GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

your kindness is very nice. thank you for your words and prayers.


You’re our Gnomey Homie and, more importantly, you’re our friend, Chris. I don’t give a flying f…lip what anyone else out there has or will tell you about God and the nature of God, but I want you to think about this:

After the great flood, God allowed humanity to flourish not because Humanity was “forgiven” or "purified’ or any of that hokey nonsense. No.

God allowed Humanity to flourish again because GOD REALIZED THAT HE WAS WRONG. After all, God had created Humanity in his very own image and therefore, if Humanity was flawed, so God must have flaws as well.

Point being, there is no reason to hate yourself because of whatever someone may have told you what God said. Those scum are liars who look to victimize to empower themselves.

Instead, listen to God himself and perhaps, hopefully’ you will begin to hear a truly wonderous song.

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I know I said I wouldn’t say anything more about God, Surfy but if anyone is interested, I think this is one of the most spiritually profound songs if you listen deeply to it. And yes, it makes me cry each. And. Every. Time.

“Thundering velvet hand”, indeed.


Ok I blame this on the gnomey

Found a fav variation of a U2 gospel track :smiley:

The video quality is meh…but the choir make this rock

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This one is a bit wistful but excellent nevertheless!

And now, for something a bit more upbeatish!

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And a very hopeful song!


quietly posts a song and climbs up into Surfy’s lap with a tasty :bear::sandwich: and his favorite blankie


“Being shy one finger, never stopped Jerry.”


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comes whirling all willy nilly into the Lounge

This is MY song!

does the Angus Kick on the way out of the Lounge


On this day in music


pops into the Lounge through his Deathgate

Yeah, I blasted this one right in the Jailer’s ear when he was taking a nap. BECAUSE I’M EVIL! MUAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!

grabs an electric twanger to beat the Jailer in his juicebox with


pops out of the Lounge through his Deathgate to do rude (and totally evil) things to the Jailer


comes screaming into the Lounge, a blur of metal, green hair, ego, and undeserved attitude

Watch out, Jailer, HERE I COME!

goes whirling all akimbo and off balance out of the Lounge

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I hear you. When I was with my mother who was in a coma and slipping away, the last thing I did was hold her hand and tell her, “I’ve had a wonderful life; a life you made possible… Mom, thank you for my life.”


New Metroid Dread Trailer:

Judging from his being alive and Samus’s reflexive movement it seems the X Virus took possession(or copied) of the dead Chozo researcher and left it’s Home Planet for it’s scheme.

Chozo normally have battle armor and only don’t use it because they built in a punishment protocol into themselves to enforce their Pacifism(aside from the bad Chozo who killed the researchers). The X-Virus being able to alter it’s form on a molecular level doesn’t have to worry about that and can obtain all of SA-X’s upgrades before Samus shows up!

Furthermore it can permanently implement any Beams that Samus doesn’t have at the moment including Dark Beam, Light Beam, Annihilator Beam and Nova Beam!

The first trailer showed the Evil Chozo attacker from the Chozo Memories so if the guy gets any word of the Chozo Researcher he just killed seemingly coming back he will waste no time in trying to get him silenced!

X-Chozo vs Evil Chozo vs Samus! A 3 way battle to decide who is the true Metroid of the Franchise!

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True fact: THIS was my pally tanking song back in TBC!



(ChrisP’s Eddend fictionally throws a basket of virtual french fries on every table in the lounge virtual eating area)

let no fry go uneaten this day!


Well if ya’ll are being music-y

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