Garrosh's character arc

Well the Afterlives video for Revendreth dropped today, and I think that I can safely say that most of us are 99% certain that the Orc we see in the video is Garrosh Hellscream. I find this interesting, as the fact that Garrosh is in Revendreth and not the Maw feels like Blizzard is acknowledging that Garrosh was not an irredeemably evil being, but that isn’t necessarily what I wanted to talk about.

I feel like some sort of reconciliation is the only story arc that would be interesting for Garrosh going forward. I am not necessarily talking about a full redemption, but I would like to see some growth or reflection on Garrosh’s part that shows he understands what he did was wrong. Plus, Garrosh’s story left alot of unresolved psychological and emotional baggage for more than one character, and Revendreth honestly seems like the perfect setting to explore that.

The only other options Blizzard has would be to either:

A) Have Garrosh be a throw-away cameo character, which I think would be a really unsatisfying and anti-climatic end for such an influential character. I also don’t think this option is particularly likely.

B) Have a Garrosh humiliation/“Garrosh was wrong” arc, which I honestly feel would be pretty boring, and would be beating a dead horse to boot. This unfortunately does seem more likely to me, and I honestly will not be surprised if Garrosh is a boss in Castle Nathria.

I am sure that alot of people will disagree, but leave your thoughts below.


All arguably evil souls go to Revendreth first. If they cannot be ‘redeemed’, only THEN are they supposed to go to the Maw. That’s how it would be for ever villain we have ever faced, sans demons or void-like creatures.

Garrosh’s fate could go either way. But it would unwise to toss him into the Maw now, and just make the Jailer all the more stronger for it.


Yeah, there’s an NPC in Shadowlands, who, allegedly, ate world whole, she’s called the World Reaper or something like that, and she’s in Maldraxxus! She did spend time in Revendreth, but it looks like she’s all better now.

So no one is beyond redemption, it seems. It all depends on whether or not one admits their faults.

And tbh, at the end of the day Garrosh was just a warmongering pos. Not really that special. Plenty of those around.

There are people who killed planets in Revendreth. Garrosh is a small thing compared to them. You’re only sent to the Maw if revendreth can’t reform you. If they can you eventually move on to a different afterlife. The zone has some interesting quests.


Where is this stated?

I was under the impression that Revendreth was a ‘rehabilitation clinic’ for a lack of a better term, and that beings who couldn’t be redeemed were sent straight to the Maw by default. This is why we won’t be seeing Darkmaster Gandling, Lei Shen or any demons in Revendreth, because there would be no point.

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This game needs warmongers. How boring would things be if Anduin or Baine had their way, and we just sat in a drum circle all day?


He was certainly fun and I liked looking at him

Blizzard isn’t going to show every dead character in the Shadowlands.

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I am aware. These simply seemed like the most appropriate examples to make my point.

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I feel like a lot of the characters we’re seeing in Shadowlands are characters that died with unresolved baggage, and maybe their deaths were controversial. We’re seeing Garrosh, Vashj, Vol’jin and Kael’thas, for instance, but we’re not seeing characters like Arthas who had full, satisfying arcs that ended with a just or heroic death. We’re also getting side-ish characters we never got to meet and never learned much about in WoW like Uther, Draka and Alexandros(?) Mograine.

I think it may be intentional at this point, on Blizzard’s end, to use Shadowlands to settle some business and threads that had never been followed up on. Like why the hell did Kael’thas suddenly go crazy and how does he feel about his people now, what exactly stirred Garrosh’s descent into using his own people as target practice after a promising turn in Stonetalon, etc.


I find it interesting that Kaelthas and Garrosh are both in Revendreth, since they are connected in a small way.

Kaelthas used his knowledge of the Maghar as a bargaining chip for the Sindorei to earn a seat of prominence among the Horde. Lorthemar passes it on to Thrall. Thrall meets the Maghar, and Garrosh.

Would Thrall have met the Maghar and Garrosh without Kaelthas’s information? Probably, since we were going there anyway. But they are tied in a small way. I wonder if that will be explored.


I kind of doubt it, mostly because I sort of doubt that Blizzard really remembers this little tidbit.

That is a cool observation though. Good attention to detail.

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I’m kind of more leaning that he ultimately is turned into a sort of hulking anima weapon by The Jailer and we have to kill him and Arthas. It wouldn’t be the damnation Arthas would deserve or the redemption Garrosh might have earned, rather the oblivion they would receive would be a reminder to us of the ever rising costs of this increasingly cosmic war that we as Champions of Azeroth have a key in bringing to an end. Now that’s good pathos.

The World Reaper isn’t in Maldraxxus she became an Inquisitor of Revendreth and sided with the Accuser in her rebellion against Sire Denathrius! She gets killed by us before we discover the truth about Sire Denathrius.

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Well, regardless, she isn’t in the maw

I think that it is likely that Blizzard is leaning in that direction as well. Only I think what will ultimately happening is that Sire Denathrius will use him against us in some capacity. What better weapon to use against foolish meddlers than a hulked out, rage-fueled orc? That or his mind will just be so broken that he will get loose and go on a mindless rampage, where we need to put him down. That is my prediction.

His character arc is now “moooooooo!”

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I have to say, it didn’t feel like they were setting Garrosh up to be irredeemable.

I think this except he’d be sent to the Jailer by that time where the same thing would happen to Arthas and we’d have to fight both at once as we head to the final showdown and after both thier souls are destroyed Thrall or Anduin would remark that even death is no escape from the rising cost of an increasingly cosmic war and we have to do our best to bring it to an end.