GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

I just started another bear and went the Expedition leveling. Just have to wait out the other. It was just quicker to me.

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Hello all I am a gnome


Hello Wild :grinning:

Here have a drink.

gives Wild a mug of beer



Thank you, this tastes like raw pasta, I love it

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looks up from watching adorable otter videos

Hi Wild!

gives Wild a tasty :bear::sandwich: and goes back to watching adorable otter videos

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Hello my little gnome buddy.


I had to turn down the commission as I don’t have enough experience with the subject matter, they wanted the story with and I don’t want to write a paid story that I am “practicing” on. It is not fair to the customer.

Still I didn’t have a problem with the idea beyond that.


Wise move. Perhaps though, it may be something you can research and practice on in your spare time!

It’s a short week (for me) but it’s still technically Monday, so I’m gonna do the Hump Day dance anyway!

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I was talking about this with my dad just a bit ago. There are so many different types of ideas for writing out there that I can’t possibly be prepared for them all. Besides commissions are not going to be my main source of income so it isn’t that big of a deal.

I would rather get people to buy my books or support me on Patreon and such than worry about not getting a commission.


This is true, but having even a very basic understanding of different genres allows you to incorporate a lot of different styles into an interesting narrative.

For instance, when I wrote my novel, I was going for a very hard Noire/Pulp vibe. I knew plenty about pulp just by being a long time fan of such luminaries like Lovecraft and Edgar Rice Burroghs.

But the noire? Not so much. So I immersed myself in noire, both film and book.

In my opinion, it’s not about mastery of genre or subject matter, it’s about personal growth as an author.

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I am someone who get’s my practice by writing, not by research for this type of stuff. I am not good at transiting research into writing.

Also it was for a sub genera in something I already do but I just couldn’t wrap my head around. I am used to writing both transformation and kinky stories but just not what they wanted.


What no warlock to summon him past Greg?


I am not feeling that great after seeing my book sales. I have only sold 4 copies so far.

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“Give it time. Word has to travel.”

It just makes me feel bad after all that work I put into my book. I don’t know if I can’t get my book out there I am just scared I can’t do this.

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“Word of mouth has to spread. Your Creation has to find it’s place in the Literary World. You need to give it time to be read, enjoyed, and shared.”


Oh hey sorry. I just saw this. You have to defeat the latest mythic raid boss for the season to get it

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