Ppl drive them on road around here at the beach, easier to park, drive down to the pier with the fishing gear. My neighbor has a cart he attaches to his with his kayak
wish i had a dollar or more than one
These threads about gear, lol. “The Elitists Are Whining”, “The Casuals Are Whining”. If you ask me I would say everyone is whining. Raiders get purple’s and casuals get blues not as powerful as purple’s but just enough to do stuff in world.
This has never been an issue for as I long as I played. I think it’s multiboxers complaining about making their toons stronger so they can farm stuff faster.
ermagherd you guys!
Exalted Harness just dropped for me!!
it was the last piece of the set i needed, and now i need to decide which plate wearer gets to wear it.
i think it’ll be my night warrior
/happy dance
(still no stupid pink rocket though!)
Have some shaman luck for that.
daly salute
points at the cat trying to hide you right now!
“Baby, it’s cold outside”
1 degree here right now and forecasted to hit a low of -5 degrees tomorrow, -10 degrees on Monday. Looks like I won’t be going outside for a few days
How about where you guys are at?
very neutral day ahead, 22c, no rain in sight. (boo)
we’re in lockdown again, and i need to go do some shopping.
got my big list ready, but probably won’t sleep because i’ll keep thinking of things i need to buy.
i’ve got a hankering for my fancy home-made sausage rolls (which aren’t actually very fancy at all, they just taste much nicer than mass produced ones)
sausage mince, diced onion, puff pastry sheets, baked on a tray with a vented bottom so the under-side cooks nicely. omm nom nom.
…but knowing me, i’ll get back from shopping, and need a nap straight away, and sausage rolls will get delayed
hmm i could also go for some chicken stirfry with noodles…
thanks, i’ll take it!
…but i feel like i’ve used up my luck for the year with getting that chest piece to drop.
i ended up mogging the set on my night warrior, but after spending 600+g to apply the appearance, i now think it would look better on my foxy dude.
i was going to link her armory, but it hasn’t updated yet.
nite all, have a fine day!
In my case, I’m not a very good player but I love the game. This means I need to out-gear stuff that most of you could kill while AFK. If the gearing cap is too low, especially given what a mess the squish has made of old raids, I’m effectively out of this game other than endless cycles of leveling alts. And maybe the time is coming where I’m going to have to admit I no longer have the reflexes and skills to be here. I’m not ready to do that yet, but sheesh, this expansion is not fun for this geezer.
Anyway, just giving the casuals a face you kind of sort of maybe know.
oops, had to pop back in to say Hoppy Valentines Day!
i got you all some sweet treats… but… there was an accident.
things have escalated in my elder scrolls game a bit my orc now kills all humans on site
Snow, snow and more snow.
Let me warm you up.
I’ll be a casual when I come back to wow, what Blizzard usually does, is up the dungeon gear pieces item levels after a new patch is dropped, because it’s pointless to do old raid content when guilds are raceing the next raid content to world first spot. BFA I believe some mythic guilds mopped the floor with raid content, or just skipped normal and heroic to get to mythic content.
Maybe there should be a separate pieces of gear for folks who just want PvE, or use professions to upgrade pieces. I don’t know what would work to make everyone happy,
Some people are cool, I miss doing m+ for fun. I remember that my group brought along a hunter along with us we upped his 2 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 10. He was under geared and died alot, but he did enjoy the carry. This was in Legion I hope he got something nice in his chest. The funny part is he was just a pugg and didn’t know what was going to happen.
“Do you believe your lord does not hear when you speak his name?! I am Salkeen Demon Lord of the legion and more, nothing can hide from my sight!!”
Stands there shaking and does what any Demon Lord fearing Void Witch would do…
Passes Lord Salkeen a Cookie.
“Don’t burn it.”
Void Portals out of there fast.
makes hot chocolate for everyone in the lounge
lava lash fire place
sits and relaxes on couch reading an Orc Magazine
“You still can’t cook worth a dang.”