GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

yeah, I think u got most of the big ones there :smiley:

happy dance


“I’d gladly go on, but it’s getting time for sleep. Past it, actually.”


Sleep well :slight_smile:


Happy Cinco De Mayo…


I would like a Cinco de Miyo in WoW, all the tacos I can eat.

And maybe fun mogs too, to go with it.




panda tacos :smiling_imp:


Pandas are weird. They are a carnivore that decided to become a herbivore that specializes on a single kind of bamboo, one of the least nutritious kinds of grass (which includes wheat and corn) in existence. To make it perfectly ironic, that species of bamboo is going extinct.

That said, they are amazingly cute.


Pandas will eat anything they can reach. It’s only that their noses are built to sniff out the Bamboo.

Give them easy to grab meat and they will eat it readily.



I'm still a Panzilla and can eat you!

Speaking of which.

Wendy's is empty Panda still HUNGRY!!!



Sorry I can’t help right now. Feeling a bit ill after eating a strange panda shaped cookie. /holds hand over stomuch.

I am sure it will pass. I am going to take some time in my personal room.



Considering the Fans of MLP on here I must ask:

What would their Counterparts on other Worlds look like?

Personally I would say it would be easy to figure out what most Counterparts in the various Layers of the various Planes of D&D considering they all have their own theme.

Mount Celestia, Arborea and Elysium would be the most challenging of Planes even though Mount Celestia would seemingly be easiest.

Why Mount Celestia is one of the Hard Planes to make Portrayals for the MLP Cast in it's Layers

Why? because Belief Shapes the Planes" would dictate Mercuria’s versions of the Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer and Trixie Lulamoon’s form in Mercuria and thus throw in complications affecting Lunia as well.

What is it about Mercuria that makes it so complicated for deciding it’s version of the HuMane Six? The Divine Lotus. The Divine Lotus is a part of Mercuria that is Asia based and thus would draw on beliefs on Ancient Asian Culture & Aesthetics(Ninja, Monks, Youkai Hunters and Miko) including those of Young Children watching Anime or Cartoons who can’t tell that when someone says “Starlight Glimmer is the Youkai Hunter Sango from Inuyasha” that they are speaking of Voice Actors.

Yes the statement of “Starlight Glimmer is Sango from Inuyasha” would probably be followed by the contradicting thought that she isn’t Sango but the two conflicting beliefs would result in the Starlight Glimmer of Mercuria being based on Sango due to Mercuria being the Half-Asia/Half-Paladin Plane of D&D.

String a couple of such statements and the Children’s beliefs will warp the HuMane Six heavily. For instance: Twilight Sparkle shares a Japanese VA with Sinon from Sword Art Online so someone might say “Twilight Sparkle is Sinon” from Sword Art Online.

Sinon shares an EN Voice Actor with a Miko named Tsukasa from Lucky Star so someone might say that “Sinon is the Ditsy Childishly Cute & Naive Miko Tsukasa”. Add that with “Twilight Sparkle is Sinon” and the child might delusionally get “Twilight Sparkle is the Ditsy Childishly Cute & Naive Miko Tsukasa”.

Ah! But we forget the Western Side of Twilight Sparkle. Twilight Sparkle shares an English Voice with Batgirl from Batman TAS so “Twilight Sparkle is Batgirl” and Batgirl in The Batman(a separate Batman Adaptation from TAS) shares an English Voice with Tenten from Naruto so “Batgirl is Tenten” and Tenten shares a Japanese Voice with the Miko Rika who abuses her patron deity by ingesting Hot Sauce and getting Drunk from Higurashi When They Cry Visual Novel so “Tenten is the Miko Rika who abuses her patron deity by ingesting Hot Sauce and getting Drunk whenever she whines”.

Add all of that together in a couple of children’s heads and you get "Twilight Sparkle is a Miko who is Cute & Naive who abuses her Patron Deity by ingesting Hot Sauce and getting Drunk despite being connected to her just to silence her whining" That would decide the initial Twilight Sparkle who would arrive in Mercuria as a Soul and since that Twilight would mistreat her deity she obviously isn’t good enough for Mercuria and would be banished to Lunia while the Lunia Twilight ascends to Mercuria!

Furthermore Fluttershy and Sunset Shimmer both share a different Japanese Voice Actor with the Miko Kagami Hiiragi so the children would hear “Fluttershy and Sunset Shimmer are the Miko Kagami Hiiragi” Mercuria Fluttershy Sunset Shimmer would be the second Lunia Twilight’s older Twin Sister and a Miko just like her!

For Trixie Lulamoon: Trixie shares a Japanese voice with Ino from Naruto and Ino from Naruto shares a English voice with a Youma from Sailor Moon wearing a Chinese Dress so Trixie would be a Ninja in a Chinese Dress.

See how making Alternate Versions of the MLP Cast in D&D’s Planes would get confusing with Mount Celestia’s Second Layer of Mercuria?

You definitely don’t want to go into how Aquallor(a Layer of Arborea), Thalasia(Layer of Elysium) and Porphatys(Layer of Tartarus) would portray the Transplanted Cast of MLP!

Technically Thalasia and Porphatys both of which are Planes for Sailors sailing on Ships would portray Fluttershy & Sunset Shimmer the same way as Mercuria(because Kagami dresses as a Sailor) does but the other Cast Members wouldn’t be so lucky.

Do any of you want to see how deep the rabbit hole goes with Thalasia, Porphatys and Aquallor?

Do you want me to list all the themes for each Plane’s Layers(aside from the Abyss otherwise I’d overload the post with it’s 668 Layers) in D&D through how they’d portray the MLP Cast?

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There is alternate version in the human world, it only exists so Hasbro can try a new toy line.

In WoW I would say:

:sparkles:Twilight: Mage
:rainbow: RainbowDash: Warrior
:diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: Rarity: Priest
:butterfly: FlutterShy: Hunter
:balloon: PinkiePie: ? Mage maybe.
:apple: AppleJack: Monk

Hasbro has beaten Blizzard on messing up lore, yeah it took Blizzard 2 years and 3 months to mess up lore, but Hasbro wins with only 90 minutes missing tons and tons of lore. It would be nice to know what happened, in the missing timeline.

I think Twilight, Celestia, Luna, Candace and Flurry Heart are dead. Once the magic disappeared so did their immortality, because it was magic of the three tribes that prolonged their lifespan. As for Flurry Heart and Candace I want to say they died by freezing to death along with the crystal ponies. It was the magic of the crystal heart that kept the environment warm in the coldest part of the planet.

Never played it.

Zenli is showing signs of going back to normal size



Being a troll and being Zandalari isn’t easy. One has to choose ones favorite loa to worship above all others! Right now I be stuck between Pa’ku and Gral! The shark loa or the pterodactyl loa?!


Though to be honest I might be feeling the shark loa.


Happy to see you are doing better. I think I am doing ok. But can’t be to certien. /cough. Nasty cold. /cough and red fur appears on her forhead.

I think it will pass.


I will show you the themes of each of Layers of Mount Celestia and it’s Evil Counterpart the Nine Hells. Mount Celestia is just one of the Outer Planes just so you can understand what the undertaking an Equestria Girls-like Spinoff in the Outer Planes would be.

Mount Celestia

Mount Celestia

Lunia(Starry Sea Paladin World):

  1. Twilight Sparkle’s Class would be Miko who abuses her Patron Deity via synchronized link thus was banished from Mercuria
  2. Fluttershy’s Class would be Paladin
  3. Pinkie Pie’s Class would be Paladin
  4. Rainbow Dash’s Class would be Paladin
  5. Rarity’s Class would be Priest
  6. Applejack’s Class would be Paladin
  7. Sunset Shimmer’s Class would be Paladin
  8. Starlight Glimmer’s Class would be Paladin
  9. Trixie Lulamoon’s Class would be Paladin
  10. Celestia’s Class would be Priest
  11. Luna’s Class would be Paladin
  12. Cadence’s Class would be Paladin
  13. Shining Armor’s Class would be Paladin

Mercuria(Bastion with the Asian Divine Lotus present with it’s Sea of Milk)

  1. Twilight Sparkle’s Class would be Paladin and would have ascended to Mercuria from Lunia
  2. Sunset Fluttershy Shimmer’s Class would be Miko and be Lunia Twilight’s older Twin Sister
  3. Pinkie Pie’s Class would be Monk
  4. Rainbow Dash’s Class would be Monk
  5. Rarity’s Class would be Priest
  6. Applejack’s Class would be Monk
  7. Starlight Glimmer’s Class would be Youkai Hunter
  8. Trixie Lulamoon’s Class would be Ninja and wear Chinese Clothes
  9. Celestia’s Class would be Youkai and have eaten Moon Princess Kaguya
  10. Luna’s Class would be Aspect of Shiva
  11. Cadence’s Class would be Paladin
  12. Shining Armor’s Class would be Samurai

Venya(Shire + Paladin World)

  1. Twilight Sparkle’s Class would be Paladin
  2. Fluttershy’s Class would be Paladin
  3. Pinkie Pie’s Class would be Paladin
  4. Rainbow Dash’s Class would be Paladin
  5. Rarity’s Class would be Priest
  6. Applejack’s Class would be Paladin
  7. Sunset Shimmer’s Class would be Paladin
  8. Starlight Glimmer’s Class would be Paladin
  9. Trixie Lulamoon’s Class would be Paladin
  10. Celestia’s Class would be Priest
  11. Luna’s Class would be Paladin
  12. Cadence’s Class would be Paladin
  13. Shining Armor’s Class would be Paladin

Solania(Erebor + Paladin World)

  1. Twilight Sparkle’s Class would be Paladin
  2. Fluttershy’s Class would be Paladin
  3. Pinkie Pie’s Class would be Paladin
  4. Rainbow Dash’s Class would be Paladin
  5. Rarity’s Class would be Priest
  6. Applejack’s Class would be Paladin
  7. Sunset Shimmer’s Class would be Paladin
  8. Starlight Glimmer’s Class would be Paladin
  9. Trixie Lulamoon’s Class would be Paladin
  10. Celestia’s Class would be Priest
  11. Luna’s Class would be Paladin
  12. Cadence’s Class would be Paladin
  13. Shining Armor’s Class would be Paladin

Mertion(Paladin World + Time Magic World)

  1. Twilight Sparkle’s Class would be Chronomancer)
  2. Fluttershy’s Class would be Paladin
  3. Pinkie Pie’s Class would be Paladin
  4. Rainbow Dash’s Class would be Paladin
  5. Rarity’s Class would be Priest
  6. Applejack’s Class would be Paladin
  7. Sunset Shimmer’s Class would be Paladin
  8. Starlight Glimmer’s Class would be Chronomancer
  9. Trixie Lulamoon’s Class would be Paladin
  10. Celestia’s Class would be Priest
  11. Luna’s Class would be Paladin
  12. Cadence’s Class would be Paladin
  13. Shining Armor’s Class would be Paladin

Jovar(Paladin City World sitting below Countless Planets with a Portal to the Plane of Radiance at the top of the central Ziggurat)

  1. Twilight Sparkle’s Class would be Paladin
  2. Fluttershy’s Class would be Paladin
  3. Pinkie Pie’s Class would be Paladin
  4. Rainbow Dash’s Class would be Paladin
  5. Rarity’s Class would be Priest
  6. Applejack’s Class would be Paladin
  7. Sunset Shimmer’s Class would be Paladin
  8. Starlight Glimmer’s Class would be Paladin
  9. Trixie Lulamoon’s Class would be Paladin
  10. Celestia’s Class would be Priest
  11. Luna’s Class would be Paladin
  12. Cadence’s Class would be Paladin
  13. Shining Armor’s Class would be Paladin

Only Mertion, Mercuria and Lunia(and in this case only because of Mercuria’s own diversions) show any diversion from the general plan. Mount Celestia embodies Lawful Good for a reason!

The Nine Hells

As for their Counterparts in the Nine Hells:

Nine Hells

7 out of 9 of the 9 Hells(with Stygia and Cania being the 2 Hells left out):

  1. Twilight Sparkle would be a Bat-Winged Devil
  2. Fluttershy would be a Bat-Winged Devil
  3. Pinkie Pie would be a Bat-Winged Devil and her hair would be in Pinkamena Mode
  4. Rainbow Dash would be a Bat-Winged Devil
  5. Rarity would be a Bat-Winged Devil
  6. Applejack would be a Bat-Winged Devil
  7. Sunset Shimmer would be a Bat-Winged Devil
  8. Starlight Glimmer would be a Bat-Winged Devil
  9. Trixie Lulamoon would be a Bat-Winged Devil
  10. Celestia would be a Bat-Winged Devil
  11. Luna would be a Bat-Winged Devil
  12. Cadence would be a Bat-Winged Devil
  13. Shining Armor would be a Bat-Winged Devil

Stygia’s counterparts to the MLP Cast would solely depend on the fact that Stygia has a Planet of the Prime Material Plane(Multiverse) imbedded into it’s Frozen Black Sea alongside Set’s Egyptian Desert so who knows how the MLP Cast would be portrayed here.

Cania is a frozen chunk of Mount Celestia stolen by the Fiends and so:

  1. Twilight Sparkle’s Class would be Paladin
  2. Fluttershy’s Class would be Paladin
  3. Pinkie Pie’s Class would be Paladin
  4. Rainbow Dash’s Class would be Paladin
  5. Rarity would be a Devil disguised as an Angel(specifically the Shoulder Angel that tried to tempt Pinkie Pie to evil in the MLP Friendship is Magic Show)
  6. Applejack’s Class would be Paladin
  7. Sunset Shimmer’s Class would be Paladin
  8. Starlight Glimmer’s Class would be Paladin
  9. Trixie Lulamoon’s Class would be Paladin
  10. Celestia’s Class would be Priest
  11. Luna’s Class would be Paladin
  12. Cadence’s Class would be Paladin
  13. Shining Armor’s Class would be Paladin

What I showed you above concerning both the Seven Heavens of Mount Celestia and the Nine Hells should tell you just how big of an undertaking one would have to make to create versions of the MLP Cast for each Layer of each Plane even discounting the Infinite Layers of the Abyss as well as how unoriginal the Seven Heavens and Nine Hells would be for the most part despite both having at least 1 Layer where the Cast’s Portrayal is Convoluted(Mercuria for Mount Celestia and Stygia for the Nine Hells).

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looks at Alice strangely

Your hair is turning red, those cookies might of put a few pounds on you, and…

Is that a tail?


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A long tail extends out of Alice.
Oh my goodness. Fur quickly covers her body. What is happening? Her hands form into paws as she starts to grow, her body becoming more extensive and cubby. At least I wore a dress. She sniffes the air. I am suddenly starving. Anyone have something to eat?


Gral be speaking to me mon, he tell me I got something for you! Eat this.

((You not gonna believe how hard it was to find this scene and not have the whole restaurant part or crazily bad cropped.))


falls in a money pit
what the heck when did we get a money pit

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