Gann Stonespire

I didn’t say you had to like it. I said it was part of the narrative, not some kind of endorsement of colonialism.

Land belongs to the people who live in it, aka not Dwarves.

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Technically, Dwarves are the only race who actually live -in- land.

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Alterac was actually annexed by the Alliance after Peranolde’s betrayal. In other words it belongs to the Alliance which include the dwarves.

It was annexed by Lordaeron and Arathi who either don’t exist anymore or don’t have the authority of force to control the land beyond some blustering claim.

Frostwolves and the Syndicate were the primary inhabitants for several decades, not the Alliance. Ergo, it is their land.

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As much as I’d like the Syndicate to be more of a thing and get some development, they haven’t had a leader since Cata so I’m not holding out hope for them being treated as anything more than bandits without a claim to Alterac.

Both Arathi and the survivors of Lordearon are members of the Alliance. Which means the Alliance can exert their right.

Also, the frostwolves are squatters in a land that never belong to them and the Sindicate are a bunch of traitors that lost their rights.

I feel like this isn’t the first time I’ve tried to explain this to you, but a rightful claim to land is an intangible and subjective socio-political construct. It’s not real, and there’s no rules. It’s Frostwolf land because the Frostwolves live there, and the Frostwolves have the moral high-ground because they didn’t violently take it from anyone, it was empty when they got there.

Dwarves did not live there, and are attempting to violently wrest it from its current inhabitants for explicitly imperialistic purposes.

It’s no different from “Calia is the rightful heir!”. Hereditary bloodlines are made up. They have no inherent power or authority over land if they cannot be enforced via threat of force.


The frostwolves do not have any moral high ground! The Explorer’s League version of the event have unarmed explorers suddenly being massacred by Frostwolves.

It was the violent nature of the entire thing that caused Magni to authorized deadly force in return.

Well now said authority is being enforced via forces.

That applies just as much to the Frostwolves! They were digging somewhere else in Alterac and was not near their bases(they did not even know the Frostwolves were there) and then they suddenly get attack. The entire reason the orcs went to Kalimdor was to avoid conflict with the Alliance so technically they abandoned alterac and only recently came back as well!

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Ya’ll know Blizzard designed the whole AV situation so it could be justifiable by both sides, right?


Neither do the dwarves…you can’t claim ownership over a piece of land you don’t actually own…nor ever bothered with until the foreigners suddenly moved in, than you pretend to care about it all of a sudden.

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The Frostwolves want to repel the Stormpike from their home, which they live in relatively peacefully. The Stormpike want to exterminate the Frostwolves and scavenge their corpses for relics in a land that they never cared about until now. There is your moral high ground. Even if the Alliance’s version of events is true (could easily not be - unarmed Dwarves, really?), it’s nothing compared to what the Explorer’s League has done to others and wishes to do to the orcs.

They must be exterminated in the name of King Magni Bronzebeard! The taking, culling, and turning of that land is a sovereign and territorial imperative to the kingdom of Ironforge.

And no, Frostwolves have lived in Alterac since the First War.



The war started because of a misunderstanding over religious beliefs; the orcs attacked the Stormpikes because the orcs’ spirits had been desecrated, and the dwarves are not aware of the spirits. While Brann Bronzebeard understands why the Frostwolves want the land, he simply doesn’t understand why the trolls want Alterac.

And even if that is true, it is nothing compared to what the Orcs HAVE DONE again the members of the Alliance.

And they left with Thrall back in Warcraft 3(Drekthar is even part of the WC3 campaign) and only returned recently.

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Look buddy, I get you’d bend over backwards to justify curbstomping a baby if someone in a blue tabard did it, but attempting to justify retaliatory extermination on racial grounds and/or the atrocities the Frostwolves did decades ago against another kingdom is like 6 or 7 steps too far. You gotta chill.

It is here in the valley’s southern reaches that the Frostwolves eked out a living until the coming of Thrall.

After Thrall’s triumphant uniting of the clans, the Frostwolves, now led by the Orc Shaman Drek’Thar, chose to remain in the valley they had for so long called their home

I like how “well they left!” didn’t apply to the humans, though, only the orcs.


Good ol’ zerde. If team blue does it, it’s glorious and good!. Can’t really argue with someone of that mentality :gift_heart:


Drek’Thar traveled across the sea and helped Thrall found the kingdom of the capital of Orgrimmar in Durotar, and conducted many magical experiments in the surrounding landscape.

Because not all the humans left? We have survivors joining Stormwind/Arathi rejoining the Alliance.

Alterac Valley, at least the event that cause it to occur happened AFTER Warcraft 3. Dwarves sent an expedition, the orcs killed them because they considered what they were doing to to disturb the spirits. With little attempt at diplomacy. It was an outright slaughter.

Literally one guy.

First, no source. Second, is it your argument that all aggression should be responded to with total genocide? Cause you’ve had like 2 or 3 chances to say “No I don’t mean that.” but you…keep not saying it.

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The one guy who happens to lead the Frostwolves. Besides, at that point the clan system was already abolish so you couldnt tell a Blackrock from a Frostwolf.

It was Thrall whole goal to have the ENTIRE Horde move with him so they do not end fighting the humans anymore.

Who said total Genocide? However driving the Frostwolves/making them pay the same amount of blood sounds like retributive justice.

So? Drek’thar left, others stayed. Simple enough. You understand you are attempting to argue that a group who has lived in a spot for decades, but some of them left once, has less claim to land than a group who has NEVER LIVED THERE EVER, right?

Do you not understand what the terms “extermination” and “culling” mean?


Or all of them left and came back with Drekthar. Again, warcraft 3 made it clear in no uncertain terms Thrall wanted the entire Horde to join him in Kalimdor. Especially considering he was given the whole vision about the Eastern Kingdoms being doomed.

Exterminate/cull those attacking. That does not imply kill everyone.