GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

i got a socket in my new helmet! i heard you can get special gems with zm powers? still trying to figure this out does anyone know?

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Looking all the Chapters it seems Kamino and most of the other Candidates of the Student Council Election are plotting to remove Shokuhou Misaki(Queen of Tokiwadai) and Gaouin Tsukasa(Student Council Vice President) from the running(by Hospitalization which would force them to drop out).

One of the Student Council President Candidates Kumamori Tazuna walked out of Kamino’s scheme once she learned how much easier it would be to win if all but 3 of the Candidates were to drop out of the Election.

Furthermore it is shown in Chapter 5 that Shokuhou and Gaouin are coming to interview Kamino as part of their investigation over who framed Junko. Right while Kamino and the other Candidates besides Kumamori Tazuna and Inubushi are plotting to get rid of them.

Kumamori Tazuna’s next move will knock everyone but herself and Inubushi from the running!

Inubushi’s suspicious absence could also be a set up for her own attempt to get rid of rivals for the Student Council Election especially if she framed Junko by impersonating her to blackmail one of Kamino’s lackeys knowing that Shokuhou at the least would confront Kamino during her meeting with the other Student Council Candidates as a result!

In any case Inubushi and Kumamori are going to be the ones facing each other.

Furthermore it seems Kamino is tied to Shadow Metal which absorbs Esper Powers and suspiciously has similar Eyes to Shokuhou except the Shape appearing in the Eyes is Square not Diamond. Shokuhou according to A Certain Magical Index’s most recent Novels has the ability to jump from Body to Body and sickly Senya when controlling Shokuhou has her own Symbol…

Misaki… Misaka… Shokuhou Misaki is clearly Misaka 00 with Senya being Misaka 9(healthy enough to not be on the verge of death with the next Clone naturally being the healthy one AKA Shokuhou) and Kamino being Misaka 001.

The Single Digit Misakas were attempts to get a healthy Misaka Clone with Shokuhou being the first success. The Two Digit Misakas were attempts to infuse a sentience from Astral Projection from Shadow Metal into a Clone going up to 99 forcing them to test on Clones 1 to 9 finally resorting to testing Clone 0 once Clone 9 got close enough for the final test.

The Three Digit Misakas were intended to test Mind Transference only for Kamino(who is clearly in the know about Shadow Metal and trying to keep Shokuhou from investigating) to demonstrate(via her Eyes having Squares in them) that there was more to do. They kept Misaka 000 in reserve for Misaka 0’s mind once they successfully transferred a mind to a Clone.

Kumamori’s use of a Rubik’s Cube hints that she is also a Clone and her Hair does resemble Railgun’s so she is probably the 3-Digit Misaka whose successful existence convinced the Scientists to move on to Misaka 0000.

The Four Digit Misaka was originally an attempt to copy Misaka down to the last Memory with the expectation they might need more tests. They didn’t. As a result the Four Digit Misakas past Misaka 0000 were instead Copies of a Copy intended to be thrown at Accelerator which were calculated to be inevitably inferior due to having a mere fragment of the Astral Projection-possessed Electricity from the Blood Samples used to clone Misaka 0000.

Where is the original Level 0 Mikoto Misaka? Probably Index Librorum Prohibitorum. Her hair and Eyes resembles the Magic Side’s greatest Heretic Aleister Crowley’s own hair and she has had her mind wiped.

Railgun’s assumption that she got where she did with Hard Work is false as she got where she did by being jolted with a lot of Electricity that passed through an Astral Projection-infused chunk of Shadow Metal on the date of her birth!

Kumamori should be capable of impersonating Railgun when she heads out to join Touma in Russia so Kumamori will be a dangerous foe due to being the Evil Twin!

On to A Certain Magical Index: Aleister Crowley(no possessing Coronzon) now has the tools to make Clones himself(or herself since Coronzon has a female body) without the help of Scientists(as he himself had noted) and doesn’t really need Misaka’s DNA for that either as he can simply summon Aiwass via Clones of others jolted with Electricity passed through Astral Projection-infused Shadow Metal all at once!

If the DNA samples he has turns out to be from Misaka in her Index Librorum Prohibitorum identity(as the samples came from someone on the Magic Side not the Science Side) I’m sure Aleister would be quite pleased with bringing the 5-Digit Misakas(including Misaka 00000) into the world!

Earlier today I drove down to my usual gas station to top myself off. Last week when I topped off it was $3.56/gallon, this morning it was… friggin $4.29/gallon!! :scream: For a moment I did a double-take while I was standing there at the pump - hoping it was just my imagination - but nope… my eyes weren’t playing tricks on me. Honestly this Biden-flation is really starting to get out of hand.

A sudden price-hike of 70-75 cents from one week to another is simply unheard of in my entire lifetime. The only places where you saw such bizarre/crazy hikes were very isolated scenarios such as an incoming hurricane or other major disaster that caused people to panic-buy/clean out the pumps out of FOMO fear… but this time that same exact “sudden price hike” phenomenon seems to be happening everywhere :eyes:

I do have a “discount card” from the grocery store, so I get a whopping .03 cents off/gallon when I scan it… but it’s like, a massive 70+ cent price-hike obviously outweighs/cancels out the measly .03 cents discount :joy:

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The Oil companies are buying more land yet are apparently not drilling on it… Why?..

If the US was Corneria from 8-Bit Theater the ruler of Corneria King Steve would have forced the Oil Companies to drill on the land they bought ages ago!

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I don’t think bringing politics into the lounge is the best idea. To be honest bringing up that subject outside of with people you trust is generaly not the best idea.


It’s not just as simple as that. The pertroleum industry is fraught with roadblocks placed in fromt of them by various governing bodies.

And while Biden is most certainly not entirely to blame; this massive inflation did start with Trump’s administration printing money like there was no end in sight, after all-Biden is the guy that willingly took the wheel and therefore, has accepted 100% responsibility.

But again, let’s be clear, the inflation itself did not start with Biden-it only escalated under Biden. Trump must also shoulder his role in this.

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(Lady Cyndi Lou starts to wanders in…)
“Oh Gods… Politics.”

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Pretty sure it’s over with. At least I hope so, anywho.


You won’t be getting politics like that from me, I prefer the horde vs alliance politics. Or other fantasy stuff.

Like you know what this lounge needs? Creepy drooping trees that conceal large predatory creatures with red glowing eyes. It would make the place feel natural!

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“I take it, you haven’t visited our Haunted Forest out back.”

but paw licks are soooo cool

oh …u mean poli /blush


Even amber glowy eyed nelfys would like that

(is good to see you back Mr T :slight_smile: hugs)

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I do enjoy a haunted dark forest filled with mewling screaming undergrowth beasts that wallow in the muck and bile, covered in matted fur and gnashing teeth…

I have elected to make this Tauren prefer Shen’dralar flesh though I could possibly find a alternative. If I recall your not Shen’dralar so you should be safe.

Good to be back, though I have not resumed my rp story creations, we are still missing someone for that.

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Best Trees :slight_smile:

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“Then you will LOVE ours. It’s known as…”

“The Haunted Realm”

"Come sit close, my tender child,
And heed the tale I tell.
About a dark, forbidden, realm
Where ‘Terror’s’ visions dwell.

Beware, youngling, of the mist that weeps,
And the earth that sighs in pain.
Shun the path where the ‘Banshee’ walks,
And ‘Nightshade’ blooms with the ‘Bane’.

Walk not among the twisted trees,
Where the ‘Robins’ dare not sing.
Where only the chill of ‘Winter’ is felt,
And never the warmth of ‘Spring’.

For that is where the ‘Siren’s Song’
Calls to the lost and alone.
Where the ‘Dark Feys’ dance in the shadows,
To the music’s hypnotic tone.

Where the ‘Spirits of the Ancients’
Wander through your mind,
Freeing all of the nightmares,
That they chance to find.

Abandoned gravestones, cracked and worn,
Half hidden by the haze,
Stand as the only markers, on
The pathways, through this maze.

The travelers who dare to sleep,
Within forbidden glades,
Will never waken, to the dawn,
For now they walk as ‘Shades’.

So heed these words, my little one,
And things will be alright.
Do not tarry on the road
Past the fading light.

Remember, never quench your thirst
With water from it’s streams.
For you will be forever cursed,
With deeply haunted dreams.

And do not feed upon the fruit,
That grows from withered tree.
It’s juices cause deep madness,
From which you’re never free.

Do not rest upon it’s grass,
For many ghostly hands
Will reach out, from it’s buried roots,
And steal you to their lands.

Come right home, before sunset,
And always say a prayer.
Lest some ‘Shadow’ follows you,
To snatch you, unaware."

“Enjoy your visit.”
/wicked grin


Sounds like the perfect vacation spot to me! Enjoy a dark quote as well to remark how I enjoy the dark mewling rot.

"We heard it first. Wailing and mewling. Growling and fading. The trees bucked and cried and I thought they tried to pull up their roots and flee from what drew near. Would that we had been so wise.

We saw its approach through the darkened eaves, now crawling in the dirt, now flapping upwards, as if it could not decide if it was a snake or a sparrow. Then it came into the moonlight and we saw it true. Did we fight? I cannot say. All I recall is clotted fur and an embracing drool. Twisting limbs. Tearing rock. Rotting metal. Melting fingers. The stench of cadavers and burning honey. My eyes screamed, my tongue shook, my knees spewed. It ate my friends and drank my soul. It took my mind I know not where, for it is no longer here with me."


“I love it. Did you write it?”

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I did not but I have written things inspired by this. This is quotes about a thing called the beastmen of Warhammer. Beastmen are nothing like the Satyr or Tauren of wow but much darker. The primal fury, squalor and vile nature of the dark creatures like those of pre-Christian faith that were told in stories of why to avoid the darkened forests of old. They are a favorite of mine.

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“I wrote The Haunted Realm myself. I love Dark Poetry and Stories.”

“I think you might appreciate this one. I wrote it back in my early teens.”

“The Knock”

‘By Me’

The lightening crackled on the horizon, casting an eerie glow through the windows of the library in which he sits. There, by the candle’s light and the fire’s blaze he reads, book after book, of the haunting folklore which envelops this wooded valley. Hounds, hell-spawned and blood thirsty, so black the cloak of night renders them invisible. Even under the full moon they are only shadows. Their eyes shine, like red hot coals, stabbing the darkness. Their insatiable appetite for terror knows no master, save the Devil himself. No one is safe in the forest at night, and few are safe in the daylight.

Suddenly, rising from somewhere deep in the storm, a piercing howl invades his ears. Hushed, like a memory from a forgotten dream. Shaking it off, he returns to his research. After turning a few pages, there on the next one, is the only known sketch of the beasts. Drawn by the dying hand of the longest surviving victim. The sun had shown bright that day, the detail is perfect. He lifts the book, to carry it to the fireplace, for a better look. From between the last few pages a piece of parchment falls to the floor. Without missing a step, he picks it up and continues to a chair by the hearth. Once seated, he turns his attention to the writing on the parchment, instead of the book. The note is in a sanscrit unfamiliar to him, but some of the words have been translated already. Among the sentences in English two partial ones catch his eye, ‘….the hounds that haunt……’ and ‘…Only one path to their destruction.’ Placing the book and parchment on the stones of the hearth, he gets up and crosses the room, to one of the many bookshelves that line the walls.

As he stands there, scanning over the titles for one on sanscrits, a baleful howl fractures the stillness. So like the first, yet louder and much closer. This is trailed by a wail that shivers the soul. That of a mortal, who has just seen the approaching face of death. He trembles for the nearness of it all, wondering whether he should have built a great wall around his Keep, as the villagers had warned him to do.

Another howl comes. This one vibrates off the outer stone walls, lingering for awhile within. Before the echoes can die, three booming knocks ring out, from the huge oak door on the far side of the castle. At first he is unable to move, his feet frozen to the ground by a shock-wave of reality. This doesn’t last, and soon he is running down halls, past rooms, seeking the shortest route through this massive home. Mid-stride he stops cold, for the howls have returned, followed almost immediately, by three desperate, heavy, knocks, falling faster than the first. Split-seconds pass, and then he hears a wail that rattles the metal and shakes the crystal. The knocks, howls and screams become so simultaneous that they begin to fuse into one terrifying sound. Fighting the urge to turn tail, he commences running, only a slight more hesitant. When he enters the main hall, that ends in the door which is his goal, the clamor is at such a volume he has to cover his ears, or scream in pain himself.

The seconds it takes him, to complete the distance, could well have been an hour, he would have not have known the difference. He moves a trembling hand towards the latch as three knocks explode throughout the castle, reluctantly paused, each having the time to echo. Then comes a silence tainted with an air of death. The only sound to follow is that of the claws and pads of the hounds, brushing the porch stones as they leave. A grandfather clock ticks the moments away as he tarries there, frozen like a statue, his hand still raised half-way between his side and the door. His hand completes the journey so slowly that he is hardly aware of it. The cold solidity of the brass handle is enough to stir his senses out of the fog of fear. Momentarily numb, he opens the door. Midnight looms beyond it. As if compelled, haltingly, he looks down. A mute scream sticks in his throat like a bad piece of gristle. For there at his feet lays a hideous puddle of blood and bones that only moments before was a man.

As he turns slowly back into his castle, and closes the door behind him, he knows that tomorrow he will start making the plans for a great wall.
