GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

Ya. That group does a good job at humor and I am glad for what they did about bringing up the subject but still it was hard to watch. Also I am not suprised that Rowan was the jerk in that siuation.

I was talking about it with my cousion and I was just happy I wasn’t in the room with Rowan lol.


have you tryed looking at this picture of happy kittens…yeah just keep staring it it!..what your still not happy?

yeah some folks just dont get it


The old freind that I had to cut out of my life told me some stuff like that. I thought I could trust them and when I was thinking about talking to my docter because after I had to get off a medication as it damaged my kideys that without it “I am really strugglign and I am going to talk to my docter about a medication change for depression, axiety and other biploar issues.”

They suggested Yoga to deal with it. That was before they started saying I was bringing everyone down.


i like the first comment on that video lol

“An apple a day keeps a doctor away” seems so true cause Adam will now stay away from Rowan for a long time

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I diid world pvp on Gotnov. Got the shackles and overwhelming odds done. I’m still only 215ish ilevel but oh well it’s a bit higher in pvp i guess I dunno what ilevel i am let me check.

checking.l… wheee i <3 you all

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I was just thinking on this. The kittens should be a poster of hang in there.

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thats a good one :+1: :heart_eyes_cat:

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(Lady Cyndi Lou wanders in, to relax for a while.)

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hi cyndilou.

i stayed up all night playing WoW on Gotnov. got a different legendary and some basic pvp gear from unranked.

i sure am a lowlife.


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(Lady Cyndi Lou smiles, and dances off in search of sleep.)


Siege of Boralus doesn’t have a normal mode, having difficulty soloing the first boss. Is another player required?

My Alliance hunter is Item level 167, perhaps she needs to be geared? Trying to complete a quest to unlock Kul’tiran AR.

Might need to get some more gear. The first boss isn’t designed to be tanked but kited as he locks onto random targets and you run him over debris and such when he switches targets.

Usually bosses like that you have to get extra gear to solo as you have to out live damage that wasn’t intended to be taken.

I did that.

I was afraid of that. :frowning:

I don’t intend to actually play my Alliance character just casual and so I can get some achievements from BFA.

I’ve been doing quests in the maw to collect stygia for 200 Korthia gear. I have stygia on my main, but it’s for the cosmetic I want to collect.

Maybe dev’s would nerf it a bit, or a dungeon skip.

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Happy Sunday!!


Happy Sunday
/salute :policeman:


Yes indeed :slight_smile:

Almost want to return 2022 for my money back though. After an 8 day trial it still feels like 2021 :rofl:

1 day closer to spring


:scream_cat: :100: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: