Garrisons in Shadowlands, how?

There’s a portal to Ashran in Draenor in the downstairs room of the portal room in Org. To anyone reading this, just start from there, no need to go through the Timeless Isle etc.

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OP if you are Horde, here is how you unlock your Garrison:

If you wish to unlock it on an Alliance toon:

(P.s. This isn’t only for the OP but for anyone who’d like to unlock their Garrisons and hasn’t gotten around to it yet)

You are responding to a post made in May 2021. Its likely the OP has figured it out by now.

However as to opening the garrison, I have an extra tip:

Get the quest that sends you to talk to Khadgar. Get to the Dark Portal, abandon the quest and go through the portal. You skip all the prequests and arrive to meet the main characters and head straight off to do the few starter quests to build the garrison.


I didn’t realized this thread was necroed. My apologies.

Oh no, I realised it too, however the information is still relevant as starting the garrison on alts is a good way to make gold.

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I can confirm the OP has figured it out by now.

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