GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

I will check in when I can.

Also, I hope that the battle net community can work for the lounge. I am not going to take part in it for reasons I have started before, but I don’t want to stand in the way of others happiness and if I have to step aside for the rest of you I will.

Anyways all I want is for the rest of you to be happy.


He still plays as well?

Illogical. The WET is quite dead now, it appears those who make false claims couldn’t keep it running in your absence. You were one of its longest time members, you always belonged.

I won’t make fun of you for that, but I also would never goto work early.


The head peice looks right, but the the gloves could been murloc hands and boots murloc feet.

Wearing a Naga. :grinning:

This is my favorite set, I won’t be able to get it next expansion, I think Antorus mythic a bit hard due to level squish, but should be fine to get it in 10.0 solo.

Legion mogs are my favorite expansion mog sets. BFA ones seem lazy art work.


And you know what? I’m honestly and truly grateful that you didn’t. Why? Because now you’re ALL OURS!!

puts a crown on Cyndi’s head

Sylvanas may be your Dark Lady, but you’ll always be my Banshee Queen!


It sucks. It hurts. It always does. But I can assure you of one thing, Mer. No matter where life takes you, no matter the roads you may travel, we all are friends…no, we are all family here and, speaking for myself (and probably a great portion of the Lounge as well) you’ve been and will continue to be an important and influential part of our lives.

And when or if, you find your way back after your journey has led you to some amazing new people and even more amazing experiences, we will be here and there will always be plenty of cool, refreshing, delicious juiceboxes…WITH BENDYSTRAWS and tasty :bear::sandwich: waiting on the Lounge table for you.

scrambles up on Mer’s shoulder, gives her a super big hug around her neck, an extra big Gnomey smooch on the cheek, a super extra huge bag of tasty :bear::sandwich: to eat on her journey ,AND his favorite blankie to keep you warm


I just had a sever anxity attack that I am pushing the last few freinds I have left away fover. I don’t know what I am giong to yet and thought this was the right move but now I feel worse than ever.

I do need some time but I don’t think leave is the right decision anymore. I just. . . I just feel really, really bad. I have been crying for the last two hours and I haven’t cried from axienty for over ten years.


RL > Video games and that includes Wow.

Have some of my famous homade grape wine rock candy to go.

give Merlina a bag of grape wine rock candy

big orc hug

Life is a journey, where one chapter closes another one begins, you will always be welcomed here and will be missed.

Sometimes a step away from games can help, only real friends understand.


Sounds like you’re overdue then. You’ve got a ton on your plate, Mer. It’s perfectly normal to feel trapped, overwhelmed, etc. I’ve been there myself. But take the time you need to make the best decision for yourself. We’ll still be here :grin:

(And let’s be real, sometimes a break is very necessary for the sake of one’s mental and emotional well-being…even for a Gnomey like me!)



Ain’t nothing wrong with crying. It’s kind of like the relief valve we’ve been equipped with for when life reaches a new level of yuck.

and lord knows we’ve reached more than a few of those days in 2020-2022.


zug zug

/somewhat gentle hug so as not to squish and get crazy nelfy angry :smiley:


Hey, I’m not crazy - just insane there is a difference :stuck_out_tongue:


“Dear, I was hardly there for a full year. I have been posting in GD Lounges since Spring of 2008. I wasn’t any where near to being one of their longest time members.”

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I might just play some classic tonight as I don’t feel like playing Elden Ring tonight and getting killed, over and over and over and over again. I just don’t want to deal with it right now. I don’t even know if I want to write atm.

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What is the WET?


“World’s End Tavern. The RP Forum.”


You should try PvP in retail with me and Surfy! We don’t die, we get big squooshy Horde Hugs! HOORAY!


I don’t have any max level charchters in retail

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You should get one! Heck, I could even carve out some time once in a while Alliance side to powerlevel you if necessary! I haven’t done that in YEARS!


I know you don’t recognize me in this face, but being one of its members for ages as well. I know you belonged. That cookie corner was important to the lounge, you expanded its flavor and made it feel open and welcome always. On the slow days we still saw you post about wandering in, hence you made the lounge alive. It’s sad to see it so dead as it is right now.

This is part of the reason I return.


“I walked away and never looked back. I really don’t care about that place any more. I have Friends in here, and Family, and I am accepted, no matter how much, or how little, I chose to RP.”