GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 1)


I’m taking a break from the fourms. Last thread I visited made me wonder why I come here in the first place. That and being called out as an attention seaker when I was having a bad day put a sour taste in my mouth of the fourms in general.

I am leaving this here if anyone wants to join the discord lounge. We have endless supplue of Wonderland drinks, bear sandwhiches, memes and more. Don’t have to join but would love to have you. Invite only lasts a week.


Happy Sunday!!!


Happy Monday!!!


I just realized the implications of Umineko When They Cry’s “Ikuko is Beatrice” theory that has been going around online.

It means that Hanyuu is Beatrice and that Battler is Looper Rika with Bernkastel being Rosa.

It also means that Rika’s mother is the 2nd Beatrice(explaining why Beatrice has Rika’s mother has the same Voice Actor) and that Rika’s mother’s predecessor is the 1st Beatrice.

It means that Rika pre-Loop is Kinzo. Right after Bernkastel killed Rika’s Mother Looper Rika went back to the Fragment she came from while Kinzo-Rika continued to exist until Hanyuu contacted her directly.

Or rather Kinzo-Rika was placed in stasis in the backstory of Higurashi Mei and “died” while Rika was forced back as Hanyuu started killing off her personas: Kazuho(Kanon) and Nao(Shannon) while preparing for her reunion with Rika.

Of course if Kanon was killed by the same Beatrice as Jessica then Kyrie is Beatrice herself and thus Hanyuu. Eva-Beatrice is the Hanyuu that kills her Kyrie Persona. The Gold Eyes Hanyuu that killed an incarnation of Rena(the George to Nao’s Shannon) therefore must be Rudolf Ushiromiya and fall to Eva-Beatrice.

EVA-Beatrice(who took the blame for the crime and accidentally got Natsuhi killed) must be Une(whose speech to Tamurahime got her killed via using up too much power) who must be the past incarnation of Lambdadelta.

As for how Kyrie killed Rosa: She might even be Rosa AKA Bernkastel. The Red Eyes seem very similar to Witch Satoko who suspiciously shares the Red Eyes with Gou Rika who irrationally refuses to be dissuaded from St. Lucia just as how Bernkastel constantly roles fickle dice to get a desired result(Red Eyes Satoko does the exact same thing too).

Bernkastel in that case would be Gou Hanyuu and only claiming to be the real Hanyuu because she is not allowed to reveal her true identity.

That means Yellow-Eyed Rika AKA Lambdadelta’s apprentice Rudolf Ushiromiya is the Beatrice that rolls fickle dice without care for the outcome.

Rudolf is supposed to keep Kyrie in a cage according to Lambdadelta’s orders while the other Beatrice is the one whom Lambdadelta serves as an assistant to.

Ange Beatrice is an incarnation of Hanyuu controlling Rika’s Body until Rika comes back after she leaves following the defeat of Gold Eyes Rika and Bernkastel.

Gold Eyes Rika considering she is Rudolf Ushiromiya is killed first followed by the defeat of Bernkastel.

Of course that means Gold Eyes Rika’s story is going to be revealed after Higurashi Mei and we will learn exactly why Gold Eyes Rika has a grudge against Rika and yet cannot stand a world without her. Is she a fragment of Rika, is she Bernkastel given another powerup that doesn’t require hiding her identity or a fragment of Hanyuu possessing Rika separate from Ange?

Edit: I suspect that Bernkastel is actually Frederica Bernkastel’s Satoko Piece and that Frederica left the Gameboard battle against Hanyuu while infusing her Magic into the Satoko Piece to fight Hanyuu/Lambdadelta. The Logic Error was when Frederica Bernkastel tried to force Satoko to kill her Uncle Teppei despite him being good in the Gou Gameboard.

The Satoko Piece over powering Lambdadelta and killing Teppei resulted in Eua declaring her the Witch of Miracles and her taking Frederica Bernkastel’s Place on the Gameboard.

When the Witch of Miracles Bernkastel(using the Hanyuu Piece) defeated the Witch of Certainty Lambdadelta the Witch of Certainty brought out the Eua Piece(whom declared Bernkastel the Witch of Miracles earlier) and made her the Witch of Stage Magic: Featherine Augustus Aurora and created a Beatrice Piece followed(in Alliance of the Golden Witch) by a fake Lambdadelta piece to distract Bernkastel with Umineko.

Frederica Bernkastel thus must be the Yellow-Eyed Rika AKA Rudolf/Rosa Ushiromiya if Bernkastel is Kyrie Ushiromiya.

Wait, there’s a lounge here?

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“Welcome to our Realm of Insanity.”

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Yes and you can talk about anything you want here.

There is also a Lounge in the Story Forum and the Fan Fiction Forum.

Now returning to what I was talking about:

If Red Eyed Satoko became Bernkastel than the Demon Satoko in Higurashi Mei is Bernkastel while Demon Rika is the Yellow-Eyed Rika and Demon Hanyuu is Erika Furudo.

In all likelihood all the constant mistaking of Rika for Bernkastel caused Erika to just decide to go looking for the Truth of her origin leading her to discover the Witch who created Bernkastel: Frederica Bernkastel and alongside Bernkastel side with her against the Good Guys while taking on Hanyuu’s appearance.

We have yet to see Erika’s Eye Glow.

Of course Erika being the Witch of Truth and Bernkastel in her disguise not being allowed to reveal her identity to people could mean that Erika is not actually Bernkastel’s Piece but Hanyuu under a false identity which means Lambdadelta and Erika’s argument is just a lie to hide them being one and the same because neither she nor Bernkastel are allowed to reveal their identities to the public.

There are only 3 Witches: Hanyuu, Frederica Bernkastel and Bernkastel.

Hanyuu is good at making it seem she is the weaker to a higher Witch(Bernkastel for Erika, Featherine for Lambdadelta, Lambdadelta for Beatrice, Rosa & Beatrice for Maria, and Erika for Ange) when aside from Bernkastel & Rosa(who are one and the same) they are all pieces she pulls out that she can remove on a moment’s notice(and since she can’t figure out how to beat herself she just has her piece dying without figuring out what they died from).


(Lady Cyndi Lou wanders in.)


Psted for ya Zel :slight_smile:
and welcome, u fit in :smiley:


Happy Tuesday!!!


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and how Tuesdays got crazier than Monday in my world I’ll probably never know :rofl:


Tuesday comes from Tīwesdæg ‘day of Tīw’, a Germanic god of war and the sky. It was never intended to be a peaceful day. That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it. Unless cookies are involved.

To me, if a week only has one Monday, so to speak, I’m happy.


It does seem to be living up to expectations :smiley: :rofl:


These lounge threads were always meant to be a relaxed place to hang out. To those still on the journey with us, and to those who’s path has lead elsewhere thank you for adding your own little specialness to our happy hovel of insanity :blush:

Next thread will be open momentarily

and there it is - link is down the bottom

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This topic was automatically closed after reaching the maximum limit of 20000 replies. Continue discussion at GD Lounge # Reforged Shadowlands (Part 2).