GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

I like to think Rosenivy would be absolutely giddy to have Hallows End celebrations at The Ember Court


I have realized I have little to no interest in logging on wow recently, basically just logging on tuesday for 30 mins to get vault/ 2 renown

Then raid log

9.1.5 can’t come soon enough

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Full Disclosure: The Palawa Joko arguing with the Mad King may be fake… Investigations heavily imply that he is. Furthermore the investigations imply that the Palawa Joko fraud was made using a Talon of Zhaitan whom was promptly turned into Madame Cookie.

If the Mad King Thorn attains freedom then definitely expect Zhaitan to be the Boss of Ascent to Madness and arguing with a fake Palawa Joko made from her claw.

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Love that idea, a place to have Hallows End, have a portal go to it so lowbies can get to the event. It really needs to be updated or changed now that Sylvanas is no longer part of the Horde, and Undercity has been blighted up in retail.

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Mom got really bad news today. A guy she loved ( not going into super details of their relationship or I’d be here awhile ) passed away.

The second she got home and told me I just hugged her. We’re not a very touchy feely family so hugs are kind of a big deal.

I only wish she didn’t try to seek comfort from Grandma first. That woman just does not care about anyone so Mom got the “Well. Death happens” response from her.

Talking about this stuff is tricky because I’m scared to seem like “Now to make this situation all about me” and talking about how I feel about it. I wish I didn’t feel helpless. Not saying how I feel is stronger than how she feels or anything.

For now she would get too worked up if she talked about it. So I told her I’d listen whenever she was ready. She said she appreciated it.

It’s just when you’re raised under someone like my grandma, emotions are annoying. Or at least ridiculously invalidated so we find other ways to show more positive emotions or gestures. ( I used to love bomb new friends for example and oh man am I glad my therapist got me to quit doing that ) Couple this with my Mom being a nurse, meaning she can kinda shut off her emotions when she’s working. Ughh.

I’m just here over thinking about it.


(Lady Cyndi Lou wanders in.)

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“Seen that one. Got a new one?”


I’ll see what I can find.


/happy grin


Most of the new ones are D&D’s, here is one you might not have seen yet.

Orc has to work, work, work in 10 minutes.

Work is da poop on a Saturday.


“Just so you know. I played D&D too.”


my brother’s new business got featured in MILE HIGH MAGAZINE just nice that things are going well over there


That’s wonderful!!!


I see Ambassador Sunsorrow in the background. He is awesome, he gives you a book when Sylvanas snaps at your young blood elf for reminding her of her past.

He also looks like is totally fine with your selfie.

That paladin trainer on the other hand… :rofl:


Happy weekend

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Hello there


OO I love that quest :slight_smile:
There’s a youtube out of the voice actress for Syl singing the lament from this quest that is awesome.

Yep, he was a totally chill cousin.

His friend the pally trainer though /sigh lol


Brilliant streaks of light envelope the room as an eerie glow begins to form around the wispy white curtains of the lounge

Little steps can be heard in the distance, getting quicker as they move

A hooded figure ascends the stairs outside at an alarming rate, which piques the curiousity of on lookers as the being approaches the vast wooden doors of the lounge

It is a tense moment as the door begins to brightly glow, almost…with purpose

Out of nowhere a paw emerges from the hooded figure and gently knocks on the door


“Is there anybody…alive in there?” They ask. Standing. Waiting.

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