Games junk PvP sucks

Warriors are over tuned Braindead monkeys that twirl around like Cinderella immune doing 9000k dps with more mobility than every class in existence combined .

Death knights just break your neck gripping you 24/7 Doing 160k nonstop deathcoils at max range all day doing nothing else but being annoying

Bm hunters just flap around the arena at Mach 10 speed while npcs auto attack doing unhealable damage all day and have no out play to pet stun into free trap

Fistweavers still ruin wow

Rogues casually 100-0 every stun regardless of defensive cds used

Demo warlocks still doing too much healing while passively being a robot with pets auto attacking for 9000k dps all game with way to much micro cc.

Demon hunters flapping around pressing blur and glimpse all day and snare does nothing because they can just fly around the arena laughing

Remember when wow was fun? Time to
Bring in some fresh blood to the PvP office and make the changes bc the current devs have no idea what’s going on clearly.


people been crying about one thing or another since its’ inception. Take off the rose tinted glasses.


Not really sure what rose tinted glasses have to do with anything stated.

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There’s currently 5+ S tier specs and if you’re playing A- or lower game’s gonna feel bad.

Unfortunately this is nothing new and not likely to change. Blizzard doesn’t have resources/time/desire to tune pvp any closer than that.

Keep playing your spec until it rolls back around to S tier, reroll a current S tier or find another game, because that’s basically your only options.

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vanilla was worse in this regard, getting owned by raiders and their ashkandi swords or whatever. nostalgia is a hell of drug

p.s. can I have your stuff

The game was never balanced but back then the players weren’t so bad.

Twitch and YouTube created these problems of fotm rerolling and hyper efficiency

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You could legit hire 1000 devs that only have the task of handling pvp design and class/spec balance, and there would still be plenty of players complaining about the game every single day.

The rose tint is so real it’s scary.

“tbc arena was when wow arena was fun” — tbc classic arena was pretty dead.

“wotlk arena was when wow arena was fun” — wotlk classic arena is pretty dead.

The above will happen with cataclysm soon enough, and then mop if/when they release that.

It’s a pretty safe bet I think that the participation in mop classic arena will be a fraction of what it was when mop was originally released, so also don’t expect to necessarily achieve the same ratings you did back then, even if you have greatly improved since then (so has everyone else lol).

People need to take a step back, take off their rose tinted glasses, and try to live in/enjoy the moment.

Dragonflight pvp isn’t bad, and is certainly not any worse than the pvp in any other expansion (I considered bfa very fun in many ways, but I also realize that it was bad and unfun in other countless ways).

People would probably have less complaints about dragonflight if legit no changes were made to the current class balance, and if 3500+ mmr/cr was the top end of the ladder.

Deflation isn’t fun, but if obtaining cosmetics is the only way you can have fun in the game, then idk, maybe the game isn’t for you anymore.

If the game wasn’t bad… people wouldn’t be so excited to play the 20 year old versions of wow that everyone already played over and over again. Lmao. Viewerships down, orgs dropped all the awc teams… it’s not enjoyable to even watch anymore and it’s for a reason. Viewership in DF is so bad that even streamers are quitting to get real jobs. It’s unfortunate the 3 developers don’t even prioritize or know what PvP is as it’s not their main aspect so we just get what we get and unfortunately this is the outcome… a dying scene. Think war within will be any better ? Doubtful it’s been progressively worse every patch. Think in terms of the game being fun, the only 2 xpacs imo were legion and shadowlands especially for activeness, always had ques no matter the time of day.



Can’t beat em join em.

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WoW is like a hollywood movie, how the first one is awesome, then every sequal after is worse and worse lol.

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Kind of interesting that druid mains only want to talk about balance when the meta does not directly favor them…

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Balance and Resto are like S+ tier. Granted Balance is the real breakout, since Resto has been S+ since like 2007. Even Feral is “good”, but it kind of sucks to play and is massively overshadowed by its siblings.

One of the best times to be Druid. Still allowed to complain about stuff, but if the thread were made by another class there would be Druids on the list.

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Druids fine. State of everything else is not.

All these :poop:resto druids dying to bladestorm because they’ve never once had to use a braincell to fight against a warrior just makes me die laughing.

Stay mad get rekt.

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I mean what design is proccing bladestorm 24/7 when you get immunity with it as well and the uptime is majority of the arena? I don’t die to it as I rarely see warriors it’s just not fun to fight in the least bit just like DH glimpse and blur… bad design.

Oh just checked even with your blade storm you can’t even get rating… funny you’re calling people sh*t. Lmao

Everything listed is a skill issue. Maybe Santa put some game in your stocking. If not, giiiiiiiiit good.

Think you need it more. Hope you get it.

No, I don’t cry about things that a drunk 3 year old could outplay, while playing the strongest healer in the game at nearly a 60% w/l. That’s pretty good btw, not shaming but it goes to the next point.

Easy to see you’re prima donna garbo that wants free wins. Check your ego.

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Clearly you can’t outplay anything… check your rating and come back.

Just checked you’re not even 1500 but yet you talk about rating like you know what’s going on in the game at all … it’s actually crazy. W/L is irrelevant to me, i play with anyone and everyone for games… on to solo shuffle which is a terrible bracket and I leave more games than I play yet I’m still way higher rated than you.

What’s your excuse.