GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

“You can have them.”

I’m just looking for the Tasty ones

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i’m lonely… no body’s ever goin to love me because i’m so evil i guess. i don’t even know. oh well. like knowing is possible. just thinking i know is possible and it leads to death. relax chris… breathe. whatever. i have long outlived any relevance and am just wasting time being alive trying to be happy. not hurtin anyone or trying not to but probably still hurtin people. ugh.

chrisp the annoyingly monologuing

I’ll just go away

Why did I come? Why do I go
life has lost meaning

Happy Sunday!!

I am having fun watching the Olympics right now!

I hope everyone has a great day!!


i wish i could watch the olympics but my tv stopped working. something with the cable box.
i can’t be bothered to ask someone to fix it… bleh. dear god i suck.

I believe August somewhere a tax free weekend, depends when or if they have it in your state. Tax free weekend is the best time to buy electronics, furniture and appliances.

I wouldn’t suggest buying anything on Black Friday, most of that stuff is trash and probably refurbished appliances and electronics for sale.

You work retail as long as I have and you will get to know all the dirty dark secrets, that no one will believe.

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i think it’s just the cable’s not working, but thanks.
i don’t know though.
the tv still seems to work just you know no tv channels or anything. but it has menu and it attempts to connect to the cable.

Yes, I’ve felt 9.1 was a step forward

Not perfect, but I’ve had fun in Ardenweald

Messed up my shoulder - pinched nerve that pretty much flared nasty yesterday. So it’s just a matter of waiting it out . Got some stronger meds so I at least got a solid six hours of sleep last night.


Gives Surfy a tender healing hug.


Gives Surfy

healing surge, riptide :ocean:

Have some herbal tea, curtisy of the Horde pandaren.

hands Surfy a cup of homemade pandaren tea


Tell that gnome to get out your pocket so you can heal faster. I bet he weighs at least 20lbs.


Fair enough hehe I’m just being silly :stuck_out_tongue: :wolf:

Hope you’re okay

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Here’s hoping the maintenance actually helps clean up the endless troll threads made during the current fiasco


I wouldn’t count on it


Halp! The Horde’s Horde want all our mushrooms!

/understanding pat


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Haiii OwO I like the song and your glasses btw


“The Glasses are a Vendor Item now. You can go to a Vendor outside the Barber Shop, and just buy them.”


Kinda weird the Sylvanas fight is one of the easier fights in the raid

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