Garrisons in Shadowlands, how?

Got a max level toon and want to unlock a garrison, how can I go about doing that? Not looking to roll a new character just for that. I’m already at Warspear.

Just go to Draenor and do the questline.

Questline and thru the dark portal, if memory serves

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Which quest though and where exactly Draenor is huge.

When you get to Draenor by the Dark portal, you simply do the first few quest with Thrall, then you will get to the Garrison questline. It’s well done and easy: Blizzard is holding your hand during the process.

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If you go to the Blasted Lands (make sure it is in current time, not past time - there is a dragon with a chat bubble at the beginning of the zone who will switch it back and fourth). Go to the dark portal and pick up the quest.

If you have never done the xpac before, you’ll need to go through the scenario, but it isn’t long. If you have, you can tell them you want to skip it.

You’ll then be on your way to opening up the garrison.


I’d be happy just to find a bed.

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this thread makes me view this whole game in a very cynical light

OP, go to Orgrimmar, click on the Warchief’s Command Board, Tanaan Jungle comes up.

You can start WoD there. I just checked this on my level 50 mage. It’s there.
Have fun.


Good for you.

You can also use the Timeless Isle skip:


Fly to the dark portal in the Blasted Lands. Khadgar should have a quest for you to start the Tanaan Jungle intro quests.

The confirmation dialog says something like “This journey will take a LONG time. Be sure you have ample time for it” or something similar. It doesn’t actually take that long, there’s just no “stopping” point until you finish the intro questline. After that, you should be sent to Frostfire Ridge, where you do a few small quests to unlock your Garrison. You’ll be able to knock out level 2 right away. It’s cheap and doesn’t take many resources, but you will need a few days to gather the resources for level 3, as well as requiring 5k gold.

edit: as someone else stated, make sure you’re phased into the WoD version of Blasted Lands and not the old version of it. The mobs will be higher level (45? I forget WoD level after scaling) and have names like “Kor’kron” for the first part of their name. If you’re not in the correct phase (you should be unless you previously changed back) you can talk to the NPC Zidormi to phase you. She should be located in the north near Nethergarde Keep. I believe she is marked with a white chat bubble icon on your map.

it is, that’s why i used vocabulary referencing my singular person, because that’s who i speak for

Back in the olden (Vanilla) days, when my main was Undead, I always went to Undercity and went to sleep in a coffin before I logged off.

Of course, now that Undercity is completely blighted, I realize this is not helpful information.


Thanks everyone, I was able to get my Garrison started up painlessly! That was a lot easier/quicker than I thought ^_^.

I guess this will have to do until Blizzard adds proper player housing for next expac (wishful thinking).


This character has her regular table at the Ledgermain Lounge in Dalaran.

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Sadly I don’t bother finding a place to sleep anymore, although I did for a very long time even though I didn’t have a specific place once I started playing this Belf.

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No worries, I’m confident they’ll wise up after this SL mess and add additional layers of PvE like proper player housing for the next expac.


starts laughing, then crying.


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pLaYEr HOusInG… :rage: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :boom: :dash:

I hope you get what you desire in the near future!

Reporting OP to the Dark Lady so she can torture him in the Maw for eternity...