GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 2)

just go and be in water… you don’t need to swim…
wade around, float, smell the chlorine!

i only do some light breaststroke laps, and stop and stretch at the end of every lap or two… but i haven’t been in water for nearly 20 years due to having constant surgical wounds, or drain tubes, or PICC lines.
(and healing tattoos) :laughing:

just after 2 days, i can feel an amazing difference in the “lock up” on my upper back/between shoulder-blades
i think the spa is helping too.
i want to keep at it.
i lost so much mobility from being hospitalized and bedridden and housebound for so long, then as soon as i was well enough to leave the house, this little thing called a pandemic stopped me from leaving the house. :unamused:
(I’m in Melbourne, i think we had some of the worlds harshest lockdowns… which i was ok with anyway… i didn’t want to leave the house if it meant i could die)

but if you like the water, don’t let your shoulder stop you.
the other 2/3 of your body would still enjoy being immersed!


There are always water floaties.



It looks so relaxing but I can have serious sunburns in less than 20 minutes. If I go shirtless I get angry calls from NASA that the glare from my skin is blinding the Parker Solar Probe. Ouch.

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indoor swimming pools.

or get a rashie, and apply 50+ to any bare skin.

“It’s not the water I love, as much as actual swimming.”

aww ok. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Last night i went to take my rogue to Gnomer, and got distracted by the Heritage Armor quest… turns out you can’t enter Gnomer once you’re on the quest.
(that’s some seriously stupid design, whoever thought that was a good idea needs a paddlin’)

…so i guess todays task is to complete the quest chain. :expressionless:


“The Heritage Armor isn’t too bad.”

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be sure to grab the Lovely Charm Collectors Kit, and make a charm bracelet.

the bracelets are a cosmetic item now :slight_smile:

gold with a purply/pinkish gem

…someone else must have some appearance tips… i’ve been flooding this thread with them, i want other peoples discoveries!!

“Cyndi Lou doesn’t wear gold, if she can help it. Most of my Toons wear Silver.”

most of my characters don’t wear the vast majority of appearances which i’ve got…

that doesn’t stop me from NEEDING them all :upside_down_face:

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we are geting a Furbolg Reputation grind alot like the one in classic :grinning:

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oh goody.

because THAT was so much fun the first time around…

can’t wait to do it again. :expressionless:


McThor :rofl:

That costume idea was created while being drunk.

McVengers. :laughing:



did another swim.
i was the only one in the pool today.

that was nice… but a little eerie.

did some laps, and just some walking… side-steps, forwards, backwards, stretching, then finished with a nice spa

3 days now… i just need to get this routine to stick!




yep, that’s me!!

i have horrid feet, i’m not built for walking or cycling, but being in the water is just lovely… it’s a freedom i’m embracing firmly!
hopefully i’ll start losing a bit of weight, and gaining some muscle and additional mobility



i look like the kool aid man…


(Lady Cyndi Lou reinforces all the walls.)