Gamers’ Choice Awards Nomination

And they’ll still lose.

And they deserve to lose. BfA is bad, really bad.


I cast my vote for WoW. I’m still having fun and even with the issues none of the other MMORPGs I’ve tried come close.


NPC#34252 really likes warfronts and NPC#85958 can’t wait for the new allied races to come out. Also, I am having a blast.


This is a pretty good observation of many of the big problems with this expansion, and is among many reasons why I’ve been having trouble motivating myself to really play WoW for anything more than just RP. I need to do LFR on my Orc Warrior and I will eventually but …the Azerite system just doesn’t feel good at all, and it’s worse when you consider that, if you want to jump between roles often, you’re going to be losing more and more gold to do so. That’s not sustainable!

Hell, my biggest issues with this game (though they’re by no means my only ones of course) are the fact that the player race updates in a few cases (Orcs, Trolls, Night Elves, Nightborne, Blood and Void Elves to a lesser degree) all got their armor mapping pretty atrociously ruined.

It’s bad enough with covering sets, but oh goodness the bikini armor can look pretty bad in terms of legwear for the mentioned races and there doesn’t appear to be any reason why it happened? Armor mapping and detail in general seems in need of a real fix, though. Even newer armor pieces don’t look quite right on the aforementioned player races, and it makes me wonder if the way they do armor design needs to be changed/updated completely…

The fact we still don’t have any body customization at all (not even a dang beer belly) and have had no new hair styles for the player races since Wrath is also pretty disappointing.

I love this game, but the expansion? Ehehh… not so much. The story is frankly awful, the disparity between the experiences has been noted by many including myself in numerous threads on the subject, the Azerite system -really- needed to be refined, rep grinding is pretty demotivating with how deliberately it slows the player down from doing the grind…

There’s just been too many missed shots and bad decisions, and it seems it’s starting to really show. I don’t really plan on signing up to vote at all anyway but, I cannot say I’d vote for WoW in it’s current state.


The voting is still going on, at least I was able to vote a couple of minutes ago and yes I cast my vote for WoW.


Can anyone tell me if old school runescape made the cut?

The dev player interaction in that game is top tier


That’s good. I would cast my vote to World of Warcraft as well. It’s the only MMORPG that’s worth mentioning in my estimation. Even though BFA has holes in it WOW still is the best game in the genre by miles.


Thought it might be interesting to watch anyway, but I can’t find it on my DVR schedule. First post says it’s on 12/9, but no airtime is listed.


World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth
The Elder Scrolls Online
Maple Story 2
Lineage II: Revolution
Black Desert Online
EVE Online
Final Fantasy XIV

is the list.

CBS Sunday, December 9 5-6 PM EST

It’s going on now FYI. I was watching NFL and was in another room, When I came back it was on so I’m just going to watch it. Pretty cool tbh, I don’t play any other games besides WoW and League of Legends, so it will be cool seeing graphics, gameplay, etc of other games. I suggest if your bored to tune in!

bfa won best mmorpg

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Lies or truth…? It’s on in the background, but I’m just casually reading forums and doing other stuff, I missed it? Be truthful

Tony Hawk FTW! Inventor of the 900 - and one of the best Vert Skaters of all time. Cool to see him reppin’ Gamers!

I wonder how these are voted on?

I’d much rather prefer a system similar to this: "5-3-2-1" (Up to 4 votes, first choice gets 5pts, second choice gets 3pts, third choice gets 2pts and fourth choice gets 1pt.)

From here, we’d get a better breakdown of actual scores along with total votes.

I do think BFA had a good shot at winning due to shear popularity of WoW. Sure, BFA isn’t the best version of WoW, but BFA is pretty average for WoW…and average WoW is still a pretty good game.

It sold a lot of copies, and isn’t that what really counts?

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Fallout 76 sold alot of copies too… now look at it.



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