GD: Do Not Nerf Tower Ranger Title 9.2.5

I don’t know, i have a hard time getting upset over stuff like this, it really isn’t much different to how i did endless 30 in the proving grounds, the original mage tower, green fire quest or brawlers guild type stuff, people come through later and smash it when they can overgear it or whatever. At that stage, what’s the difference in saying to people that the date they got their achievement is proof that they did it when it was hard?

Unless Blizzard becomes hyper focused on making adjustments each patch to either buff certain things or remove the achievements, isn’t stuff like this just going to always happen?

Oh wait, I’m dumb. I thought this was mage tower related lmao

Torghast problem shouldn’t be nerfed though. Classes should get some balancing changes if anything.

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It’s interesting there are a lot of complaints about being unable to solo the Gauntlet. I would assume players would know this but perhaps it needs to be said - you CAN queue with others to complete the gauntlet. Honestly, unless you’re a monk, I wouldn’t recommend trying to solo layer 8. There’s too many mechanics and the DPS check is too high to force through them. Playing with a party is how I acquired mine.

Also, there could be an argument about Tower Ranger being too difficult for the new META achievement; however, that is a separate argument not relevant to diminishing the feat of acquiring Tower Ranger thus far. Furthermore, it’s my understanding season 4 will have an increased item level, so it’s very possible Layer 8 will be an ease once the new item levels arrive. Complaining about the difficulty for the meta achievement is premature at the moment.

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so then they need to remove tower ranger requirement. simple. the tower ranger title is hard. it takes serious movement, placement, cc’s, stuns, interupts, dispells, slows, kiting, and pure hardcore solid mechanics to attain.

and to every player that got tower ranger pre nerf i want to say you all are awesome and over skilled.

this is wrong is so many ways giving tower ranger to layer 4 completion. all blizzard needs to do it remove tower ranger from the meta and not give it for free to people with layer 4. just nerf the meta down to layer 4 and call it a day. i would rather they do that than give it to undeserving players that didnt earn it the right way. its downright insulting.

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So far, Season 4 doesn’t have an item level increase for solo players, besides instance content. Believe it or not, there’s players tha get most of their gear via world solo content and they can try the gauntlet but they won’t have the increase ilvl from S4.

Also, as you mentioned some player could see it as a diminish but the current value from that achievement its so weird with groups, solo and the whole combination of classes/covenants/specs, it can’t be define properly compared to other goals like mage tower. That’s the thing with value, every player has his/her own definition because the Devs doens’t provide one or the scope of the goal isn’t narrow.

That’s a good solution or just replace it with the Rank 4 achievement, also you could ask for a new achievement for completing it solo instead of using a group for it.

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It’s just a dumb virtual title in coding. Does it really matter that much? its not a mount. And floods of people will have it after SL when they overgear torghast so it’ll mean nothing.

Just cause you can que doesn’t mean you should be FORCED to que with other people. My wife and me like to do things together. Does that mean if we can’t do something we should ALWAYS get a full party because of so? No, not in torghast’s case. Torghast and all its advertised “Can be solo que’d” content. They broke that promise when they made layer 8 impossible for many.


I still wonder how Torghast will be handle after SL, since a lot of anima powers are related to current talents and borrowed powers, maybe we’ll get just anima powers for stats.

It’s sad that this could be an evergreen system with scaling gear ilvl and new things like brawlers guild overtime but that was forgotteng too, so It’ll be discard after SL.

Is…is your world shattered?

I mean you know what you accomplished who cares.

Hard work wasn’t wasted. You still achieve something they didn’t. I can’t help but feel like your ego took a hit somehow and that’s not why you should be doing it anyway


Just cause you can que doesn’t mean you should be FORCED to que with other people. My wife and me like to do things together. Does that mean if we can’t do something we should ALWAYS get a full party because of so? No, not in torghast’s case. Torghast and all its advertised “Can be solo que’d” content. They broke that promise when they made layer 8 impossible for many. Blockquote

Sorry but this argument seems silly to me. If the content requires a group to complete it, then it requires a group. You can technically walk into a Mythic plus dungeon or raid solo too, but you shouldn’t be expecting to conquer the content without a group. I don’t recall Blizzard ever specifying that Torghast was supposed to be strictly single-player content like Mage Tower.

That only applies to dungeons and raids that are current. They did advertise torghast as solo or duo content or group content(whatever you preferred). They failed when they made it too hard for the average player who may not M+ or raid to do layer 8.

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This nerf is fine and is in line with the greater achievement requirements.

This is NOT OK. We spent hours trying to get through Layers 6,7,8. Where are the days when things weren’t just handed out. Certain titles and/or mounts use to be coveted due to being hard to achieve. This now makes the title worthless. I agree with others in that those of us that did do Gauntlet 8 should at the very least be able to have specialized title. It should not be the same as it devalues or hard work!!!


If you really want value on this game, you should ask for clear achievements.

The definition of value regarding this kind of goal is different from 1 player to another because we’ve 12 Classes x 36 specs x 4 Covenants without taking on consideration gear and then you also have to consider that this kind of activity can be completed by groups of 1…5 players.

I could consider that your run has less value that mine because you did it as group with a tank or healer…etc, the value is something relative and it’s better when you’ve your own value without looking if another player has it or not.

if you want value like that comparing with other players, every player should have the same field like the steam achievement on some games, in those games you must complete the same activity with the same character, there’s less factors to change the scenario compared to WoW.

Actually, I would like to see this Layer 8 with really good achievements, like complete it solo as Mage, Warlock, Priest…etc that way you can show your skill with less parameters that could make the run easier or harder or in a group without tank or healer specs…etc, Blizzard could create really specific achievements that could show your skill.

I could understand the value of the title being subjective. There were hunters and priests posting here how they did all eight layers the first week at low items levels. I could only do the first four at 252 ilvl and was stuck at layer 5 for the longest time. Maybe it was gear but there was a lot of trial and error with what anima powers I wanted and which spec and leggo to play with for the last four layers. Don’t ask me how to beat it on arcane or frost cause I have tried. :yum:

Not to take anything away from those classes that had it easier soloing JG layer 8 but it is a valid point that there was imbalance between classes and specs. Same thing with MT knowing mine was on the lesser difficulty scale. I can see it both ways however I know nerfing achievements isn’t new. Maybe i just wish they would have introduced the Veilstrider achievement next season. It just seems too soon. :thinking:


I’m in favor of the nerf. It is unsoloable on several specs while faceroll easy on others. It isn’t a fair challenge.


I’m all for them giving Layer 8 it’s own achievement, but I agree that the change to level 4 was more in line with the rest of the achievement.

As someone that enjoys Torghast and likes to take people through, there are big differences between the classes. And I certainly don’t expect them to do any balancing work on this when regular gameplay balancing needs work.

Ive not spent much time on Layer 5 yet and I need to reevaluate my build for it since I was getting overwhelmed on the first floor both as solo and with a group.

There is definitely a huge challenge jump from Layer 4 to 5 that seemed excessive. This is a reasonable change for a majority of the player base.

How is someone having an easier time in a game taking ANYTHING away from you? Anyone that has already accomplished that without the extra gear should be proud. I’m really good at Torghast and I’m having a hard time. I’m genuinely impressed by anyone that has finished it.

Getting a different title and/or achievement for what you have done is well deserved.

However, being upset that other people will have an easier time with the meta just sounds petty.

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I had forgotten that the new Torghast mode existed. I had fun for about 3 hours a few months ago with it. I was planning on doing this title at level 70 or 80, when the title would lose it’s rarity anyways.

The title, like most pve rewards that are not time-sensitive, should be regarded highly for the joy that the title brings you, not how many or how few people have it. Eventually, everyone who wants the title will it. So comparing yourself to others isn’t going to be fun for you as time goes on.

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Class: Warlock

Opinion immediately dismissed.

so tomorrow is the big day.

blizzard: just give people the meta upon achieving layer 4 of the jailers gauntlet. please do not move tower ranger title to layer 4. leave tower ranger title alone at layer 8 but just nerf the meta to layer 4 instead.

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People don’t want to queue for something that’s designed to be soloed.

Weird, I didn’t know Blizzard designed current raids/dungeons to scale with party size.