Gating m+ upgrades is stupid

I wouldn’t go there. There’s any multitude of reasons why people would buy KSM, rather than complete it themselves through effort and time.

my turn:

  1. They’re bad.

your turn:

ksm isn’t even hard. And yes I will go there. I personally dont have ksm yet this season but I’m getting close.

They haven’t the actual time to spend playing the game to wait potentially hours for finding groups,

They haven’t the time to raise their RIO level (as pointless as it is) to get regularly accepted to people’s random groups,

They haven’t the necessary skill level for any multitude of reasons (and no, this doesn’t mean “They’re bad”, so shut up and stop trolling; Although it does include those people),

They’re lazy and have the extra cash to fork out to earn it with minimal effort involved,

They’re cash cows and want to skip the ‘boring stuff’ and get right to the ‘end game’…

I can keep going?

No, you shouldn’t go there. It’s bait and trolling at best, and a completely irrelevant statement.

Okay? And? What does this prove? Nothing?


eg. BAD and I wanna get carried

So if you dont have the time to do the grind why do you deserve get accepted to a group that has practice, failed and learned?

I’ve got news for you. If they can’t get ksm on their own merit they’ll never get invited to a group.

But sure keep going.

i.e: You’re just trolling

If you don’t have the time, it doesn’t mean you don’t have the skill. I’ve hardly played these past several expansions, and I’m a competent Mythic raider. Should that discount me from groups because I can, at most, put in 1-2 hours each night because my work schedule takes priority?

I’ve also got news for you: You don’t dictate what other people do with their groups, how they play the game, or how they spend their time either. Your opinion is noted, however.

And sure, I can keep going. But it’d be pointless to seeing how you’re just trolling.

You definitely have a point here. People that aren’t meta are going to struggle immensely compared with others for the same gear. The whole reason Blizzard has never scaled Mythic raid difficulty is because they openly admit with fewer people it’s nearly impossible to balance the classes. Now class will decide just that in M+?

They could easily make 2s drop so little it would take like 500 to get ONE 220 piece.

The question is how long will it take to upgrade an item and what will that cost be based on.
Can’t comment before we know more.
But no its the opposite of stupid.

This is the best solution possible in my eyes.

It will just depend on how long it actually takes to upgrade an item.

By the time this feature is in I doubt I will need its help, so hopefully they will continue to iron this out for the future though.


The only problem with it is Blizzard announced theyre capping this based off the achievement. Now I want the mount so I’m going to get the achievement anyway but not everybody is that good honestly. Getting 1800 in PVP is way way easier than, Keystone master.

By comparison it’s giving LFR players 220

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It would depend on the player.
I tried to do PVP and couldn’t even get to 1600.
But 15s are a complete joke for me.


Either as a tank or as an unholy DK either way… What about all the poor warlocks out there. Don’t get me wrong they are perfectly capable of doing it but the community doesn’t believe that.

My guess is 2-3 weeks to get an item from lowest lvl to 220 assuming the upgrade cost goes up by like 50 each time with a base of around 100 and a weekly cap of 550.

I consider a warlock a very good pick right now.
What the community thinks about the spec is not an issue that needs to be solved here.
Anyone can complete 15s in time.
If you think you can’t, I will teach you what you need to know to do so.
Contact me privately.

why would you need the ilvl when you dont give the content a chance?

My gut feeling is that you’ll be able to do somewhere between 1-2 full upgrades a week. Anything more than that and we return to the trap of M+ being too efficient for gearing compared to other sources of content.

Though the important thing in my eyes is that M+ players finally have a path for gearing beyond “pray for an upgrade from the GV”.

Absolutely. Great step in the right direction.

I fully support KSM being tied to 220 ilvl gear and will be working towards achieving just that.

Now all we need is progression past KSM and we’re in business.

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I agree, I think it should extend to 226 for sure.
Maybe eventually!