GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 2)

omg this… TOO CUTE :sob:
(i just hope they don’t get a chicken charger as their mount)

I’m running off of approximately 10 hours of sleep in two days.

/so tired

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I think this Blizz con is going to be promising entertaining, marked my calendar for vacation time off to watch the cyber version.

I think the police will be called to break up fights, knowing that this is going to be an event to attract the forum trolls we are familiar with.


Rookie numbers

One time (in my younger days) I went 4 days on only like 6 hours of sleep, needless to say it was an absolutely brutal level of sleepiness - my physical body still worked, but my brain/mind was total zombie and running on “empty” :yawning_face::zzz:

And the scary part is, even “maximum strength” sleeping pills like Ambien did nothing - I just laid there twiddling my thumbs into the wee hours of the morning while staring at the ceiling

12 AM came and went, then 1 AM, then 2 AM, then 3 AM, then 4 AM, then 5 AM, then 6 AM, literally laid there from night —> sunrise without anything happening :joy:

Finally snuck into the kitchen and stole one of my dad’s “maximum strength” benzo pills, and that FINALLY calmed me down enough to sneak in a 2-3 hour nap

I think that was the “peak” on my insomnia, it’s calmed down since then thankfully

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when i was at my sickest, the longest was 5 days.
if it wasn’t for this game, i would have ended up a total basket case.
i used the time to farm The Insane title.

that long without sleep is a bizarre sensation.
i felt like i needed to remind my brain that i needed to breathe, everything felt all swimmy, every blink felt like a micro-nap.
…so i’d go lay down, and be wide awake again.

when i eventually slept, it was for about 16 hours.
i’d wake up very confused and not knowing what day it was.

now, i struggle to stay awake. :laughing:

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(Lady Cyndi Lou wanders in.)



just got an unexpected mount.
those are the best kind.
i get frustrated with the ones which i actively farm… it’s nice to have one drop in my lap for a change!!

it was the Surf Jelly
(i’ll probably never ride it, but it’s a +1)

aaaand now i’ve used up all my luck for the next couple of months :stuck_out_tongue:

(edit) just got another mount!!
Qinsho’s Eternal Hound.


So apparently a bunch of (rather thick) wildfire smoke from Canada “drifted down” into the states overnight

Meanwhile it’s also been raining the past few days so I assumed it was just fog, but turns out it’s wildfire smoke instead!

I was wondering why I’ve felt mildly dizzy today, now I know :face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_with_spiral_eyes::dizzy_face:

Thanks a lot Canada folks, kinda ruined my Friday and the weather has been so nice recently (pre-smokescreen rolling in) :-1:

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chrisp’s potato self here. leveled a nightborne monk and a void elf priest to 60 and 50 and got heritages over past few days. whee.

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“Good job.”

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i could go for some crispy potato right now :stuck_out_tongue:

it’s raining, comfort food would be perfect!


So about that Canada wildfire smoke… :dizzy_face::face_with_spiral_eyes::dizzy_face::face_with_spiral_eyes::face_vomiting:

Slept okay but feeling tired even though it’s only 10 AM. Even after coffee I still don’t feel 100% energy :flushed: Looks like it’s gonna be one of those low-energy “veg out on the couch and watch TV” days :face_with_spiral_eyes::dizzy_face::face_with_spiral_eyes:

Supposedly it’s scheduled to clear out by tomorrow, but geez it’s not fun having to breathe this stuff

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Love & Peace.

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do you have an air purifier?
or a reverse-cycle heating/cooling unit with an air cleaning function?

when we had bad fires here, i had to lock myself inside with my purifier.

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I had one back in 2020 when there was a bunch of local wildfires, but ended up refunding it once the fires stopped

This latest wildfire smoke isn’t even local, supposedly it “blew in” from up north in Canada so it caught everyone by surprise

Forecast says it’s supposed to blow out by tomorrow, no point in going to buy an air purifier I’ll just be refunding in the next 2-3 days anyway lol

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“Happy Saturday, Everyone!!!”



nobody chrisp posts
did nothing of interest yesterday
i hate being a potato
wish i had a soul
i’m probably evil oh well
yeah i guess i am biblically
what a wasted life
maybe i’ll just keep living for the simple pleasures in life and not try to think too hard since i can’t anymore because of my dumb choices
i should be dead oh well
i’ll live on
nice songs Cyndilou three i hadn’t heard before i listened to

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“I’m curious… Which three?”

i listened to ramble on, waiting on a friend and live and let die. i think i heard live and let die before though. all good songs i guess. i’m just garbage. i’m good for nothing. why am i here

“You have, for sure, if you watch the James Bond Movies.”

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