious, so i stacked mostly spirit with as much int as i could find on the gear i got.

I noticed strength/agi etc. doesn’t really do much for us lol

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although with some of these runes and what they are doing maybe someday we can see a battle priest! then i think you mite want some strength/agi lol

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That one leg rune for Priest is OP as hell btw…

Homunculi…it debuffs the tar out of most objects. The issue is…it pulls hella threat too


Classic WoW Christmas Album


Here is a pretty good overview of holy priests in Classic Wrath.