Gazlowe for Warchief

Your warchiefs keep falling. To emotions, to trash mobs, to obvious lies from celestial bodies.

Maybe it’s time to get yourself a warchief with some streetsmarts. Do it fast before they promote some idiot elf. Again.


Gazlowe turning the horde into a company cartel would be lovely!


Riko for warchief!

Make Azeroth Grook Again!


sassy hardwrench


The only remaining Horde Elf leaders would both die for their people. They’re probably the best leaders in the whole Horde.


When you see a small statured figure in charge flanked by giant (by comparison) bodyguards\followers, it certainly projects more respect towards the small statured figure “not about the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight of in the dog” type mentality.

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Right, so see, here’s the problem, your leadership dies a lot. Pick someone else.

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Gamon for warchief

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Wars over. Alliance won. No more War chiefs. If we elect a war chief it takes all the mystery away from who the next villain might be. Leave it as a council no one cares about so we can keep guessing. Have the occasional side quest to remind us thrall still exists and I’m down to just sit back and enjoy this alliance story for a while. Maybe spend some time building up some horde characters so there are more we care about. We don’t need to throw the big title on anyone for a while.


so accurate that it is both sad and funny at the same time.


There are no Warchiefs in the Horde anymore.

The Horde is now ruled by a council that has done and said nothing on screen since its inception.

So much better. What a fine direction for The Horde.

Probably will instead of having a good Orc Warchief like we should’ve had. Every other Warchief after Garrosh was pitiful.

I’m for a Goblin being Warchief.

Kinda reminds me of Sean Penn’s character in gangster squad. Just saw it the other day but he’s the mobster owning L.A. in the 30’s or something and he is smaller than majority of the characters but he strikes fear into everyone. Even men who tower over him bow their heads to him until the “gangster squad” start moving against him.

When you have money, tech, and political power in your favor, you can move a lot of things around. I mean, that is why Garrosh, who was an orc supremacist, only offered goblins power in his Iron horde. Why? Because they legit built his whole army from the ground up.

Death Wing as well. The Dark Heart and the Dragon Soul were built by the goblins. His Death wings armor was built by goblins.

Goblins in warcraft, did vastly more in the background, than almost any other race. Ogrimmar? Built by goblins, twice. All the mega cities on Azeroth? Goblins. Ancient technology and their more modern tech, goblins.

One of the most slept on race in the background.

As much as I used to poopoo the idea of returning to the good old days of faction conflict, I must admit that this leadership who sit around the fire and sing kumbayay is getting a bit boring.

There is no obvious leadership of the Alliance (because Anduin is off finding himself and the guy sitting on the throne seems to be glued there) and there is no single leader of the Horde because of this council thing which has likewise not done a single active thing in a couple of expansions.

I wouldn’t mind at least a little decision being made about leadership and a little conflict of some sort to spice things up a bit. Even if its just bandit raids by Horde packs on Alliance bases (possibly led by greedy goblins) and Alliance political crash-and-burn between Anduin and Turalyon with some Light forces conflict coming in from Draenor.

Just…something exciting.

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Funny enough, if you’re a goblin character, you can see here in the undermine in the bilgewater headquarters and she got her own crew now. She already kinda made a town back in STV but now she got her whole company of her own.


It would be nice if a Warchief acted like a Warchief, if the Horde was the Horde and not a democratically elected Ned Flanders type of tree loving council, if Anduin didn’t forget he’s a guy, if the Night Elves didn’t forget they’re night elves and not just meek gardeners that get smacked all the time etc.

It’s not like this game’s story is going anywhere anyway lol.


I think Undermine might be the only city that’s worse than Orgrimmar.

Stay out of Horde politics Dwarf, we need another ORC as Warchief!