GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 2)

I did not know if they changed that since everyone uses LFG to travel there for brewfest now.

my new neighbours moved in last night.

the place has been vacant for 3 years.

i didn’t know how lucky i was.

the new people walk like elephants.
nono. an elephant giving an elephant a piggy-back.

i wonder how long it will be before i’m over there telling them to QUIT STOMPING OMG!!!

So I have learned the hard way… do not eat half a box of fiber one bars.

Oh I had a neighbor above me at an old apartment complex that they would drop metal on the floor. I have no idea what they were dropping but it would make the whole apartment shake.

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“Are we talking Retail? Because in Retail you can fly inside. Without flying you have to climb down one of the huge chains, don’t you?”

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Well there’s one way to clean the pipes.

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They need to not make them so tasty…

Like, you eat 1 and you’re like, “I want another one”


yep… that’s it.

i was only referencing the chain, because one of the chains goes directly to where Lothos is standing.

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“Yeah, it makes it easy to find the door, if you know which chain to follow.”

they’re yummy!!

i love the lemon ones.

the price has gone through the roof though, so i haven’t had them in ages.


Oh they had a sale and they were these fudge brownie ones.

They were so good but each one was like… 25% of your daily fiber intake lol


could probably just /tar lothos and put a marker on his head.
the marker would probably show through the walls

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“Good idea.”

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those are so good… they’re very rich, and perfect with coffee


I love those ones…


i also like the K~time bars, the soft cakey ones with jammy filling (not the custard ones)

and the oaty slices, raspberry and white chocolate :yum:


The Changeling’s Ultimate Scheme was to get himself on Tzeentch’s Throne forgetting that he had the help of the Blue Scribes who hold Tzeentch’s True Form: Every Spell that they have written down. He fulfilled Tzeentch’s master plan to get someone to sit on his Impossible Fortress’s throne.

The Books & Scrolls the Blue Scribes have are basically the Greater Daemon while the Realm of the Sorcerer is the Books & Scrolls’ Daemon World just as Sortiarius the Planet of the Sorcerers is Magnus’s Daemon World.

Daemons with Daemon Worlds are the Daemon Worlds in case you aren’t aware. Angron sensed his Homeworld become desolated by the Imperium despite the vast distance after becoming a Daemon himself.

The Tau I’m sure would be most surprised once they realize that Tzeentch can and has been summoned to the Physical Plane on a regular basis(and has probably lost pieces of his form due to his Scribes’ clumsiness).

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I want to go there for hunter pets.

Oh wait, I meant Molten Front, my bad.

I always get those two confused.



Molten Front you have to do the Hyjal quest in Cataclysm.

I have no idea how to start it now… So you may have to look up a guied.

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that’s a bit of a difference :stuck_out_tongue:

go to Hyjal, enable “trivial quest” tracking, start questing.

iirc you need to have done almost the entire zone to get the starter quest to open Molten Front

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i suppose i should be a “good neighbour” and go introduce myself to the newbie.

i’ll leave them alone today, it sounds like there are a whole bunch of people moving stuff in… i’ll wait until tomorrow.

i’ll take a pack of tim-tams or rochers or something as a bribe to pretend i’m a nice person :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: