Thoughts for Future Events like this

I do still love remix but that being said as the event progresses more and more issues that need… adjusted for future events needs to happen, here are some suggestions:

  • Bosses need some sort of ‘prevent impatient one-shotters’ mechanic. Whether this is like current world bosses in retail or what have you. I race to the boss knowing these people will not wait, even if you ask, but it’s upsetting to see people get left behind. I can only grip, roar, ect. So many times. It feels extremely awful to zone into an LFR midway only to realize you cannot get to the bosses before they die and will suffer 15 minutes of ‘deserter’ debuff just because you can’t control when you’re put into a group.


  • Remove Group Raids from the event. I think a lot of people’s contention with farmers came from being excluded from raid groups because they didn’t farm. Allow normal raids for solo achieves, currency, and feats would allow people to still revel in power while not pitting the community against itself.

  • Currency drops should increase as your cloak level does for as long as your cloak does. Want to speed through? Farm up your cloak and you’re drowning in bronze and done. A good compromise in my mind for the current situation and future ones.

  • Reconsider sharding in combat across the board. ESPECIALLY for these events it feels AWFUL to get to a rare and halfway dead then get sharded elsewhere.

Again, I’m having general fun but some things (like LFR issues) are starting to become… commonplace and I feel for the people getting left in the dust and my toolbox to help them is quite limited. I would love to see this style of event happen annually but it would need some love to happen successfully <3


Things to address for future remix content:

Level scaling - This really REALLY needs some work. The depowering from 60-70, the trial account exploits… the more you notice it, the worse it feels.

Sources of Power - grindable power scaling needs a massive massive nerf. The bulk of power should come from iconic one off content (the first time you clear a raid, complete a zone, do all dungeons etc - in MOP remix context maybe tinker gems should have been tied to achievements), with daily content being almost as significant and finally grindable being the lowest yield power progression (we have gems, threads and ilvl - there were plenty of ways to spread power acquisition around).
Balance wise, if you grind all day everyday you should be about even with the daily offerings (or double considering all day/every day would also do dailies).

Power acquistion-Not sure if there should be hard caps or if there should just be diminishing returns (like heart of Azeroth/artefact weapons) to disincentivise grinding if power should scale . The goal is to maintain the integrity of the game mode, not destroy fun.

Goals & Rewards - I came in with the goal of obtaining Tusks and Heirlooms. Getting titles was secondary but was also fun… I would like more rewards for completing things rather than grinding bronze (though the bronze marketplace was really really good and should hold everything except the achievement rewards).

Alts - it might only be because level scaling is broken but it just feels bad going from a fully powered ilvl character to an alt… like REALLY bad!!! would like to see this addressed somehow.


Maybe the best strategy isn’t to have a 90 day Remix style event. Maybe it’s better to have three 30 day events, with a wipe of everything except Timeless Coins and gold after each. If you show up late for the first you can grab a few collectibles before the second round begins. You can have different play styles for each round. And the upgrade value of your prior gear could be rolled into a bonus currency for several complimentary rounds of gear upgrades in the new round.

The only 90 day consideration would be that any characters created during the event timeframe wouldn’t be transferred out until all three events are over. But otherwise cuts down on both developer micromanagement and player experience stagnation, because each round is only 30 days.

I’ll read OP in a minute but it’s a lot.

Just one suggestion from me:

  • Let me “rebirth” my main, so I can unlock achievements on it during the next Remix.

I would rather “remake”, so to speak, and keep my decades (almost) of character-specific achievements (refilling with new achievements) than make a new character that only unlocks account-wides…

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I like this a lot, being able to ‘rebirth’ or ‘remix’ your current toon to have your build, fill in any achievements you got while current, and such would be a huge boon.

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Aight, read the suggestions and they seem ok. I don’t really understand how some of them improves the game though, other than increase access in an already highly accessible mode. There were some good suggestions about the boss lockout which included teleporting “left behind” players into the room. This also prevents players from doing degenerate things (which I’ve done) like split running ToJS with your max buddy and see who can clear their RP event faster–fish or bear?

As far as the currency goes, I had a thought that was something like two separate LFG tool modes. One for “Blasters”, that gives the full power of timerunning – no caps, no dampening, no “diminishing returns” on fun. Just go plus ultra as hard as you like. But here’s the catch – the rewards you get are dismal +1 threads.

The other mode disables the bonuses of timerunning and scales down your gear to a maximum level. This preserves the original difficulty of the mode – if you do heroic, it’s actually BRUTAL (which starting off, heroics were). In this “Timelost” mode, you gain character power at a rate relative to your overall cloak power. If you have a level 1-10 cloak, you get +1 threads. If you have a level 11-100 cloak, you get +4 threads. This way, if you have a 20,000 power cape, you are actually able to level faster by getting on “equal footing” with newer players (+25 threads–assuming the same log(x)^2-style maths), and it hides your true power from them in the mode. For people who just want to blast though or get carried (especially helpful when starting off anyways), there’s a separate mode that functions like it does now.

Altogether, I am really blown away with MoP: Remix. I think they did a really awesome job on so many levels. Integrating the “MoP experience” into the primary Retail game, providing new challenges and completionist bonuses, absolutely crushing the power fantasy and making it a reasonable grind but not free either. I couldn’t be happier, even knowing the game is disappearing in less than 80 days. One of my goals is even to get bronze capped (I don’t care about cosmetics), just to save the screenshot about something from WoW that I really enjoyed. It’s been a real breath of fresh air compared to… well, stuff like Shadowlands (although the tinkers are kind of close… let’s be honest).

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I think they got a ton right and while I wouldn’t go as far as say copy paste, I do think the overall foundation is really good already. A few of my own notes:

  1. The biggest offender is the cost of power vs collectibles. It feels super bad in a mode of super temporary power I’m “forced” to invest HEAVILY into that power to stay relevant at the cost of collectibles which is the main thing I want. IMO, there should’ve been a seperate currency earned in differing amounts based on the level and difficulty of content you do that handled upgrades to power and let bronze serve as the “I did a thing I get collectibles”

  2. EVERY collectible needs to be on a vendor. As someone who detests LFR (but fully supporting it existing for those that “need” it), it sucks learning there are unique looks tied to a mode I do not want to run that only comes from boss kills (or caches from running it). I would much rather have the option of buying items for bronze at the cost of doing more content to earn bronze.

  3. Be more clear or smash exploiters faster/sooner and with appropriate punishments. We all know froggers and other hyperspawn “abusers” have been a massive point of contention. I agree the problem has been mostly on Blizz for allowing it to exist (hyperspawn creatures should have no loot) but the “punishment” was nothing to a real frogger who kept their gear and any collectibles. Blizzard is well aware of this community and how it operates and has always operated and WILL always operate. People will absolutely exploit anything to gain any edge. The onus is on Blizzard to anticipate better what people are to do or better design things so behaviors don’t affect things in adverse ways or unfixable ways.

For example, we could have a daily thread limit that is achievable with basic/common play…bronze can be done the same way so hyperspawn farmers don’t gain any undue advantage even if they try and anyone who find blatantly obvious exploits can be harshly punished.

There is probably more but those are the big ones that stand out.

100%. DF largely does this. Or just give the rewards to anyone who is in the vicinity to stop the need for tagging entirely.

I’ve heard this from a lot of people and… these people have never raided in Remix because it’s trivial to get a Normal raid invite to MSV/ToES/HoF, except if you’re level 60+ because of Blizzard’s busted scaling. At level 65 you are beyond useless and I don’t blame from not inviting those.

But there are plenty of essentially carry groups and at low levels you’re actually useful. These three raids are not at all gatekept.

Now ToT/SoO are a different story, mainly because they’re so long. Too long. Still, I’ve seen carry raids for these too, particularly SoO because you can invite so many people.

Heroic is a different story. GEtting Heroic raid invites below ilvl 400 is going to be a challenge and people are right to exclude you. With 2M+ health in Heroic SoO you still get randomly two shot.

Still, as far as the necklace goes, I’d be happy to remove ToT/SoO from the neck achievement, require only 3/5 raids instead of 5/5 or allow people to get it from LFR.

I didn’t personally have much problem finding groups for normal, granted it took a LOT of group applications. But I heal even though that is… questionably necessary outside of low level groups.

I just saw the discourse on the forums, got the gist that people felt ‘left out/behind’ and on top of the current issues with LFR (which again, aren’t really issues if you cut your losses and run with the one-shotters) seems like moving forward, not having big group content is easier than having it, plus you wouldn’t have to lose your mind at fights like Animus that just aren’t meant for tinkers.

I think the infinite power thing was a mistake. Should’ve been a weekly cap and the cloak should be account wide for all the stats.

Should be more incentive to play alts and the level scaling needs work.

For the love of the dark lady, the Sunwell and any other in game dieties.

  • Make sure group tagging is a thing!
    it was frustrating as heck at the beginning when Everyone was funneled into the same zone doing the same quests on a first come first serve basis. Needing to wait around for respawn like bunch of dwarves on classic trying to get a boar kill was bad.
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I’m fine with the outcome but I agree we shouldn’t see max ilvl people on day 5. That’s silly.

Beyond a certain upgrade level, the upgrades should be really expensive. So you can get, say, ilvl 402 gear the first week. After that it’s triple cost. Note: the triple cost would be about the current price. The normal cost would be like a third of the current cost. The next week, ilvl 415 (or whatever is the next step) gets normal instead of triple cost and so on.

It would be a catch up mechanism and still allow people to get max level gear early if they really wanted to grind it.

Also, pretty much every Bronze exploit came down to hyper spawns. Just like in retail. Blizzard should have a system that detects and never allows a hyper spawn situation to occur. You’d prevent a lot of problems that way.


That’s kind of the goal I think. The only reason frog farming even went crazy was because players were able to infinitely grind them. As opposed to reaching a weekly cap of some sorts and stopping.

Less work for blizzard too