GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

i went to the supermarket.
i spent $222. :astonished:
i’m staying home for a very long time now. :joy:

i had a list with about 6 things… then decided i should fill the freezer, stock up on TP, and get some red meat (so fancy!)
i also wanted some creamed honey, and it cost about $11, and a bug bomb for the shed, another $12, a bottle of fancy raspberry cordial, (and of course some little bottles of lemonade to go with it) bandaids, paracetamol, lots of “once a year” type purchases to get the house fully stocked to endure lockdown number 6 :grimacing:

…and they had some Mandalorian merch, so i treated myself to a Grogu moneybox with a Grogu drinking glass inside. It’s a really nice quality glass, very thick… way better than I was expecting.

I’m going to cook chicken stir-fry tomorrow, it’ll be my first “proper” cooked meal since I’ve been here.
Most of my meals have been 5 minute prep stuff, with minimal clean-up required.

I really hope the wok handles ok on the electric cooktop!!


One of the reasons people are unsubbed. I miss the good old days when you finished the quest lines you can just concentrate on gearing and jump into raid. The game has always been raid, dungeon, and pvp focused and that is really the reason it attracted folks to the game.

What makes this game fun is it’s actually a good strat game, now it’s quests, quests, quests, quests, quests. You change the games nature loose subs.

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A fun morning video I found :sun_with_face:

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Mine works fine on the electric stove. Once you get used to the electric stove you will do great. It always takes a bit of adjustment going back and forth from gas to electric.


chrisp wanders in

i have nothing of import to say as usual

I thought I’d hate it, I’ve mostly only cooked bacon and eggs so far, and it’s been fine.
It seems to have more consistent heat than the gas… I suppose that’s the benefit of a thermostat.
My previous cooktop was in a kind of corridor too, so the flame was always fighting against a bit of a breeze.
At this point, the only thing I’m not fond of, is that it’s a big piece of black glass, and pretty much a focal point.
Even if I don’t use it, I need to wipe it every day to keep it looking nice. :grimacing:


i just discovered that i got stuff for chicken burgers, and forgot buns!
i might have to make another trip to the shops :joy:

i suppose it’s not a bad thing… i really do need to stock up on as much stuff as possible.
(and the store i went to last night didn’t have my favorite cheese and onion chips, i DEFINITELY need a pack of those on hand for when i hit rock bottom and need to binge-eat something) :upside_down_face:

…and i should totally get some ice-cream “for science” to test if this new freezer is ice-cream compatible. (the previous one wasn’t) :unamused:

it’s still a couple of hours before shops open, it’ll give me time to wander around the house and make a list which consists of something other than just junk food :joy:
(and to study google maps so i can learn how to get to the smaller local shops which i haven’t been to yet)

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You will walk out with more than just buns, it happens the longer you are at a store the more you buy.

I make my burgers without buns, saugtayed mushrooms, onions and peppers with cheese on top, maybe it bit of bbq sauce.

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well… i really wanted some white onions, and could only get brown ones.
i don’t mind getting more than i need, because we’re probably going to be in lockdown for a while, and having just moved into this place, i’m still discovering that i need certain staples which only get used once every few months.
my pantry is pretty well stocked, so it’s time to focus on bathroom and laundry.
(i definitely don’t need soap… when i was unpacking, i discovered over 40 bars of soap) :astonished:

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Feels nice being done of the korthia rep grinds

Can begin to put 0 effort into doing stuff there instead of farming every rare lol

I want to build a outdoor wok station that I can hook up to a propane tank. THat way I can get better heat to the wok.

I spent 9 years as a cook at P.F. Changs and using a wok on a range (gas or electric ) just isn’t the same .


“Drink some Cranberry Juice.”

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i’ll try that next time i get some money thank you
hope you’re well

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“I am surviving.”

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I really need to do some mog shopping, for my mail wearers, it seems I can’t put any pieces together well with what I have. The Nighthold shaman gear looks really neat to place it with other pieces.

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This is my Death Knight, this mog looks great! Just need pink and purple mogs for the rest of the classes cloth, leather, and mail.

More pink and purple for plate won’t hurt.


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“I can’t see it. Your Armory is hidden.”

Look again, I fixed it. I need to find better shoulders for sure.

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“Just hide those, in the meantime. The rest looks great.”


I’ve got a thing for the pieces from the original 1-60 content.
…a few of my mail wearers: