GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 2)

noticed my thongs sounded crunchy when i walked… the soles were full of broken glass.

good thing i keep spares.

i need to go shop today, but the day before easter sunday is always like pre-apocalyptic hoarding at the supermarket.
not looking forward to it.
…but i need stuff n things.
(and maybe some caramel filled chocolate eggs) :yum:


I keep forgetting thongs are flip flops for Australians :sweat_smile:
I was like OUCH


we call a thong a g-string or a g-banga. :upside_down_face:

here, thongs are footwear.

did shopping today, found a food which kitty seems to really like.
it’s tuna mornay (tuna and cheese)
it’s just AWFUL to look at and dish up.
…on the upside, he cleaned his bowl perfectly, so there was no repulsive goop for me to try and clean out.

if it makes him happy, and i can mix a good amount of water into it to keep him hydrated, that’s all i care about.

i have so many varieties of food now!
i think i’m just going to cycle through his options, and put his most important meds into the food he likes the most to ensure he takes it all.



i’m planning on cooking stir-fry tonight.
i used to do it at least once a month, but the first time i tried doing it in this new place, the wok scratched the cooktop.
it’s been over a year and a half, and i’ve just been depriving myself of it.
i purchased an electric fry-pan.
hopefully it does the trick.
i’ll start getting the veg ready in a few batches soon.
if i try and do it all at once, i’ll need a nap by the time it’s ready to cook :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

i’ve got… carrot, capsicum, snowpeas, broccoli, onion, water chestnuts, and… i can’t remember what other veg. (might add a little cauliflower)
chicken, soy, cornflour, noodles, hmmm… yep, i can already feel a nap coming on.

and once everything is washed, peeled, sliced, there’s still a bunch of prep like mixing the cornflour, getting the salted noodle water on the boil, preparing storage containers… and then the clean-up afterwards… oh lordy.
i’m going to enjoy this batch of meals, but i’ll hate myself when it’s time to do the dishes!!!


Happy Easter everyone!

I hope everyone has a blessed day. :grinning:

:hatching_chick: :panda_face: :rabbit:


dinner was amazing.
hit a few hurdles.
my peanut oil was well past its use by.
i’ll just use the canola… nope, that’s expired too. (i rarely use oil for cooking)
i only had olive oil, and was apprehensive to use it for cooking.
i decided to use just a spritz of spray oil to get the chicken and onions browned.

the electric fry pan is incredible!
huge surface area, everything cooked evenly, and quickly.
biggest lesson… was to put the fryer on, or near, the stovetop.
when i’ve got the fry pan on one side of the room, and the noodles boiling on the other side of the room, it’s hard to keep an eye on both.
the exhaust fan is also needed for cooking something with lots of steam and onions.
(i think i’ll have to febreeze the curtains) :grimacing:
i’ll give the place a good airing out tomorrow.


Dear Blizzard,

I am a really sad panda that I didn’t get to wear my bunny ears for Easter. Please make bunny ears all year around, it won’t hurt anyone one at all.

Zenli Windcloud



(Lady Cyndi Lou strolls in.)

Ah! Our favorite stroller. How are you today?

did this thread get split or something?
it’s now got 3000ish posts, and the author is “system”.

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The author was always system for part 2. The mods made a continuation thread from the previous lounge when it capped out. I know several loungers have made requests to either edit the title to remove SL now that we’re past it and leave it as just "reforged (part 2) or that once this one caps to remove it then.

As far as post total, I couldn’t say if something happened there. I just read the posts and follow along (replying on the odd occasion) and don’t really follow the total.

EDIT: But now that I think on it, 3100 posts seems kinda low for a thread that’s been up and active since August of last year.

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(Lady Cyndi Lou wanders in, and puts a few coins in the Jukebox.)


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“I posted a reply, to the System OP, requesting this change. I hope more do that, as this one reaches it’s limit.”

“We aren’t super active, all the time. This thread tends to fill up slowly. It took us a couple of years to fill the last one.”



evil chrisnp/gotnov trying to be good and stay busy with his loser self


“You are NOT evil. You just see life differently than most people. This is not a bad thing.”


I have the LGBT lounge on mute, because it seems to be a drama magnet. Did that thread max out yet?


i broke Clarabelle!
I crittermorphed the butterfly she chases around the camp, and now she’s just walking in circles all confused.

i’m evil :stuck_out_tongue:

(ugh and now the monkey won’t stop throwing bananas at me. i deserved that.)

i didn’t even know threads could max out with this existing format.

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I just looked on a character I don’t post with, they are at 21k, maybe they changed it to 30k just recently which will be wonderful for us too.

But whoever makes the next one will get Trust Level 3 requirements filled quickly if they don’t already have it.


Cap is still 20k.
Ton of removed posts soo we have a while to go still.

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