Ya. That group does a good job at humor and I am glad for what they did about bringing up the subject but still it was hard to watch. Also I am not suprised that Rowan was the jerk in that siuation.
I was talking about it with my cousion and I was just happy I wasn’t in the room with Rowan lol.
The old freind that I had to cut out of my life told me some stuff like that. I thought I could trust them and when I was thinking about talking to my docter because after I had to get off a medication as it damaged my kideys that without it “I am really strugglign and I am going to talk to my docter about a medication change for depression, axiety and other biploar issues.”
They suggested Yoga to deal with it. That was before they started saying I was bringing everyone down.
I diid world pvp on Gotnov. Got the shackles and overwhelming odds done. I’m still only 215ish ilevel but oh well it’s a bit higher in pvp i guess I dunno what ilevel i am let me check.
Might need to get some more gear. The first boss isn’t designed to be tanked but kited as he locks onto random targets and you run him over debris and such when he switches targets.
Usually bosses like that you have to get extra gear to solo as you have to out live damage that wasn’t intended to be taken.