All of them had potential. Blizzard’s writers just don’t.
I mean blizzard could write a perfect Mary Sue for us to blindly follow I guess but it seems kind of a cheap hollow writing mechanism.
You mean Anduin?
I mean what I said, I don’t see Anduin as that but you’re welcome to your own interpretation.
If the Horde will ever have a Warchief again, it should be Baine.
The Tauren ain’t never pissed anyone off, Baine has great inter-faction relations, and was an active player in basically every major lore plot thread over all the previous expansions, unlike Thrall, Lor’Themar and Rokhan.
Yes he actively sat looking sad for the entirety of SL. Truly a powerhouse character there.
Failing at what? We are fighting in Undermine and making progress.
He was the one that wanted to bust into Torghast to save Anduin, and Jaina and Thrall talked him down.
Lor’themar won’t take the title of monarch for his own people, there is no way he would accept the position of Warchief. this man does NOT want to be a leader, he just sort of got stuck with the job. that’s why Rommath and Halduron are in the throne room with him as advisors.
(post deleted by author)
I dont know. I didnt say failing.
Gaz gets my vote. +1 for Gaz!!! LETS GOOOOOOOO
As of right now, I’d vote for Gazlowe too.
The Alliance was formed during the reign of Varian’s father, Llane. At tht time it was called the Alliance of Lordaeron which consisted of all the human kingdoms of the time and a bunch of other races. It was led by Sir Anduin Lothar as Supreme Allied Commander initially and then Turalyon when Lothar was killed. Humans were chosen as leaders of that Alliance probably due to the population numbers being highest among humans, as well as from Lothar’s significant military experience and skill. Varian was only a child at that time and his later life was rough after he was captured by Orcs.
When he came back and took back his title of King of Stormwind he also reformed the Alliance with the remaining active kingdoms (and adding the Night Elves and Draenei) from the original Alliance of Lordaeron. He took up the title of High King rather than Supreme Commander (a title which Anduin has not taken though he could).
So the Alliance, in both its precusor form and its current form, has always had a leader. And it has always been a human; from population percentages to start with and probably tradition and Varian’s force of personality after that.
That’s a wild generalisation. The reaction of Alliance players on the death of Varian was widely felt and very strong. I know it shocked me and I’m not normally affected by NPC deaths.
They absolutely can. Player choice has nothing to do with the story/lore. Sure, you can RP things but it’s not a democracy, we don’t get to vote.