Garrosh didn't work out, so here's MoP 2.0

This is the actual wording from the last interview. I’m surprised no one made a thread on it yet, so here it is.

When you look back at things with Garrosh, the result of that didn’t really clean up some stuff. But it didn’t really fundamentally made Horde look at themselves and question themselves. So with Battle for Azeroth, let’s look at those things.

Maybe they forgot but this plaque was engraved after Siege of Orgrimmar.

(Thanks Fae for the pic)

It’s really unbelievable they basically said MoP didn’t really work out, so let’s try it again.


Blizzard 2023


When they said Garrosh was a lot of wasted potential, and they regretted how his story turned out…I didn’t think they meant they were going to “Garrosh” Horde leaders one after the other until they got it right.


“hmm, it didn’t work with garrosh, lets try the exact same thing with the next warchief” -blizzard probably


Now, now. Vol’jin got to sit around, do nothing for an expansion and then die to a trash mob. They at least skipped one before giving another leader the Garrosh treatment.


They only taught us lessons in how Orc Supremacy should not be how the Horde works! They didn’t teach the Horde lessons in Morality at all!

The Horde must now look at themselves and learn morality!

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Lorthemar will be killed by Voidwalker #4568 and will hear the Sunwell talk to him in order to name Gallywix warchief.


ah yes, my bad.

Blizzard writers are so lazy lmao


Translation: We realized that most of the Horde races were either morally upright to begin with, or had gone through a redemption arc by the time MoP happened, so there wasn’t as much internal Horde tension as we would’ve liked when we villain batted Garrosh.

So this time we’re just gonna lobotomize all the Horde characters and undo all of their character development so that we can force the story to go in the direction we want it to without having to put in the effort to make it happen organically.


Thanks to Anduin we will learn what the Horde is about. I’m super D dupaty glad that he was there when Saurfang needed a shoulder and cry on. Now that Baine is so sad about Derek and so concerned for the Proudmoores we’ll be on track in no time.


Patch 9.0:

Sylvanas gets a relic that enables her to go back in time to stop Arthas, create the Mithril Alliance, and use it to come take over Azeroth. We get to go to an alternate timeline of the Eastern Kingdoms, explore all of the human nations and their origins, (and probably elves too for some reason). We also learn how to set up forts in each zone. We’ll be able to recruit servants and send them out to complete tasks for us for lucrative rewards.

There will be all sorts of amazing things too - a train that runs through several zones, a boss that swims around the world, some sort of raid in Grim Batol, that area behind Stratholme and EPL, and many other fun things that will absolutely make it into the game.

We’ll call it Kings of Eastern Kingdoms.


I noted how they talked about “old” characters who stories needed to continue.
a) No mention of the Sylvanas.
b) Instead they name a character who actually hasn’t appeared a lot, in spite of how far back his story goes.

The conclusion seems to be that yes, they are eliminating the last major Horde character from pre-Cataclysm (she is ruined as a character anyway) and promoting more minor characters to try and fill in the gap.


They likely still have a plan for her once she is defeated since she has popularity and makes them money.

If someone goes to AU Azeroth it likely won’t be Sylvanas(because Blizzard doesn’t want doubles) but someone(need I say Murozond?) attempting to get rid of AU Sylvanas due to MU Sylvanas being a ticking time bomb/abomination/sleeper agent created by the true enemy to destroy us all!

Of course AU Sylvanas might become a friend due to us saving her…

AU Medivh of course will fulfill the role of AU Gul’dan naturally.

or maybe they will do what they did with au garrosh, and that is not having him

That’s despicable. Maybe I’m overreacting a bit, but really? “Those hordies didn’t learn the first time, so we need to teach them another lesson!” ? Is that what is going on here? To hell with that!


yeah, pretty much.

( ‘-’)
(._. )

ヽ(# ᵒ̌▱๋ᵒ̌ )ノ┌┛Σ( Blizz)ノ


Sylvanas fights in an undead battle against Loa-Ghost Vol’jin.


…No, you chose your own destiny.