Gaming Isn't Fun Anymore

Elitist addons like Raider io has fostered a harmful “min-max” mentality and has created a toxic environment where players are evaluated solely based on their Raider io score. This had lead to a less enjoyable experience for players who do not place their self worth on their Raider io score and have encouraged players to engage in unethical behavior. Without the pressure of elitist addons, players are more likely to experiment and try new things, resulting in a more engaging and dynamic end-game experience and a more welcoming and inclusive community. Eliminating elitist addons like Raider io can promote a more diverse and dynamic end-game experience and a friendlier community.


I’m having more fun now than I did in the early days of wow. :dracthyr_love_animated:

Literally built into the game.


I’m enjoying WoW more than I have in a while, but I’m also a turbo casual who doesn’t care much about trying to do high end content so I’m not really getting into the whole io score stuff.

For gaming as a whole I just bought and played Red Dead Redemption 2 on Steam and am having a lot of fun. Cowboy go brrr.


Tbh I feel like ppl get very fixated on what a sub-group within a game do and value. If you don’t like their way of doing things, then find the ppl that vibe with your play style and stick to them. I don’t think everyone needs to follow one way of doing things.


I agree… anyone that wants to get into WoW endgame is in for an extremely unpleasant surprise. I’ve been playing for ages and each expansion I try get into M+ and Normal Raiding it is… a truly sad experience. Even Classic WoW was ruined by min maxer gamer culture.


Find core group of gamer friends who like a many types of games. Win and have fun again.


Making friends?

Well now you’re just setting impossible standards!


I have kept at least ten friends from BC/Wotlk era. From those I have meet more. We play all types of games. Some nights it is even Mount Your Friends or Gartic Phone while drinking. Much fun to be had.

Gary Gygax found a way to turn spreadsheets and data into a fantasy gaming experience.

WoW players found a way to turn a fantasy gaming experience back into spreadsheets and data.


so you’re saying the fnatasy was never really there?

I have a group of about 6 of us that play various games, I was just joking.

Though we all have different tastes in MMOs. One of them plays Guild Wars 2, one of them FF14, and two of us play WoW.

Agreed! I get what gear I can and enjoy transmog farming. Which I’m missing a few sets from shadowlands and a bunch of pvp sets and I’ll have a full screen of yellow completed sets.


The fantasy is there.

It just turns out the gamers yearn for the spreadsheets to explain how they killed the dragon.

No, the fantasy was there.

But that imagination and magical worldbuilding all dies the moment you optimize it to death.

When the goal is no longer to have fun or engage with the story and it becomes “what is the fastest and most efficient way for me to finish this and optimize my rewards per hour” it stops being a game and starts being a job.

Say you’re playing Mortal Kombat 2.
This was a great game, which I enjoyed a lot as a child. I would play as reptile, because he was the coolest character, and therefore the best one.
As an adult I know there are tier lists: Reptile is one of the worst characters to play as. Jax is the best, followed by Mileena.

So I can look back and know I was playing wrong all that time. If Mortal Kombat 2 was an MMORPG people would never take anyone but Jax. I would say now, that we optimized the fun out of it. If I picked Reptile now I know I’m making a bad choice. I will have a worse gameplay experience. My wonder is now tempered by the cold logic that winners pick Jax.

It’s human nature, to a certain point. If I was to run a Dungeons and Dragons campaign with a new player his first question would likely be “which class is the best one?” much to his detriment.


There’s more to gaming then “end game” content :dracthyr_comfy_sip:


Built into the game at this point. Stop treating RIO like the boogey-man, you’ve already lost this fight and even if Blizzard removed the in-game implementation and banned RIO tomorrow players would devise a new way to filter each other the day after.

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I introduced an older player to D&D and their first question was which class had the least “X per long rest” stuff cause they just wanted to use their attacks without worrying about running out.

but yeah the couple of times we got new players I usually ask them more stuff like “what do you see your character doing in combat?” rather than just asking them to pick a class. As DM, I’ll make whatever they picked work within the game mechanics.

In my experience the worst is having a munchkin with a new player who just wanted to focus on roleplaying. The new player will be noticeably less effective in combat, and it’ll hurt their enjoyment and make it that much harder to balance encounters as a DM(which can already be a pain at mid to high levels in most TTRPGs).

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I mean, this doesnt sound like he wants to min-max, just that he doesnt want to have to worry about a certain kind of ressource system. Sounds kinda like the opposite of that, he just wants to play something more relaxed?

spot on. why do people come to forums crying about their problems.


He also has the power of practical thinking instead of trying to think of everything using game logic.

He is easily one of the best people to play with at my table.

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