Garrosh in Shadowlands

The True Warchief in Shadowlands when he sees the other Horde leaders


He won’t be seeing the other faction leaders. Unless he’s in the Maw.

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The only time (that I can think of) that twist would’ve worked is with Wrathion’s appearance back in the story.

edit: Well, that chance can still exist if there’s a reason to protect something of Wrathion’s.

Garrosh is great (and did nothing wrong) but Blackhand is the one true warchief.

I’d settle for any Warchief over this council situation. As long as its not Baine…

We see you Baine. :no_entry_sign:

Garrosh in general…

he should be there, if everyone else from wrath/cata to now is

death was broken in legion

Garrosh died in the AU Draenor. Does he go to our shadowlands or theirs? Are the shadowlands cross-universe? Are there infinite Garroshes?


wasn’t it broken a while ago? whenever sylvanas started the deal with the jailer?

this is why we shouldn’t time travel


He’ll prob be there and we just have to not think about that. Cause in that case there would be 2 Gul’dans in Shadowlands

best not to think about it. he probably went to ours.


someone suggested that the more powerful soul or the one from the main timeline would always overpower the existence of the other

No. The deal began in Legion, but Mueh’zala put it all into motion by making Sylvanas Warchief. Then Death was broken. I’m going to assume helya did it.

Oh, in honor of the OP, This is also Garrosh in Shadowlands…

“They let what join the horde?!”

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the deal with helya didn’t happen till after she had become warchief

yeah and isn’t Bwonsamdi after her soul

Yes. Thats the timeframe death was broken according to Blizz. Four years ago from Shadowlands.

AKA Mid-Legion.

He doesn’t want her soul. He wanted her dead in The Maw so the Jailer wouldn’t have ever broken out. But Mueh’zala betrayed Bwonsamdi and appointed her Warchief through Vol’jin’s dying words. Thus setting everything in motion.

Huh…So Bwonsamdi is actually a hero #BwonsamdiForJailer2.0

you think he wants that?