Gazlowe for Warchief

Not sure art imitating real life is always a good thing…just saying…

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The Alliance never really had a leader until Blizzard introduced one in the form of Varian because the Horde had a unifying character in the form of Thrall.

I don’t know if it really worked. For one it’s ridiculous for the Night Elves to get lead by some so young. Secondly, the players never “buy into” Varian the same way Horde players did when they created their Horde characters and were introduced to Thrall - i.e. players continued to be Horde because they were OK with Thrall.

Then Blizzard removed Thrall as Warchief and wiped out all that “buy in”.

In the end, players choose their leaders. Blizzard can’t assign leaders to the player base.

The best they can do is create leader characters whose faction anyone can join if they see eye to eye with the leader’s ideals. Or don’t join any if none fit the bill.

You have to respect the fact that he saw what a hell-hole undermine was becoming so he just said, “Screw it,” and left. That’s a person with wisdom.


No! Gazlowe’s doesn’t deserve that gigantic bull’s eye on his back!

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Part of the problem is that it wasn’t elected. It’s an unelected, unaccountable position with war in its name. Not to mention it’s an orcish title - a race with a dark history of violence - and non-orcs shouldn’t be answering to it.

The next time a watchief pops up, assassination attempts need to follow.

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To be fair, Kings are also unelected and unaccountable.

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Well, if it’s an absolute monarchy. But yeah. I don’t think the king of Stormwind should be leader of the whole Alliance either. Though at least it doesn’t have war in its name.:sunglasses:

Or something interesting.

I just lost all interest in the game so I’ve found other things to do but check back periodically.

Thing is, Idk if the writers they have now or the staff they have now can create a good enough story line or situation to make the game more interesting.
It’s weird now. To me, anyway.

I hope we see more voljin sometime soon. He’s sleeping in a pod in Ardenweald now to be reborn right?

Is he?

That’d be kind of cool. I wish something like that had happened for Varian, Saurfang and Garrosh, too.

I think so. Last time I saw him it was when I was helping Bwonsamdi. We returned some missing loa along with sweet voljin to the winter queen where she took him to be reincarnated again.

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Looks at Anduin That guy’s supposed to be your King right??

Sure hasn’t looked like it. You have a leader there that’s all kinds of messed up.

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Vol’jin deserved way better than how he was treated.


Thats fine until someone invokes Mak’gora and he shows up with a wrench and a painters cap. :smile:

Yeah but if he has the red flower you have to watch out. He can spit fireballs.


he has expressly said he is not currently the leader of anything, and none of the other Alliance leaders are acting like he is. idk if he officially abdicated, but he very much NOT currently leading anyone.


It’s not liek either really have true leaderships right now.

Both factions are a hot mess when it comes to leadership positions.

Which is why I have come to agree that councils are our best options at this point.

6/6 warchiefs were failures.

Blackhand was a monster and a puppet for the legion and the shadow council.

Doom hammer lost the second war and led the orcs into a period of captivity.

Thrall did good when he was there but handed it over to…

Garrosh, we all know how that ended.

Voljin got himself mortally wounded and was fooled into handing the reigns over to…

Sylvanas who was a puppet of the jailor.

How many times does the horde want to make this mistake?

The Horde is now ruled by a committee of Alliance-lite characters. They won’t allow a strong leader to take hold.

Which one of the previously mentioned failures was the strong leader we’re searching for?

Maybe there’s a fundamental flaw in elevating an individual to take sole responsibility for our future.