Games junk PvP sucks

LMAO I don’t leave games so my mmr/cr is ‘true.’ You on the other hand aren’t b/c you cheat.

So lets look at this, you’ve got a 10-15% higher w/l if not more than the median of all the classes you mentioned, think quite highly of yourself, yet can’t deal with these things when anyone can see that you do just fine. You don’t want to put any effort in go play something else and quit being a prima donna.

My mmr is still 2500 in solo shuffle ? Regardless of if you leave games or not mmr doesn’t change. Clown.

No kidding it gets preserved. Idiot. That’s why you leave because you’re going negative on the lobby hence the cheat.

Like if I did that in a priority roll I could be up on rating too, but it’s cheating so I don’t.

You got legend when it was a hand out and are Duelist tier actually, just like me. Stay trash my guy.

I leave because I don’t enjoy wasting my time, solo shuffle isn’t fun to heal and I’m not going to sit there for 25 minutes if I’m not having fun… pretty simple right? Do you pay my bills or my sub? No then i can do what i want. You should focus on yourself as you’re struggling worse than me but yet got all this wisdom lol. I don’t even know how you think you even have a place to talk here when you look at your own rating in all brackets. Combatants are wild.

But yet you didn’t get legend. Nor are you a duelist? Lmao.

No you leave to cheat and you still fail at that. You’re ground level mate, anyone can talk down to you.

Yah leaving is cheating. Makes sense lol. You and I are not on the same spectrum. I’d run circles around you if you were to ever get rating to Que into me. Well I’ve wasted enough time arguing with a 1400 pleb that can’t even understand the game to talk to me… enjoy your Christmas and hopefully you get good. You’re ignored and irrelevant to me.

More like you get off on wasting the time of others.

So don’t queue up, especially if you’re just going to leave games because your ego can’t handle losing rounds.

Also there is no point to rating bashing others. You might think it makes you look better than them, but in reality, it just makes you look like a trash tier fool.

Chronic leavers are the biggest soy boys playing the game, but couple the fragile ego of the chronic leaver with the fact that they choose to rating bash others (on Christmas no doubt lol), and you undoubtedly end up getting the lowest of the low as far as losers go.

PS - imagine complaining or talking smack as a resto druid right now lol. Legit the best healer in the game in every bracket :rofl:


I can que when I want and do what I want. Until you pay my salary and my sub I will leave when I need to and not sit there healing you so you can pve like an ape for 30 mins wasting my time… RL is more important which is why solo que rounds would be more viable than current state of solo shuffle. If you have a problem with ques then Que as a healer and do as you please. Speaking of rating… oh yah solo shuffle is irrelevant so is your rating you are also bad :).

:slight_smile: I triggered the narcissist.

I do play a healer, in fact I main one :slight_smile:

I wish you a merry Christmas :slight_smile:


Cool then you can reque and get another que, enjoy.

I don’t really post much or play anymore but I’d take bladestorm over death grip any day. That ability is actually busted


Lmao yah true. Double grip is not fun at all.