Garbage in weekly vault. Again. This game is a punishing hellhole

If M+ dropped 226 or you can upgrade it through valor, it would make the vault completely useless. Do you believe the 6 ilvl will be game changing?


Just pointing out that more weight is put behind your argument if you post on the actual level 60 character who you are having the gearing issues with. If you have all but one slot filled with 226 gear and are having trouble with the RNG for the last slot then your chances of finding the gear you need are low. If the majority of your gear is 213 and you still can’t find upgrades, that’s another thing.

Also regarding the whole PM speel. Yes you need the product to be of quality and good but you also need to meet deadlines and the project has to come out profitable. I don’t see Blizz sinking in extra time to improve quality of the game at the cost of profits. Delays cost them money and they won’t sacrifice money no matter how much better they can make the game. It’s the sad truth and many players wish it was different but it is the way the world works.


Then they never should have put scrapping the barely passable (after years of refinement) azerite system.

They have a scoping problem.

I actually DO know what I’m talking about here. If the new system would cause a delay and consitute more risk than reward (and it was HEAVILY criticized in feedback by players) then it never should have been put in scope.

Never ever not once ever should have been put in scope.

IDK man… it’s really easy to get gear…

My entire guild in 222 ilvl + with several alts 215 ilvl+ with no issues at all getting gear.

All I did was raid and do my 10/10 mythic 14+ every week… was simple as that.

I would have got most my gear from just doing 10 mythic+ a week, and that’s gear the same level as mythic raid. This is one of the easiest expansions to gear up I’ve been a part of…

And I’ve been playing since classic.

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Yeah, all I did was pug M+ and I’m 223. No pvp, barely any pug raids. Which was mostly for Sunking trinket that I still don’t have, but thats whatever.


This advice wouldn’t be worth paying for anyhow. You do realize (being one yourself) that Project Managers answer to a higher power? It’s not about your wishes, the players wishes or the devs wishes. It’s about the companies objectives and goals which is usually… to make money, no matter the cost.

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Yes but all the 1% defending this dumpster fire saying how great it is, best xpac ever blah blah blah.

Sure there was lots of I’m quitting threads since start of time, but not nearly has many as the past 3 months, FACT!


Lol no you’re not.


No, it would be supplementary. If I spend more time than others in the game, or can do higher content, I must be rewarded. Its a ridiculous game design that makes someone with a good RNG have better gear than someone skilled or dedicated.

6 ilvls aren’t game changing for who don’t care about min/max, but this loot system makes the luckiest be rewarded. As some players don’t want to depend on high rating pvp to get gear, others don’t want to depend on luck.

That’s why Game Time option of 30 days was removed. Because it’s doing so well?

Politely the evidence is indicating that YES shadowlands box sales and pre-expac launch sales were up. Everything ranging from even player activity in pvp and m+ and addons and youtube and streams indicates a STAGGERING dropoff.

How many people watched that pvp tournament? Like 7k viewers. That’s HORRIBLE.

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it seems like you are one of the toxic people. 15 to 30 item level upgrade on single item (1-2 average ilevel) won’t make you great, not getting it won’t make you very bad.

You promised us you was leaving preheat… for someone that hates the game you sure do play it a lot


I was being facetious, its not advice. Its a meaningless rant because you are mad at the loot you got, lets be real. I can tell you don’t actually manage anything important if you literally think they “Throw it all away” in the iteration process. If you were a producer (which is what it sounds like you are describing…) you were a bad one that was laughed out of design meetings.

Except the vault IS the primary source of gear?

Can’t get BIS 226 otherwise so…

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This sort of hubris is exactly why great things fall into disrepair.

And no I’ve been very mad at this game for a very very long time, ask anyone else. I’ve been exceedingly upset at these systems.

But if you wish to ignore months and countless PTR pre-expac launch posts, if you wish to dismiss youtubers and even asmongold your literal best streamer’s input-- that’s on you.

That’s not on me.

If you think I’d be laughed out that’s fine. But you’d be wrong too. Again, the hubris behind such a statement is awe inspiring.

Everyone else including even the darlings of this game that made millions like Asmongold are wrong but not you.

Yes, it already is supplementary. What’s your point?

You are rewarded. 1, 2, 3 vault slots for your time. Chance for 226 for higher content.

Min-max or not, if you rely on those 6 ilvls then you are hoping gear compensates for something else.

Hey, don’t make erroneous statements I know from a fact to be hyperbole and incorrect and I won’t call you out on it. You can save yourself the wound.

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Which ones are hyperbole and incorrect though?

Hubris like ranting insulting garbage, appealing to your own authority with no way for anyone else to verify what projects you’ve done, then pre-emptively insulting others and their actual work experience before they can reply? LOL, k im done


He lied to us