GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)

You’re right it’s not.

Take it slow today - hug pets, drink coffee, sneak in otter videos, laugh at surfy’s funny glasses :slight_smile:

grab them bursts of happy - you can do this :smiley:


I’m certainly going to try. Can’t make any promises, but while my pity well is dried up and filled in, my company is hideously understaffed.

I told you about that, right?

Last May or June, they cut all the ancillary departments 100% and even collections staff by an estimated 90%.

And then had the stones to file for Chapter 11 LMAO (that’s not ‘Laughing My Butt Off’ but pronounced in the obnoxious ‘LA-MAO’).

I dunno. I just can’t bring myself to give a dang anymore.


Inspriation for me to get an otter, they chew on cell phone cases :rofl: :rofl:


On a very happy note, I just checked and have over 100hrs of PTO.

I think some much needed vacation is in order though I fear it may be rejected due to being understaffed.

But we shall see.


(Lady Cyndi Lou wanders off, in search of sleep.)


Don’t think I’ve shared this one with ya Elmer

It’s my fav robin williams clip ever

The guy knew something was going on so he quickly stopped his act and was respectful - then dives into joking about what happened full speed :rofl:

What a genius


I think my favorite thing about Robin Wiliams is that his vulnerability, genuine-ness, and honesty was always on full display without shame. The world is truly a lesser place without him and lesser still for the method of his passing and how quickly people forgot about both him and his illness.

I’m sure that somewhere, somehow, all of the Gods-present, past, and future-are busting a gut at his pure gentle yet direct observations at their own expense.

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@WoW Community

Just so everyone knows this is not a clique thread. Anyone can join us on the fun!

No Toxicity
No Trolling
No fighting
Be a decent person
It’s ok to vent a little

Code of Conduct still applies.

This a chill place for everyone! :grinning:


Guessing you’ve noticed a slight increase in the toxic stuff outside our happy little oasis :slight_smile:


Yes, people are getting ridiculous, It seems our WoW community is now divided sadly, This drama is now part of the comunity which will probably earn FF14 subs. People come to the fantasy world to escape RL nonsense.


Things to note if you are invited to meet a powerful Absolute Monarch:

If you are a civilian be courteous and never say anything that may offend the King!

If you are a restaurant owner, chef or fashion designer offer to make the King whatever he desires you to make for him!

If you are a Developer for Media then decline the invitation immediately and stay in your home country as the King has most assuredly already been offended and is inviting you to his Country so that he may have you put to death or be put in chains for the product you dared to develop!

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The trolls are out in full force attacking the LGBTQ+ mega thread and making give us straight representation threads .

They are making me want to go crap I’m one of you stop making us look stupid.


I’m always reminded of a line from “The Last Unicorn” that goes something like “Never run away from anything immortal as it attracts their attention.”


(Lady Cyndi Lou wanders in.)


Just woke up to another silly variant thread out there

Peeps lost their minds lately i guess

Hello there


I’m going to say something, because I feel it needs to be said. I will probably be flagged to oblivion, but I don’t care.

Taking down the faction barrier is a bad idea, it will create more social toxicity and make some servers like mine worse off than it was when server connections was a thing.

My server is the perfect example. They enjoy making butt jokes, I myself turn trade chat off, but with the Alliance who knows how they are going to react. I’ve read some comments on FB about my server and it was not good. My server is Alliance dominated for a reason to keep our toxic baddies away. Next thing you know people will leave the server making it empty.

People will will just transfer to Horde dominated or Alliance dominated servers, there is no faction balance to this method. It’s just a bunch of selfish people who aren’t loyal enough to their friends to make a change.

The decent way to fix faction balance are Alliance racials they stink for raiding. Some races that are not humanoid will be a plus too. This simple direction would be best.

It’s not World of Warcraft without faction division. This is why I play the game, it’s not cupcakes, rainbows, unicorns, let’s hug, hold hands, sing songs, happy smiley land.

Now with Anduin out of the way we can go back to business. Mindless violence is what brings in the money.


Hey I have a mind when stabbin :stuck_out_tongue:

Part of it too seems to be the players. Even on the basics in PVP - horde seems to complain less

You got friends here Onatah - hang in there :slight_smile:


I didn’t see the typo, I fixed it.

I’m on my phone it does what it wants. I should be back in game soon. I am most likely to transfer to where my friend is, it’s Horde dominated there. There is nothing for me on this server anymore, it all disappeard 3 years ago. :slightly_frowning_face:


As soon as sanity prevails - i’m hoping to get my blue elves up to speed.
Not much for appearance options but i still like them :slight_smile:


Considering Hexus in Ferngully feeds off of Pollution and is inside a Tree what would happen if the Tree and more importantly Ferngully itself gets transplanted in some other environment thus becoming pollution?

I can imagine Tim Curry’s voice going all dramatic as Hexus manifests from his former tree prison as a Tree Demon and unleashes Ferngully upon the world turning the planet into a grand rainforest!

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