Did someone say bunnies!
You know what I just realized? Come 9.2.5 we will be able to take a big screenshot of us all together, Alliance and Horde-like a big group picture! And then, when the next Lounge is started, we can post it there for us as well as the new Lounge peeps!
Bunnies and Gnomeys are Surfy’s carrot on a stick!
blushes and giggles and hides under his blankie on Surfy’s lap
What about the classic people?
/sigh well I hope that the picture and stuff will be good as there is no way I can partake.
Cheers and have a good rest of your night everyone.
You can make a retail peeps and take pictures with us!
dresses up like carrot, giggles, and climbs onto Surfy’s lap
5 bunnies turned into hundreds and hundreds of bunnies!
Make a character we should be able to summon you.
Where are we going for the pic?
naw, not that bad
/looks at bunny island pic
I ah um ah
SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I admit it sooo much adorables
Ok. I think I over reacted a little because I have been stressing out lately with just feeling a bit disconted from the lounge and such.
But if there is going to be a picture taken just tell me then as I might not be able to easily know.
That guy is being eaten alive by bunnies. I admit is a way to go.
“That’s a no brainer. I’ll take Kitt. I don’t drive, so I need a car that will drive FOR me.”
i pic the mad max car!
its the best one for rode battles
“You have clearly never seen Kitt in action.”
/sits down in the corner of the lounge and sips some tea.
How is your night going?
/offers some wonderland cookies.