Gating m+ upgrades is stupid

Based on how the patch notes are being presented (obviously these could change) You can legit go into a m+2 (which is a joke in terms of difficulty) farm the item you need and then provided you have the perquisite +5, +10, +15 achievement you cna then upgrade it to its desired ilvl.

The old badge/valor system was a limited list of available items. This system on the other hand provides me with 8 dungeons of gear to choose from with the correct secondary stats I WANT no the garbage that is offered from a badge/valor vendor.

Having experienced the badge/valor vendor the gear was always horribly itemised.

Yeah if you meet the requirements you can start with a drop from +2 but would be a waste of points to bring it all the way up.

PvP upgrades were also gated by Renown ranks and/or ratings. This honestly isn’t much different. People who want these upgrades will undoubtedly have already done these achievements or will easily complete them. :slight_smile:

To me, it seems it is a gearing path to stop people from spamming low M+ and getting better than raid gear to skip straight into higher raids.

Ah, but they did!

here we go again! another stupid wall for getting upgrades!


They haven’t explained the upgrade system in the notes. I would hope that it follows the same process with leggos.

There is a fixed cost for a maximum upgrade irrespective of where you are in the upgrade process.

So if you go from 207 to 2013 then to 220 the cost will be the same if you start with a 210 piece that drops from a +15 and you upgrade it to a 220

People think valor points from +2 keys should be able to be stock piled to buy 220 gear? Lol

“I should be able to get fully geared with things from content that is WAY higher than what i am doing!”

Yeah ok. May as well just have normal dungeons drop 220 too then. “WhO cArES wHaT OtHeR pEoPlE gEt”


What a basic comment! How is this system any different from the path laided out for a pvper to upgrade there gear??

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What a train wreck this game and its community is! Thanks for confirming that the reward for privilege is being permitted to trash lesser mortals without consequences.

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Nah, git gud and push some higher keys.


OPs character is literally a troll so I’m going with that right there.

Nobody can actually think that Blizzard should hand out 220 to everyone for free, right? Then again, this is General Discussion.

All I can say is that I’m happy with the new system.


yes they are if u havent done 1 they wont let you in they say get good

maybe you should help them
get good

Or maybe try improve at the game and get through them like the rest of us.

If anything, this system has the risk of being too rewarding rather than the risk of not being rewarding enough. It’d be nice if you could get to 226 or so with all +22s or something, but this is a pretty good first pass.

My only concern is doing a lot of m+ might feel mandatory for raiders, especially early in a tier.

If you’re not doing 220 ilvl content you don’t deserve a handout.


Its mandatory for raiders now to do a minimum of 10 +14s or higher now to increase the chances of better items in the GV.

This additional layer to the system just provides additional RNG protection from crappie rolls in the GV.

Having the ability to upgrade a 210 to 220 is huge espiecally when it comes to trinkets. The difference between a 210 and a 226 trinket made the 226 a clear choice but not anymore

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I was just chuckling to myself and thinking the same thing. :wink:

This is true. I doubt I will get much use out of it either because I’m probablynot going to get the achievements.


I’m perfectly willing to help people get good. Send me a whisper in game and we can discuss rates.

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No it shouldn’t … You moron.

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