GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

“Did you get the mailbox and the Hearthstone Location? If so, you did enough.”


knowing blizzard we will get mythic plus cooking! whare you have to run a gauntlet of bull crap to a cooking fire and depending on your time and score you will get a few seconds to cook your stuff :fire: :crossed_swords: :crossed_swords: :fire: :fire: :cookie: :wine_glass: :pie:


So, in LFR this death knight, mage, hunter and shaman don’t do anything unless they are fighting Anduin. Couldn’t kick them for low dps and carrying, because Blizzard won’t let us.


Road to 20k

I want an energizer bunny battle pet! I would love for it to follow me around; it would be adorable! :grinning: :battery: :rabbit2:


Addendum to this KH4 Speculation: I now suspect the Nameless Star to be remnants of the original persona that got stuck in the Final World while the rest of her became Yozora.

Furthermore when Sora wound up in Quadratum I suspect that he had some of himself absorbed by Noctis in his Girl-Sora guise causing him to somewhat resemble Noctis so when the Master of Masters gets his Noctis persona defeated returning Noctis’s form to Noctis’s Body expelling Girl Sora’s stolen traits both the Nameless Star and Yozora will resemble the girl from Verum Rex with traits of Sora including Fashion Sense.

Nameless Star will probably be brought into reality through Luxord’s Wild Card(as Sora is shown to treat newly created sentients as people as shown with Roxas and Xion) and be named Asazora to signify being the counterpart to her sister Yozora.

Asazora being a hybrid between Girl-Sora and Sora, Sora being a hybrid between Noctis and Sora and Yozora being a hybrid of Girl-Sora and Noctis would make the 3 into sibling Nobodies(people without identities due to them being stolen by Somebodies)!

The fact that Xehanort’s Heartless and Xemnas treats those who had their Hearts turned into Heartless as the same as Demyx whom the Master of Masters stole his identity from until his beatdown in KH2 shows their callousness.

Only Xemnas, Namine and Roxas count as Nobodies as they had their identities taken by their Heart Counterparts Ansem and Sora. The fact that the Body of Sora attempted to draw on the identities of both Hearts that inhabited Sora and got split into two as a result is interesting to say the least.

Xemnas having Vexen call the Replicas Nobodies when they clearly work as Somebodies(stealing people’s identities) shows his lack of understanding of the term and his callousness.

Interestingly enough the Nameless Star claims that her Heart wasn’t taken because she latched onto Yozora. Xion hadn’t latched onto anything so the replacement No.i promptly grabbed her Heart and her memory of Riku mentioning that she resembles Kairi allowed her to fill in the blanks from No.i’s Memory of Kairi to take on Kairi’s appearance.

Most Somebodies can’t fully steal an identity but the 2nd No.i did just that and became a perfect Somebody that left behind no Nobody.

It’s ironic how Sora who was once the Somebody counterpart of both Roxas(who had to imitate Ventus) and Namine(who had to imitate Kairi) would become a Nobody himself due to Noctis accidentally grabbing a bit of his identity which will inevitably wind up in the Nameless Star turning her into Asazora!

By the way there is a KH3 Picture that has Sora(in his KH4 outfit), Kairi, Lea and what may be either Roxas or Ventus. I suspect the latter due to Ventus and Lea’s ties to Subject X/Skuld.

I play hearthstone sometimes, I’m not that great at it, but it’s good for passing the time.


What does Joker want? Judging from how he keeps ramping up his crimes in cruelty he seems to seeking a reaction but what?

I would think: Batman and Commissioner Gordon becoming comedic caricatures of themselves!

Gotham is so Grim and Gritty and part of that is Batman and Commissioner Gordon’s doing. Get them to drop the Grim and Gritty persona and start taking everything like it’s some big TV Show and Gotham starts losing the Grim and Gritty.

If Batman and Commissioner Gordon started treating everything like a TV Show then Joker would start ramping things down bringing everything back to the Silver Age.

Joker wants the Gotham to be funny and not Grim Dark. He sees Batman and Commissioner Gordon’s personalities as the source of the Grim Darkness.

Of course if Batman and Gordon stop taking Gotham seriously then Penguin, Scarecrow, Riddler, Two Face, Poison Ivy and everyone else in the Rogue’s Gallery would take it as a challenge to ramp up the Grim Dark themselves just to make Batman and Gordon take them seriously.

Joker thinks the problem is Batman and Gordon and does not realize that Ra’s al Ghul, Penguin, Two Face, Riddler and Poison Ivy are serious about what they are doing and thus the true cause of Gotham going all Grim and Gritty. If he realized that he’d gather all of Batman’s Rogue’s Gallery and kill them off for making everything all Grim and Gritty.

Honestly Gotham would be better off if Joker realized how the Rogue’s Gallery is the source of the Grimdark ravaging the City.


Anyone know if the Jailer LFR is up or it’s locked to a specific item level?

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The Jailer wing opens next week, April 19th. It is the last wing for LFR.


i dont think its out yet for some reason they pushed the later wings further apart


Man just stressed out with registration for college and I’m worried I missed something. Worst case scenario I have to start in the fall but this is my fault I shouldn’t have not asked any questions because I was afraid of looking like an idiot.


Feeling like an idiot is so much better than the anxiety you are feeling. Always choose to “look” like an idiot rather than suffer the consequences of not having all the correct information. And yeah, I did the same thing registering for junior college way back in the neolithic which turned into a huge life lesson. Hopefully, you got it right.


That’s the same week they announce the next Expansion!

Sounds like they want the majority to find out about the next Villain on the Week they announce said Villain!


Maybe we’re the next Villains!

Our new 2 races.

Fingers crossed! :grinning:


Don’t you know mon, we gonna have another expansion with trolls. Been one every expansion. BC had Amani, Wrath had Drakkari, Cata had Amani and Gurubashi, MOP had Zandalari, WOD had orcs so you safe, Legion also had a lack of trolls, but we got double the trolls in BFA, De other Side in Shadowlands, I’m betting next expansion it’s the Dragon Trolls.


Don’t forget that void elves still count as devolved trolls.


I hear Lucius the Eternal was once resurrected from a Necron because he felt Pride over killing Lucius.

Pride in terms of Emotions is one that anything with any form of thought can feel.

Pride is confidence in something so any AI that registers a kill or victory will be feeling Pride whether they are sentient or not!

Logistically Slaaneshi Keepers of Secrets can make a Pink Magical Girl and Purple Magical Girl who have the same immortality as Lucius even if they are not on the side of Chaos!

FWI the only Magical Girls that Khorne would make is a Vampire-Themed(Khorne had one Vampire Tribe known as the Blood Dragons during End Times) Magical Girl that fires off Blood Tornados and a Skulltaker-themed Magical Girl that fires off Fireballs. Of course said Magical Powers are Khorne’s Gifts as any Magic drawn straight from the Warp is banned on pain of having your Skull taken.

That said that does not mean Khorne won’t bestow upon his Magical Girls the same blessing that Slaanesh would give to his Magical Girls! Of course it wouldn’t be those who feel Pride over killing them instead the person who kills them turns into them by default.

The fact that Abaddon has Khorne’s Gifts despite not being a follower means that Khorne can make Magical Girls that don’t serve him easily which is convenient for Anime.

Incidentally Tzeentch’s Magical Girl would not be given the same benefit as the others(naturally since Tzeentch embodies Change unlike Khorne, Slaanesh and Nurgle) and thus would have to avoid dying at all costs!

A Spellbook being turned into a Magical Girl that turns it’s owners into her physical avatar by Bel’akor would be a humorous sight as well as a reference to Lyrical Nanoha A’s.

Yes… A Warhammer 40K Magical Girl Anime in Tau-owned Human Territories involving a former Imperial Space Ship now owned by the Space Dwarves would be quite interesting especially if Khorne and Tzeentch are only treated as traditional Magical Girl Villains and(in Tzeentch’s case) Mascots on the Magical Girl’s Homeworlds which are ultimately abandoned by the Magical Girls when the Humans & Space Dwarves of the Tau Empire take them, their Families & Friends to help deal with Alien Invasions.

Slaaneshi, Nurgle’s followers(led by the Death Guard), Necrons, Dark Eldar and Tyranids would be treated as Aliens that the Magical Girls have to regularly fight off with the Pink & Purple Magical Girls not realizing that their immortality was gifted through the very Slaaneshi Keeper of Secrets they are fighting(especially since the guy is just using his sword and claws).



I’m not sure anyone is actually following anything you’re posting. Looks like it’s all getting ignored, and I’m really not sure what you’re trying to achieve with posting about warhammer magical girl stuff. Maybe stick closer to what the others are talking about? Hate to see a person talking to a wall and not realizing it.

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I read some of it, if I’m familiar of what he is talking about like Star Wars, and Batman stuff. I just don’t have anything to add to it. He can type what he likes it’s ok.


he has some good theorys and takes its a good reed from time to time