Gamers should invest in bread machines and slow cookers

They’re great. Just throw some beef n veg in the slow cooker, put some flour in the bread machine, and you’re free to play games. Plus with the way slow cookers work, you can actually buy cheaper cuts of beef and they work better with the right recipe. Highly recommend.


We talking about a mooing Tauren, no? Or is that the richer cuts of beef?


They are great the 5-10 times you use them and then they are counter clutter until the end of days.


I was actually standing in my kitchen a while ago having a long evaluation think about where I place stuff, and why do I reach for what I do. I realised in the process, I was copying what my parents before me dud, but with no context to my own cooking life.

Ever since I made a “bread machine station” where it’s always out on the counter and all the ingredients like the flour and yeast are stored nearby, I’m using it way more.

Also, hanging lids on the inside of cupboards has been the greatest hack.


I make my own sourdough a bread machine is not that great for sourdough. And I enjoy cooking so I use a slow cooker a lot.


I don’t eat bread. Too many carbs. Slow cooker food tastes gross to me. I enjoy stir frying or grilling. And sometimes air frying.


Tried the whole home-made sourdough yeast starter thing. It was fun, but more like a craft than a reasonable everyday thing for me. Bread machine fits into my life and is cheaper than store bought.

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It is also healthier. Less chance of getting yoga mat in your bread. I get the sourdough thing. I think that is why I like it. Kind of a hobby.


I actually use mine heaps, throw in a heap of veg+meat, let it do its thing and then i break it down into single portions in little containers and pop it into the freezer, anytime i’m feeling lazy i just warm one up and make a fresh batch of rice or maybe some mashed potato to go with it :blush:

Great way to get a heap of really robust meals for $2 or $3 a pop.


I think they will be sticking with the Doritos and Mt Dew… have you seen these guys?

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Or buy a cheese factor and wine vineyard

I got a pasta machine as a half-joke present from a friend, and I really want to learn to make some real home-scratch pasta when I have some time off. I’ve heard you can freeze it, so at least I’m not wasting a bunch of flour and egg.

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Lol I am a stay at home dad so I never had the luxury of the gamer diet. I had to learn to cook and found out I enjoyed it.


Carnitas in a slow cooker is amazing. And I like using my bread machine to mix and knead the dough but I bake it in regular loaf pans in the oven because I can’t stand the cube of bread most machines make.


I actually prefer the dry stuff because i like a lot of variety, i have maybe 6 containers with different types so i can grab a handful of whatever i feel like at any given time, my favorite is short cut angel hair!

This is one I never tried. I want to but then again the dry pasta is so easy lol.

get you an air fryer too, it’s probably my most used kitchen item. I mostly just cook frozen food with it lol (fries/other forms of potatoes and black bean burgers etc). The one I have is a giant, ugly, heavy beast but also functions as a pressure cooker and some other stuff too, although I don’t use those features nearly as often as I do the air fryer

edit: also if you haven’t tried pizza rolls in an air fryer yet…make that a priority. it’s like a whole different food, I was udderly amazed at how they came out

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They are great for heating up leftovers. Wings and rings the next day in an air fryer are so good.


Completely recommend Instant Pots… Love mine… As for the bread machine, well I’m kind of a snob on those and feel that people shouldn’t get to use a bread machine until they’ve made a couple hundred loaves the old fashioned way… cause as a kid that was our job to help out mom…


Oooh I should make a pot roast . . .