Garrosh in Shadowlands

Maybe he does? but prob not he enjoys the land of the living too much


What actually happened was that Mueh’zala the Wild God of Death attempted to conquer Ardenweald but certain Souls decided not to join him so he threw the majority of Ardenweald’s Souls into the Maw breaking the machine of Death.

Too many Souls going into a Realm of the Shadowlands at once turns them into Soul Black Holes.

Neither Sylvanas nor the Jailer knew what Mueh’zala caused until Sylvanas got exposed to Azerite and what it showed her changed everything as her and the Jailer’s original plan was to Blight Stormwind and make whatever realm the majority of Souls went to in a short amount of time(Revendreth as likely as not) into a Soul Black Hole.

Azerite revealed the Maw becoming a Soul Black Hole which gave Sylvanas the idea to burn Teldrassil and kill as many Night Elves of Ashenvale and Darkshore as possible to feed the Jailer and herself power.

That is a good scene lol.

Just like to add something to the thread people might not understand about Garrosh.

When people say Garrosh did nothing wrong, they don’t mean everything he did was wrong.

He was corrupted, and he didn’t use his will to do a lot of what he did. Therefore he DID nothing wrong. It wasn’t even him doing it all so how could be be at fault?

yeah alot of Garrosh’s hatred was actually spawned by Varian. Garrosh comes to a new world with Thrall who he sees as a brother and someone he’s never even met is immediately racist towards him of course he’s going to look for no alternative but to kill him

Ooohhh. Is that how he did it? I remember reading that but I didn’t know it was in regards of how death was broken.

Edit: just read through the broadcast text. You just made that up.

“Oh? Good ting Bwonsamdi got a deal with someone who can be recoverin’ dem spirits from dat place.”
“Haha… you think you can undo what I have wrought? The Jailer’s work cannot be stopped now… especially not by an idiotic loa like yourself.”

is garrosh actually in the next xpac? sounds terrible

He became Lightbound. Expansion after next.

  • sounds amazing

Well buckle up for some disappointment, he likely won’t be in Shadowlands. He died in an alternate uinverse and an entirely different planet. So even if he did go to the Shadowlands it wouldn’t be ours.

On the bright side, we should have two seperate Gul’dan’s in our Shadowlands. The one that died in the Tomb of Sargeras in WC2 and the one that died in the Nighthold in Legion.

I’m sure that will be an interesting sight.

Reading Chronicles Vol. 1, the Shadowlands aren’t an Azeroth-specific place. The Shadowlands exist in much the same way as the Twisting Nether does.

Indeed, however he didn’t just die off planet but also in an entirely different universe technically. A parallel universe to our own.

He’ll prob be there and so will only 1 Gul’dan its just one of those things that we just shouldn’t think too much into

I can see it now… just like WoD , gul’dan is chained up err I mean
Garrosh is chained up, and then khadgar frees him for some reason, but hes a shadow-garrosh.
new expansion.